105 – 105 – Is there something wrong with my youth? #3

105 – Is there something wrong with my youth? #3

Principal Midas.

He was a famous adventurer in his own way in his youth.

Although he was shot in the knee by an arrow, he retired and focused on nurturing juniors.

There were enough qualifications as a teacher or instructor.

He worked hard at his alma mater, Ludens, where he graduated, earning him the nickname ‘Golden Hand’ Midas.

How many activities did the disciples who passed through his hands.

‘For me, teaching was more of a vocation than being an adventurer.’

There were times when I thought so.

However, Midas these days had no choice but to seriously consider the choice of career in the last years of life, which can be said to be the twilight of life.

‘Dukes bastards. Is there not much to do on the mainland? Why do you keep coming back!?’

Midas was distracted by the dukes who visited in succession.

You shouldn’t get caught for nothing, you have to flirt to get a promise of investment.

I have to sharpen my mind.

‘Even when Duke Cain, the incident never stopped. What will happen to Balak… .’

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Just as expected.

As soon as Balak arrived, he grabbed the student by the collar.

The target was Viktor, a student who spoke fearlessly even to Duke Cain.

‘Why is that guy again… !’

It seems like more hair is falling out.

At that time, the Duke’s daughter, Enio Blackstar, stepped forward.

“Dad, I told Viktor-kun not to treat me carelessly… !”

“Are you being mean to me? This is a man’s conversation.”

‘Is it now?’

Midas is a professional who has been in the teaching profession for over 30 years.

I didn’t sit in the principal’s seat as a form.

The headmaster said to Duke Balak of the port without showing embarrassment on his face.

“Senior Balak. Welcome to Ludens. There is a place prepared first, so go there—”

“No, there is a place I want to visit first. I want to see the club room that my daughter joined. I want to see where my daughter lives.”

“Do you have a club? According to the schedule you sent me, I heard you cut the tape at the opening ceremony of the sports day?”

“The schedule has changed.”

Why are nobles such an arbitrary army?

Didn’t nobles, kings, and commoners all know the same things in this Ludens?

However, it was an extremely common order for parents to want to see their daughter’s living conditions.

As I was about to give a nice answer, a black-haired student interrupted.

“good. I will guide you.”

‘That guy… .’

If it stays like this, it will be difficult to even bring out the ‘two’ of investment.

The club room that arrived was an old warehouse of an old school building.

Upon arriving there, the duke frowned.

“To think that my daughter is wasting her youth in such a garbage warehouse. Principal Midas, what the hell happened to this?”

“That, that… . The budget for each club is differentially distributed according to fair procedures, so there is no particular discrimination.”

“Then be careful in the future. Because Enio is special.”

‘No, I can’t.’

When the principal grumbles inwardly, Enio, a female student who has been watching the situation with a blushing face, interjects.

“Dad, don’t embarrass me in front of people… ! Who asked when to do that… !?”

“Okay, don’t make me feel ashamed. My daughter should always be on top. So, give this club the best space right now!”

I want to shout, ‘You’re making a lot of noise!’

However, if you get angry here, the investment may disappear.

So, the principal only groaned, “Yes, I’ll try to review it as long as it doesn’t violate the school rules.”

The problem was a black-haired male student.

“refuse. Do you know that I can accept such an expedient? And this warehouse is already a great place in itself.”

“What? I don’t know if you’re a commoner kid like me, but do you think it makes sense for my only daughter and precious treasure, Enio, to spend time like a jewel in a lofty place like this?”

“If it’s that important, you shouldn’t have sent it to a place like Ludens.”

“… This guy!”

Midas, caught in the middle, seemed to be losing his mind.

‘Victor bastard, have you lost your fear? He did the same to Cain and even to Balak. !’

Set up a private interview sometime and give it a hard scolding.

With that thought in mind, the headmaster wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

“I’ll start with eating… .”

Then Victor spoke.

“Enio knows how to cook.”


Duke Balak reacted sharply.

For an instant, it felt like the air around me had cooled down.

“You mean my daughter Enio, whom I raised without a drop of water, cooks like common people and servants?”

“yes. He does well.”

* * *

In front of the club warehouse.

A simple table made by connecting desks together.

I sat down in front of Duke Balak.

His red eyes never left my face.

It’s like they’re going to pierce my face with their gaze.

“Child, don’t step on my shadow.”

“Is it so?”

Looking down at my feet, there was a dark shadow.

It was because the shadow cast from Balak’s back covered the entire floor.

“Everywhere the shadows reach is my territory. In it I am the king. is the ruler Don’t forget that if you put your mind to it, I can twist your neck and kill you right away.”

Balak’s menacing words made me curious rather than angry or frightened.

What is this enmity of Balak towards me?

Can a 50-year-old hold a grudge against a student like this?

Ballack and I must have met each other for the first time.

No, even if Viktor had had a contact when he was still the son-in-law of the Arkwright family, he wouldn’t have done anything that deserved such blatant hatred or enmity?

At that time, principal Midas, who was sitting next to him and was sweating, spoke.

“Hey, Senior Balak. You know, you can’t kill students. Please don’t forget that this is Ludens’ academy site, not your estate.”

In the original D&A, the headmaster who thought he would only flirt with nobles would take my side?

A little surprising.

But when you think about it, it’s not that surprising.

Principal Midas is the best self-protectionist.

Civil servants among civil servants.

If I die here, the principal will be in an awkward position.

Balak also spit out the words, “Heh, kid, it’s actually not worth killing.”

Then the principal asked again.

“I, Mr. Balak, excuse me. What kind of relationship do you have with Viktor? ? If Viktor has done something rude, I will educate him directly.”

Same with Cain.

It wasn’t bothersome for the headmaster to flirt next to the dukes.

This question was pretty good.

To that question, Enio’s father, Balak, said.

“Look at the sword he put up next to the chair. It’s Tyrbing.”

“Yes, it is a great sword. I also remember how many monsters he cut down with that sword when he was still a student. Is it worth the price of a castle?”

“Yes, it is one of the famous swords that sucked a lot of blood. I would have given it to my precious daughter, Enio. But why does he have something from my family?”

That’s right.

I must have hated having Tyrving.

Didn’t he know I was stealing?

If nike, a scruffy dirt spoon, has super-expensive jewelry, I’ll start by suspecting, ‘Didn’t he steal it?’


Even though Nike was poor, he was not a stealer.

that’s me too

“It is something acquired through a legitimate method. Stop treating people as thieves.”

Balak sneered.

As Balak was about to say something, someone appeared from inside the warehouse.

It was Enio wearing an apron.

In Enio’s hand is a large bubbling pot.


Enio sets the pot down in front of us.

When I peeked into it, I could see the pale red broth and noodles.

Is it ramen?

It’s kind of like that kind of food to serve at a party where the duke and principal are together.

But no one threw up.

After all, it was the duke’s only daughter who cooked the ramen.

“It’s my first time boiling several at the same time, so it might be a little clumsy. How are you?”

For some reason, Enio looked a bit shy.

He glances at me with his face blushing.

I rated it simply.

“Appearance is the passing grade.”

Then Duke Balak gets angry.

“You kid, do you dare to evaluate my daughter?”

This is a really annoying old man.

It’s annoying, but I thought I’d spend a lot, so I tried to get an investment, but I wonder if I made a useless plan.

Being insensitive to your daughter like Cain is a problem, but taking care of her too much is also a problem.

Raising children seems like a really difficult task.

I’d rather attack two bosses at once.


We each made our own ramen.

The principal said, “Senior, looking at ramen reminds me of the old days. When we didn’t have a club budget either. There was a time when I only survived with ramen like this.”

Then Balak said, “When are you talking about the enemy? I don’t remember,” he said softly.

However, I could notice that those red eyes were wet with a strange reminiscence.

The headmaster first tasted the soup, then frowned.

“Somehow, the taste of the nymph’s fingertips in the soup… .”

I looked at Arnoi at the principal’s muttering.

Arnoy said, “It was like that last time, but why does the headmaster know so much about the nymph’s taste… ?” he said softly and trembled.

strange in many ways

It was then that Duke Balak finally came to Hrurup. ate ramen

And then, in an understandable way, I admired it.

“Surely my daughter, of course, she is also good at cooking… ! This dad is a person who doesn’t shed tears very often. Tears come to my eyes when I taste the food my daughter cooked for her father… !”

Is it delicious enough to make you cry?

Arnoy, who was watching this from afar, said, “Duke Balak is a very strange person… !” a voice whispered to Nike.

Nike also said, “I think so too… !” He nodded.

Of course, Balak, the person involved, seemed to be doing well.

However, unlike Balak’s moving gaze toward his daughter, Enio’s daughter seemed slightly nervous as she looked at me.

“Victor-kun, how are you? This is the only thing I can make with the ingredients I have right now… .”

“I will try it.”

I poured the noodles into a bowl with the reddish broth.

The spicy, salty smell of ramen is very enticing, perhaps because I went to the port without even having breakfast to greet the Duke.

It was when I took a bite to know what it would taste like.

“… … .”

“Why, why?”

“You put too much ketchup on it. The water control is also messed up.”

It was tasteless ramen.

I follow other dishes well, but I can’t cook ramen well.

Is this how it feels to see an honor student who is good at solving difficult problems get deducted for making mistakes on easy questions 1 or 2?

“It’s a 3 out of 10. Only then will a position as the owner of a snack bar be a distant dream.”

“… … .”

Enio looked regretful.

But the problem was Duke Balak.

“You bastard, how dare you grade my daughter? 3 points? Of course, shouldn’t it be 15,000 points out of 10? Unforgivable!”

Balak rummaged through his pockets and threw a handkerchief at me.

The handkerchief that fluttered and covered my face.

It means only one thing.

“You son of a bitch, it’s a duel!”

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