I will be The Monkey God!

Chapter 109: I want to become your daughter

While her boyfriend was facing an unexpected situation, Yumi was also done with her mission.

After her battle with Zerze, Venomous understood that it was impossible to face those players with unique classes.

She had lost to a man with a special title. If her opponent had Ice Dragon Class, she would have lost in one move! This couldn't go on and she found it unacceptable that fate was so cruel for her.

But if meeting a monke depleted all her fate, then she could be only content with it.

Therefore, she had a plan to change her life in the game!

It was time to take things into her own hands! It felt better to control things from the beginning to the end, rather than stumbling upon a lucky chance as Zerze did.

No one knew what those blue eyes had in mind!

Thus, Venomous went for something similar...

She booked a room in the royal castle using her master's help and prepared glyphs on the ground. Her hands were carefully drawing those while her thoughts drifted to the owner of this place.

Of course, her master was a unique NPC whose reach extended across the continent and so her level was high. She had tremendous poison knowledge and abilities, but should Venomous aim for the top, this master wasn't the person for her.

At most, if she absorbed her knowledge, Venomous would get gold rank class and that wasn't something she wanted!

She was greedy and that was fine!

After the summoning skill became prepared, Venomous distanced herself and inhaled deeply, "Let's get this done... If I die and summon hell to this place, then I can only repay in the future."

Yumi brought a thumb to her lips, then bit it. Blood dripped from it and fell onto the glyphs, then fueled by the mana items resources, the summoning skill lit up in rainbow colors!

The same effect as her beloved did spread before Venomous, but poisonous fog quickly oozed out of it and ate all those colors! The green poison remained in the circle, then the person that this world or leaf should never see appeared before Venomous!

[You have summoned the Snake Goddess.]

[She has answered your summon.]

[You can't issue a contract with her.]

The one who could issue a contract was the Snake Goddess herself.

It was solely because no human could make a servant and master relationship with the god! Of course, it was a debatable topic and it highly depended on the circumstances, but in her current situation, Venomous couldn't even dream of making the Snake Goddess her servant.

Her goal was greatly different, so she didn't pay any attention to those messages except for one.

And that was the first one that told her about the summoned person.

Though it sounded impossible, Venomous believed that she was the only one who could summon this person.

And as the Snake Goddess slithered forward, her appearance and eyes confirmed those thoughts.

The green, slit and clearly inhuman eyes flashed before Yumi.

Those eyes cleared KongFu's weird and annoying attitude at the beginning of their journey! At this moment, Venomous understood why he would go for her as their eyes were similar and the aura coming off these.

Snake Goddess was the same, "A call from this garbage world amused me," She said with a sultry and playful tone, "To kill some time, I wanted to play around with the summoner, but your eyes... and audacity to especially call me... I like it."

Venomous' eyes saved her.

Inwardly, she felt relieved and would gladly ease up her expression, but she remained serious and polite, "For more than four years, I have been called a snake... I even played with poison, but that's not enough for me." Her eyes lit up with a desire for vengeance!

And the Snake Goddess' upper body trembled avidly from finding such a gem!

Venomous didn't miss that and bowed, "I have prepared tea," She gestured for the Snake Goddess to take a seat, then in the blink of an eye, the woman disappeared.

She appeared on the seat with her lower body being snake while upper leaned onto the comfortable, royal chair.

Yumi turned heels and took the seat.

Her eyes rested on The Snake Goddess whose human hand extended for the cup.

The appearance of this woman could be described with one word - divine. Her beauty was emphasized by the snake nature that made her seem alluring.

She had black hair in a bob haircut with long bangs that were kicking alive in the form of snakes. Those snakes had golden eyes and represented her divinity. Her green slit eyes were what captured attention the most, however.

Her upper human body was garbed in exotic armaments. Those armaments were similar to a bra and it still barely covered her ample chest that spilled out to the sides. Her arm sleeves covered most of her arms and were long as they scratched a little of the table as she extended her arm.

Her stomach was slim and mesmerizing as well, exposed for the whole world and its mortals. 

Any race would first keep their eyes on this charming human part in her presence!

Venomous was the same, even though she would love to look at something else. But if she did, it would probably betray her.

If her rapidly beating her hadn't betrayed her plan already, though!

Therefore, if Yumi felt like the whole world and mortals would look at the Snake Goddess Beauty, it had to be the case. Her eyes rested on that stomach, then went below to examine the snake part.

Below her torso, the Snake Goddess had a long and thick snake tail. It looked soft and delicate despite its black color and golden lines that outlined her scales!

All of this lasted less than ten seconds.

When her rosy lips met with the cup, the Snake Goddess casually took the sip of tea and her eyes flashed with surprise. She took another sip and thoroughly drank the whole cup in one go!

At the same time, Venomous' heartbeat reached extreme digits!

[The Snake Goddess has consumed a Love Potion.]

Was there someone as reckless as her? She just fed the god with a love potion made out of mortal's feelings.

It was indeed a poison and the Snake Goddess excelled at it!

This felt like a suicidal move, something that would make Venomous regret her choice for an eternity!

But the Snake Goddess' eyes narrowed and she looked at Venomous in a different light. It seemed like she didn't notice anything at all and waited for Venomous to speak!

"The Snake Goddess..."

"You have permission to use my name," The Snake Goddess replied.

However, it was probably the last hurdle that Venomous had to overcome. She looked down sadly and bothered as if not knowing the Snake Goddess' name was her greatest blunder!

This was another play as Venomous had KongFu who shared the name.

Unaware of it and clearly influenced by Love Potion, The Snake Goddess' rosy lips parted, "When we are alone, call me Miffis."

"I don't want to..." Venomous replied, her words widening the eyes of her guest, "I want to call you mother," Feeling like the love potion had deeply rooted itself within Miffis' heart, Venomous shifted the direction of this new feeling.

It was blooming and a lot of changes could've been made.

Therefore, Venomous turned this love into parental love.

Otherwise, there would be a future where this Snake Goddess turned her eyes and hands into a place where only the monke prince could reach for!

"Mother?" Miffis repeated.

Venomous struck when the iron was still hot, "I want to become a snake and pay back those who had hurt me with poison and fangs! To move around the world undaunted, I want the strength of the highest quality! My heart and will don't lack anything, but strength!"

Vengeance was like music to the Snake Goddess' heart, "You poor soul... If you were born in my family, I would have the next successor," Miffis extended her hands and her snake body brought her closer to Venomous.

Those soft hands cupped her cheeks, then Miffis bit her neck!

In the next second, Venomous felt the tremendous pain blooming from her neck! It spread across her body which convulsed as if sick, "Ahh! Ahhhh!" She screamed while Miffis distanced herself, her snake eyes looking over Yumi.

"You have to prove yourself... Prove that you want to become my daughter," In love with Yumi, Miffis' whole demeanor had changed. She was soft and carefully looked over Yumi, but she also didn't give everything to Venomous on the plate.

Like a parent, she brought quests upon her.

But in that pain and shock, Venomous' heart bloomed with joy as well.

[Your Warrior Class has changed.]

[You have become The Snake Goddess' Daughter.]

[Your race has changed.]

[The Snake Goddess' Daughter - Mythic Class.]

Miffis examined Yumi's new body. Her eyes were going all around her daughter while Yumi sank tired into the chair. The sight of an exhausted and roughly panting daughter brought out a smile from The Snake Goddess.

Her hand stroked her cheek, then her rosy lips blew some wisdom to Venomous' ear, "Lure them and cut their throats the least they expect. Lure, using everything your abilities and body has to offer. Cut, using your fangs or tail while they are poisoned."

"I won't disappoint," Those words were said to herself, but Miffis thought otherwise.

The Snake Goddess turned around and stepped onto the used summoning skill, "I will be waiting for you in your new home." Her body oozed out of the poisonous fog, then she utterly disappeared from this world.

"I won't disappoint... myself," Yumi whispered and let out everything from her, "Haha!" She laughed triumphantly and looked onto her new body!

It would take some time to get used to it, but she also would soon get her human form, so that wouldn't be much of a problem!

And knowing how scheming and evil The Snake Goddess was, Venomous didn't let her guard down. "If she willingly took that love potion, then so be it. I knew about her personality from the beginning!" Yumi knew that scheming person wouldn't casually drink the tea and she had been genuinely ready to convince the Snake Goddess otherwise.

This room from the royal family was also exquisite and it was just so that it could convince the Snake Goddess for the tea talk!

"Mythic class... A flexible class... Those from other leaves lack contact with players. They don't know about class ranks and flexibility... I also have KongFu's knowledge about divinity... This future is possible for me... I will become The Snake Goddess!"

Whatever The Snake Goddess planned, Venomous would complete the quests and change her path!

And while it was impossible with her father's guild, Yumi could play a good daughter before The Snake Goddess!

It was still not entirely her path, but Venomous would make it hers and become the sole existence that relied on herself... and her monke!

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