I Will Be The Crowned King

Vol 4 Chapter 450: very serious

The sun rises, and all things recover.

Just as the golden morning light once again crossed the clear sky and illuminated the land of Straw Town, a farce-like battle had just come to an end when Anson finally found his pocket watch.

On the siege position on the east side of the town, the soldiers of the Storm Legion and the Shooting Corps, who fought all day and worked the night shift, collapsed in the trenches, one by one, sleepy, with the words literally written on their muddy and bloodstained cheeks. Haggard, leaning on all sides, you are next to me, I am next to you, and you are so exhausted that you don't even have the strength to return to the camp to rest.

And all of this, all thanks to a certain Boley Levent who thought he had seized the opportunity.

In order to take advantage of the fact that the Knights of Judgment attacked Ansen Bach, the Storm Legion might not have time to react and break through the encirclement. Barry Levent, almost without any preparation, forcibly organized the entire army to attack the besieged position. , Under the premise of avoiding fighting as much as possible, do everything possible to escape.

An army is unprepared, but it is necessary to avoid fighting as much as possible to break through, and to run if it can run. People, and the Storm Legion on the position counted the shooting army, which was less than 10,000, and it was a battlefield that was rushed to the battlefield. After fighting for another whole afternoon, the physical strength was severely worn out.

On the other hand, only the main force of the Bolei Legion was damaged, and nearly half of the army still maintained a fairly good physical strength; coupled with the abandonment of excess baggage and light clothing, it should not be particularly difficult to forcibly break through...


Boley Levent decided to take a gamble.

But it is a pity that he ignored, or had to pretend to ignore a few problems: First of all, it was night, they were going to break through, it was bound to not create too much light, and the troops who did not know in advance and did not prepare how to deal with the darkness Cooperate with action?

Secondly, the storm army has a serious consumption of strength, but the position is still in their hands. Even if the number of people is insufficient, can't they use the bunkers and various trenches and traps on the position to delay the breakout troops?

Well, even if all these problems are solved, the troops can break through the encirclement smoothly - such a chaotic operation, there must be a large number of people scattered, how can he regroup these lost soldiers? How to deal with the enemy's subsequent pursuit and encirclement, a troop that has not been supplied with scattered sand can really persist in advancing to Chanugang for a few days, and will it not collapse in place?

The final answer is that none of these questions came to fruition by accident.

Under the dark night, tens of thousands of jihadist legions had no cooperation at all. They basically fought each other in battalion units. The sequence of actions was disconnected from each other. The ditch of the sky; some troops rushed too fast and collided with the front team, thinking they were the enemy, and ended up fighting with their own people early; , fell into the 100,000 mountains and virgin forests of the new world...

But in any case, Borre Levant did succeed in breaking through—literally completed his planned goal, but at this time there were only a few relatives in the army with him, and there were only less than a thousand people left. , the dignified regiment commander shrunk directly into the regiment commander.

The remaining troops were either scattered in the breakout, or annihilated by the Storm Legion, or accidentally lost their way, or simply chose to self-dismiss, abandoning the identity of the Jihad Legion... evaporated.

Even so, as the commander of the legion, Bolly Levant still did not lose confidence: although 99% of the troops were temporarily gone, the only way to break out of the encirclement was only where he was, and returned to the port of slavery to gather. His path is basically the only one he is currently in; he only needs to keep advancing, and the army will regroup under his command.

In a sense, he was right in his opinion... The soldiers of the Jihad Legion who had traveled thousands of miles from the Old Continent to the New World were completely ignorant of the barren New World. Familiar areas, organizations and people are closer; as long as you make good use of this, even if the troops really collapse, they can be reorganized at a very fast speed.

So in the next few days, with only 1,000 people left, Boley Levant panicked to avoid the pursuit from the Storm Legion, and while running away, he gathered his troops to destroy the scattered stinky fish. The prawns have completed their integration again, constantly encouraging them to advance to the slave port, and believe that as long as they reach the slave port, everything will be fine.

As for whether it will really get better, and how to recapture the lost logistics, whether the fleet that transports supplies and reinforcements can arrive in time... Those are not issues that he needs to consider right now. Whether he can reach the port of slavery alive is the most important thing. of.

After experiencing an unimaginable setback, even the ideals of Boley Levant have become very practical; in comparison, the Storm Legion is not as open as he sees it.

Suffered a sap that was almost completely unexpected, and the most important thing was to successfully break through the enemy who had been almost impossible to escape.

In particular, the total number of enemy troops exceeded 20,000, and the Storm Legion had only a little over 10,000 shooting troops including reinforcements. Losing the opportunity to encircle and annihilate the enemy would not only mean losing a victory at hand, but would directly lead to the recurrence of the offensive and defensive situation on both sides. Turn around; once the enemy is restored, it is impossible for the Storm Legion to continue to gain a firm foothold in Strawtown, and the loss of the five eastern colonies is almost a blink of an eye!

Not only that, but even the Storm Legion itself is not fully assembled at the moment... The 2nd Infantry Regiment, which was used as a bait to march towards the Tokyu, has completely lost contact, plus nearly half of the shooting corps; if it retreats like this, the consequences are simply Incredible.

However, the Storm Army, which had just experienced a fierce battle and was forced to fight a night attack and blocking battle, was extremely exhausted. Even if everyone knew the seriousness of the situation, they could not immediately organize a pursuit. They had to rest for at least a day. It only takes five days at the earliest to capture the slave port.

Five days...five days is enough time for a lot to happen.

For a long time, the Storm Legion has always maintained timidity and fear of death, plus the two major characteristics of the diamond eye, and this has formed a special tradition of the Legion - knowing that there is a dangerous battle, it will never take the initiative to propose to participate, as long as the commander-in-chief can take it. It is the duty of the legion to come up with a plan that guarantees success and guarantee the benefits after the fact.

But this time, Anson did not take the initiative to propose any plan, and did not even publicly express a summary of the failure of the blocking battle; on the contrary, a group of half-tired officers could not wait to propose their pursuit plan.

"Chase, we must chase! And the sooner the better, the best now!"

In the conference tent temporarily set up in the ruins of Straw Town, Leo, the unscathed commander of the Fourth Infantry, held his military cap and slapped the long table as if he was eagerly waiting for a meal: "As long as the commander-in-chief is willing to give this regiment to our regiment. Honor, I am willing to give up all the loot captured in this battle - including those captured later!"

In the face of such an impassioned and tear-jerking declaration of battle, the attitude of the Storm Legion up and down is... very disapproving.

"Cough cough... Well, although I admire Lieutenant Colonel Leo's courage and determination, the task of chasing the remnants of the Borei Legion... I'm afraid it has nothing to do with you."

After a few soft coughs, Norton Crosell, commander of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, interrupted very politely: "I'm also thinking of you and your subordinates, don't get me wrong."


Leo's face suddenly turned black: "What do you mean?!"

"It's no fun!" Norton immediately raised his hands with an innocent expression: "It's just that you simply don't think you're suitable for this task."

"Although the Ring of Order has protected you, who are brave and skilled in battle, without scratching a single piece of skin, the Fourth Infantry Regiment has gone through a long-distance raid, and you who occupied the headquarters during the night blocking war were attacked the most, not only In this way, your casualties are not small, basically second only to the Fifth Infantry Regiment."

"In such a situation, don't you think it's really wise to take a break?"

"This, this, this...I...I..."

"That's right! The Fifth Infantry Regiment suffered the most casualties, but this does not mean that we have lost our combat effectiveness!"

Just as Leo, who was at a loss for words, was stammering, Julien, who was still quiet, suddenly blushed, stood up with his hands on the table, and looked at everyone excitedly: "On the contrary, the experience of frustration has greatly inspired us. The morale of the whole regiment swears that it must be ashamed and restore the honor with the head of Boray Levant!"

"I am here to express my position on behalf of the whole regiment. All the spoils can be discarded, and whoever likes the military merits can take it away, but the Fifth Infantry Regiment... definitely does not lose to any Clovis... No, it is any one in the world. The strong army of the army, we just want to prove this with our own hands!"


"This, this..."

Looking at Julien's body trembling slightly, the meeting that was so lively just now suddenly became quiet; looking at each other, you look at me, and I look at you.

In the end, Norton and Leo looked at each other, the former coughed twice, raised his hand to support the other's arm: "That... Julien, don't be so impulsive, everyone is still discussing, and there is no final decision on who will come. …”

"I'm not joking, really not!" Julien turned sharply:

"I am very serious, very serious announcing this decision!"

"So are we!"

Leo next to him also quickly helped: "Of course we all understand that you must be the most hopeful and most qualified candidate among us - but being qualified does not mean the most suitable... Do you understand?"


"That's right!" Norton took over immediately: "Just like Lieutenant Colonel Leo, who has also made great contributions, he also has this qualification, but it does not mean that he is suitable."

"I'm not suitable?"

Leo glanced at him.

"Very inappropriate!"

Norton nodded solemnly: "I've made it very clear just now. The only one in the entire Storm Legion who is still full of stamina and has not lost much, and who can immediately organize a pursuit operation, is our 3rd Infantry Regiment."

"Of course, this is just my personal opinion. The only one who can really decide the attack list is the commander-in-chief."

After speaking, he turned his head to greet An Sen with a slight nod, expressing that he fully obeyed the commander-in-chief's final decision.

Under the leadership of the commander of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, all the officers also silently looked at An Sen, who never said a word, and waited anxiously for the result.

Such an uncharacteristic picture that even the little clerk in charge of taking the minutes of the meeting was startled; in his memory, no similar situation had ever occurred.

Carl, who was also always silent, rolled his eyes... No way, he knew his colleagues too well.

Apart from the honest man who thought about the honorable death of Julien at this moment, the officers present were all eyeing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity—the chance to kill or capture an imperial noble and commander alone.

In any case, the current Borre Lewent is definitely in his weakest state. If he can't take advantage of the power of the whole legion now, it will be difficult to have such a good opportunity in the future.

Is there any benefit to doing so?

Of course there is!

Clovis is different from the Empire. Officers are not a hereditary title of aristocracy but a profession. Although senior officers are still monopolized by wealthy families, the competition between the middle and lower ranks is still very fierce, especially now that wars are frequent, and there is a certain battle all the time. In the ongoing era, every military exploit is an important one on a personal resume.

Like Anson's success, it was the victory of the Battle of Fort Thunder, and the record of capturing Louis Bernard alive and killing Kroger Bernard was not made public. Otherwise, how could it be so easy to pass the army review and get Franz Family Angel Investment?

The thoughts of the officers are basically the same: with such a military exploit, UU reading www. The status of uukanshu.com in the Storm Legion will naturally rise in the future, and it is also convenient to rely on this resume to find a job.

Of course, the ulterior motives of some members of the Truth Society cannot be ruled out. Some guys who are suspected of having old grudges with the Levent family took the opportunity to take revenge, there are young heirs who left the family eager to prove themselves, and there are some who are worried that the Levent family can help this guy. "Headhunters" who are curious about how much ransom is paid... each has a different idea.

Even Anson kept silent to his unusually active subordinates because he had some special thoughts... He especially wanted to know how important the life and death of Boley Levent was in the eyes of the Knights of Judgment?

Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds if we could take this opportunity to attract the Knights of Judgment lurking in the eastern colonies, and block them in Slave Harbor together with Borre Levant?

Not only must a jihadist legion be wiped out, but also the pillar of the Holy See's influence and authority in the new world must be completely smashed, and the dominance of the war must be seized!


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