111 – 111 – Is there something wrong with my youth? #9

111 – Is there something wrong with my youth? #9

I wasn’t a good talker.

Even after wearing this hard steel mask, it was difficult to communicate with people because it became difficult to reveal changes in facial expressions and emotions.

Imagine wearing a white, solid mask like the Phantom of the Opera 365 days a year.

I think I said it normally, but it’s not strange if there are a lot of cases where I ask, “Why are you so angry?”

The problem was that in many ways, as above, ‘misunderstandings’ were accumulated.

Whether I intended it or not, people misunderstood my story.

So is the case now.

“Viktor, you really can’t be shy. Didn’t the NV Company come from my name? Nice Victoria, right?”

I was momentarily confused by Victoria’s words.

Nice Victorian Company.

How the hell did Victoria come up with such a guess?

Was there anything like that in the conversation we had so far?

Write, I don’t know.

My answer was simple.

“NV Company is not a nice Victorian car.”


Victoria frowned.

Then ask again.

“Then is it NV of Need Victoria?”

In Victorica’s head, V seemed to be very nailed and fixed as Victorica.

“Not even that.”

“Then what is it?”

When Victoria asked, Ariol, who was also washing the dishes, jumped out from the side and said,

“NV means… . It’s the Nymph Volunteer Company… ! Nymph Volunteer Foundation… . In other words, this means the Nymph Relief Foundation… !”

It was also a groundbreaking interpretation.

Of course not.

However, without a chance to explain, the two imps started chattering.

“Nymph Relief Foundation… . That’s a very cool name… !”

“Poipo, it’s to find other sisters who may have starved just like us and bring them to the relief foundation… !”

With so many people talking to each other, it was like a marketplace full of customers.

First of all, I clapped my hands to settle the atmosphere.

“quiet. anyway. Victoria, think more about the student council.”

Victorian becoming student president in the second semester election is a fixed story, whether it’s the arclight route or the blackstar route.

I didn’t know what variables would rage if I strayed from the set rail, so I had to calm Victoria, who was frantic as if she was going to hit the student council at any moment.

* * *

It’s about three in the afternoon.

I headed to the booth set up by the animal welfare club to participate in the animal quiz contest.

There were many people there, among whom there were faces I knew.

Akasha, with her long blue hair, found me and narrowly opened her eyes.

“You didn’t run away, Victor.”

“The prize is mine.”

Prizes at the Animal Quiz Contest.

And even high-end fodder.

There was no reason for me to run away from the competition.

“Victor, cheer up… !”

Nike cheered me on.

At that time, a female emcee wearing a headband in the shape of rabbit ears appears and speaks while holding a magic stone microphone.

“Now then, the 1st Animal Quiz Contest. Start… ! Many people gathered. First of all, from the simple OX quiz… !”

There’s nothing like an OX quiz to reduce the number of participants.

Any problem didn’t matter to me.

I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said I knew most of the animals that lived in Ludens.

So, the first problem.

“Now, there are so many animals living in Ludens, the amusement park of the gods. The number of animals that have been discovered and sorted out is in the thousands… !”

The moderator’s explanation went on for a long time.

When the people who were whispering quietly kept their mouths shut to focus on the problem, the moderator finally turned to the people and asked.

“Okay then, here is the problem. Is the swallow living in Ludens a northern Ludens northern swallow? Could it be?”

Soon, the buzzing around the place grew louder.

“What are you talking about?”

“What swallow?”

“Should I take a picture?”

“Aww… ! This Arnoi, I don’t know at all… ! A swallow is just a swallow, whether it is the north or the south, what the hell is important… !”

Difficulty level is high.

But I’ve played a lot of these ‘minigames’.

I knew that the answer was O.

“The correct answer is O!”

Usuus – those who fall.

To think that half of the people drop out as soon as they start.

Among them was Nike.

“Ugh… . I took a picture, but it was wrong… . Viktor, I’m going this far. Victor must win… !”

“I get it.”

Someone snorted at me like that.

“I took a picture, but did it fit? You’re lucky. Let’s see how long you can survive. If you lose, I will take Catherine as promised.”

Do you want to take it and make it fat again?

He was a very mean person.

It is not possible to lose the kungkyung.

“Akasha, you’ll know who’s been lucky so far when you go all the way.”

After that, I quickly completed the OX quiz.

“Golden Michuri’s cry is Hohehehehe, no… ?”


“Raccoons wash their cotton candy in water too, don’t they?”


It’s not the raccoon that gets washed and eaten, it’s the raccoon.

The quizzes were exactly the same as the animal questions given by the lamp spirit in the sailing content ‘Island of Quiz’, so it wasn’t difficult to guess them.

There are five people left.

Now, it seems that these five people can stand in front of each other and solve the problem.

“Okay, then the first problem. Among the following, you can choose the one that is properly paired with the animal and the cry.”

Did Quiz Island have this problem?

I had to be a little nervous because it was the first time an unknown problem came up.

The moderator said while people’s eyes were focused and everything was wrapped in silence.

“Come on, Pigeon Number 1 – Mongmeong. Squirrel number 2 – Cheep Cheep. Spider number 3 – Kkong… .”


I quickly pressed the button.

“Spider number 3.”

“That is correct! Is it common knowledge that spiders cry? Alright, that’s it for the first warm-up problem. Then the second problem… !”

Is it the second problem?

“Moke-moke is a beast that lives in the forests west of the mainland. I walk on all fours. It looks like a raccoon, but it is different from a raccoon.”

The name Mokey Mokey made me think for a moment.

It’s an animal I don’t know much about.

I’ve heard the name a lot, but never actually seen it.

Should I film this issue?

No, let’s listen to the moderator’s explanation.

“Now, the cry of Mokey Mokey… .”

Then Akasha pressed the button in front of her.

and then it will say

“Moke-. Moke—”

Laughter broke out among the audience at the strange and vivid description.

The host also laughed.

Only Akasha said, “Ooh, don’t laugh… . I really cry like that… !”, blushing and embarrassed.

Akasa asked, hiding his emotions.

“So, is that the correct answer?”

“Incorrect answer. Moke-moke is called mokey-moke-cry, so it’s called mokey-moke, right? But unfortunately, the real problem starts here.”


Akasha frowned.

The host said to Akasha.

“Unfortunately, Miss Akasha lost her chance to answer this question. You have to listen to the question and answer it. Then the problem… ! What is the name of the forest known to be the largest habitat of the moke moke?”

I didn’t know about the animal called Moke Moche.

Knowing this answer, I immediately clicked the button.

“Now, Viktor-kun was the fastest! What is the answer?”

Nike said that he came from Rashgard Forest.

I heard that there are a lot of Mokey Mokey living in Rash Guard Forest.

“It’s Rash Guard Forest.”

“That is correct… !”

what the heck, it’s easy

“There are a lot of Mokey Mokeys living in Rash Guard Forest. It is said that Mokey Moke, who have lost their habitat due to indiscriminate logging and resource development, are in danger.”

* * *

There was no change.

At first, I was a little nervous because there were problems I didn’t know.

The problems given after that were all the ones I had seen the most in the mini-games, so I was able to get them right.

“The winner is Viktor-kun from the cooking department of Victory… ! Now, tell me a word about your impressions!”

“The prize is mine.”

After a brief speech, I came down the stage with the 1st animal quiz trophy and prize money.

Nike and Arnoi come to me and talk loudly.

“It’s awesome… ! Viktor, you got all the quizzes right! I didn’t know Viktor was so interested in animals… !”

“Some of the quizzes were helped by you, Nike.”

“My help? Did I not do anything?”

“There is such a thing.”

“More than that, Chef Viktor is too serious… ! They don’t look happy at all even though they won the championship… !”

is it?

Even after seeing it like this, I feel very happy to win 5 million Renée.

Also, it felt good to beat Akasha, who bothered me.

Akasha, who had been badly defeated in the quiz contest, trembled with clenched fists, as if in great resentment.

“Hey, something is wrong with this… ! Viktor, there’s no way you know so much about animals… !”

“Akasha Keeper. Are you dissatisfied with the outcome?”

“… It’s not like that… . Catherine is… .”

Akasha hesitated.

At that moment, the bag Nike was carrying next to it rustled.

A few white legs protruded from inside, and then a white, dazzling spider came out.

ㅡKong-Kong… !

“Catherine… ! You came to cheer me on!”

No, didn’t it just come out of the bag because it was frustrating?

Akasha stretched out her hand towards Kyeong-Kong, and the human-loving Kyeong-Kong naturally climbed onto Akasha’s white gloved palm.

Akasha said, “Kuh… . I can’t be your master… .” He was very sad.

By the way.

It’s what I feel now, but Akasa seems to be misunderstanding something.

“Akasha, I am telling you that you seem to be misunderstanding something. It has no owner.”

“what? What do you mean?”

“Kongkong and I are friends, not owners and animals.”

If I had to argue with the owner, wouldn’t Nike, who found it, brought it to me, and gave it a name, could become the owner of it?

Of course, Nike probably doesn’t see Kyeongkong as a pet either.

“Animals… . Being friends… ?”

Akasha seemed quite shocked.

Haven’t you even thought about it?

He seemed like an animal lover, but unexpectedly, when it came to the relationship between humans and his owner, he seemed to value the conservative hierarchical relationship.

Is it because he comes from a traditional knight family that values bilateral contracts with the monarch?

“Friends with animals… . I never even thought about it… .”

Akasha looked at the kong in her palm.

then ask

“If you are Catherine’s friend and not her master. You mean I can be friends with Catherine too? There is only one master, but it is okay to have many friends.”


But it was kind of funny.

Is it okay to have multiple friends?

You don’t have a single friend, let alone many.

Wasn’t that why it was called ‘Akasha of the Lonely Rose’?

Akasha said before asking such a question.

“So, Catherine and I are friends from today… !”

-Hooong… !

It was Akasha and Kyeongkong who were happy.

Nike speaks to such people.

“Then, from now on, come often to the club to play and take Kungkong for a walk…” !”

“Is that okay?”


“Unlike Viktor, you are quite broad-minded and kind.”

“My name is Nike Mokey Mokey!”

“Moke-moke, that’s a very cool name. Did you say druid? So, you must know a lot about animals, right? There’s a rabbit I’ve been keeping an eye on lately… .”

“Rabbit is delicious… ! It’s delicious when boiled, but it’s even better when you bake it… !”

“… No, I’m not trying to prey on you, I’m trying to tame you.”

“I see!”

The conversation is a bit odd though.

Akasha and Nike seem to have become friends right away.

Maybe it’s because we have one thing in common: we love animals.


I felt relieved in many ways.

What is left now is Enio and Ballack’s two-man trilogy.

I don’t know if the preparations are going well.

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