115 – 115 – Prepare for interest in a time of peace! # One

115 – Prepare for interest in a time of peace! # One

“To see the state of this brilliant dice… !”

The dice Arnoi raised.

“This is the treasure this Arnoi acquired… . my… . It’s my precious… .”

It was an eight-eyed dice with a golden background.

It was also a strange object that spewed out all the water I was drinking.

Coke, Coke.

I coughed up the water I had bought and wiped my mouth.

I didn’t forget to wipe the water I spouted out with a towel.

Victoria, who was watching this process, said.

“What is it, Victor? I hear Sarena, unlike you.”

“… … .”

isn’t it like me

But I couldn’t help it.

The ‘dice’ that Arnoi was holding in his hand was very familiar to me.

“Arnoi, where did you get that dice?”

“Ah… ! Will Chef Viktor recognize the splendor of this dice…? ? But this is what Arnoy discovered… ! I’m not giving it to anyone… !”

Arnoi was wary of me like a bearer of a hidden precious ring.

He held the dice tightly in his hand and even puffed up his scarlet hair.

“Nymph Vigi, be vigilant… !”

Nymph Biggie, even though she didn’t know what being vigilant was, she was like a very wary squirrel.

I asked lightly to relieve the guy’s vigilance.

“It’s a very good-looking dice. I just want to know where you got it. It looks like a great item, but you got it well.”

“indeed… . Speaking that far, I have no choice but to explain the process by which this Arnoi obtained this die… !”

Arnoi took the weight.

The guy’s story was like this.

“One fine sports day… . This Arnoi, I found a note asking me to retrieve the dice during the treasure hunt and found it diligently… !”

Is it a treasure hunt contest?

Was it a game or contest to find hidden objects in a park or playground?

It felt vaguely reminiscent of what Arnoy was talking about during the sports day.

Arnoy’s explanation continues.

“But I couldn’t find anything… . Arnoi had a very nymph-hating dropout… ! While taking a walk, leaving that regret behind… .”

“During a walk?”

“I was hungry, so I went to the forest to pick and eat a raspberry I had found nearby… ! It’s really delicious looking raspberries… .”

“… … .”

“This Arnoy watched the raspberries, rain or shine, until they grew and ripened… !”

Arnoy’s orange eyes sparkled like raspberries.

“… Its color was very red and shiny, and it was very nymph-friendly and appetizing… ! This Arnoi, I swear, these are the raspberries I wanted to share with everyone… !”

“I see.”

It seemed like a lie when Arnoy said he was going to share raspberries with us.


The story of Arnoy’s bizarre adventure continued.

“When I finally reached out, thinking I had to pick it up… . Out of nowhere, a very nymph-hating Michuri flew in and snatched the raspberries… !”

Arnoy was half mad.

I can feel the anger at having raspberries taken away.

“That’s why this Arnoi chased that nymph-hating Michuri’s nest… ! And, I acquired this dice near the nest… !”

In many ways, the explanation was long and strange, but to sum it up, it just means that you picked up what was on the floor.

Then Victoria said.

“It’s a great-looking thing. is it real gold? There are small jewels embedded in each number in the eyes. It doesn’t look like someone abandoned it, didn’t it get lost?”

Victoria’s guess was correct.

Even the eyes with elaborately crafted jewels on a gold background.

Anyone can tell that it is a valuable item just by looking at it.

“I’ve never seen such expensive items. Who wrote it?”

In other words, if Victoria, the only son of a duke in the mainland, would admire it, it would be worth it.

“This, this Arnoi picked it up, so it means it belongs to Arnoi… !”

Arnoy roamed around.

But rules are rules.

“According to the student council law, if you pick up something from the floor, you must return it to the owner.”

That’s why there is a content called ‘Lost and Found’.

There are contents where you return items you find in various places in Ludens to their owners, increase your affinity for them, or receive sub-quests.

In other words, the yellow ribbon that Enio is wearing over there is like that.

“Victor-kun, do you have something to say to me?”

It was Enio who asked if he was bothered by our eye contact when I was looking at Enio’s yellow ribbon. I shook my head lightly.


I have nothing to say.

Right now I’m just a little embarrassed and I don’t know what to say.

To be honest, I felt like putting my head on the floor and doing a head spin.

But thanks to the eccentricity of <<Steel>>, I was able to keep my composure to some extent.

Eventually it calmed down completely.

“I need to find the owner.”

“Ugh… .”

Arnoy didn’t seem to like having to give someone back the dice he had in his hand. Yeah, when you get something valuable like that, you’re bound to get greedy.

But it was someone else’s thing.

It’s hard to keep it for nothing and be accused of being a thief.

“This Arnoi too… . In fact, I was trying to find the owner… . But even if you ask everyone, there is no one who owns this wonderful dice… !”


It didn’t seem like he was lying.

Arnoi, in his own way, tried to give back to the lost.

Then Domina said.

“So, are we going to play a board game?”

* * *


The dice roll.

An eight-eyed dice that sparkled in gold.

The number indicated by the rolled dice is… .

“oh! Arnoi, you got another 1… ! I’m going to Tartarus Prison… ! Now I can’t throw dice for 5 turns… !”

As Nike laughed, Arnoi shouted, tearing at his long hair.

“hehehehe… ! Why does 1 keep appearing only in this Arnoi’s turn… ? This dice is clearly nymphophobic… !”

“Now, it’s Viktor’s turn!”

Nike gave me the dice.

Looking at the eight-sided dice in my hand, I thought for a moment.

It was because I wondered if it would be okay to throw this away.

In D&A, this dice appears after the ending.

Yes, after the ending.

When going from the 1st round to the 2nd round after the ending.

When going from the 2nd round to the 3rd round.

This die is the object that appears when moving from the 3rd round to another multi-round.

『Now, let’s continue the game… ? Roll the dice.”

Pressing the dice button with someone’s question.

It is the production of multiple rounds after the ending that everything starts to rewind with the degur-returning dice and the game starts again from the prologue.

In other words.

As I expected, it was safe to say that this was a ‘dice to move on to the next round’.

If I throw this, everything will be reset—I’m nervous.

What if it resets?

Are you going to do it all over again?

Where is the first time?

What will happen to me and Viktor?

“Victor, what are you doing? Gotta keep playing… ! roll the dice… !”

As Nike was looking at me with bright emerald eyes blinking, I rolled the dice in my hand onto the board.

It’s a gamble.

Blood runs cold with excitement and tension.

You threw it once before.

Anything special?


Degur – Rolling dice.

Stopped number is 4.

“… … .”

I hurriedly look around.

There is no rewinding or rewinding of what you see around you.

“… … .”

Was it just my mood?

It could just be something that looks similar.


Nike draws a card from the deck.

“Because Viktor picked a 4 on Weather Island… . Let’s see, when a 4 comes out on the island of weather… . It’s raining… ! It’s going to rain now… ! Wizards can’t use fire magic… !”

“Because this Ariol is a water magician, his attack power increases by 1.5 times in heavy rain… !”

With that feeling, the game went smoothly.

The winner was Ariol, who reached the finish line and found the treasure.

“This Ariole won… ! Then another round… .”

As Ariol was about to say something, the windows flashed.

And then a gurgling sound explodes.


We all had no choice but to look out the window in the pouring rain.

It was like a hole in the sky. It was intense rain.

Domina, who was looking at the sky, opened the curtains and muttered to herself.

“Did the weather forecast say it will rain today? The sports day must have been chosen by divination on a day that had nothing to do with rain or snow. what… . It’s already closed, so it won’t matter.”

At that time, Nike trembled.

“Oh, it’s cold. I hate rain. When it rains, my hair gets wet… .”

“The teacher will bring out the blanket for you. When the rain stops, you have to go back to your dorms soon.”

It was late.

But no matter how much time passed, the rain never stopped.

Originally, I knew that Ludens’ mood was erratic.

If it stays like this, everyone will have to sleep in this female teacher’s room without fail.

“Guys, the teacher will give you a towel, a towel, and clothes to change into, so would you like to wash in turn? And Victor… .”

Domina looking at me.

As the only male student in this place, I must be in trouble.

“I will be out for a while.”

Even the wind blows.

I wanted to kill time under the eaves nearby.

So I took the umbrella and went outside, and I felt someone approaching me.

I couldn’t see his face.

I hear the sound of stepping on a puddle.

“Are you Tisiphone?”

“regret. I am Echidna.”

A red-haired woman emerging from the darkness.

Its appearance resembles the twins of Tisiphone and Megaira, but its eyes are like snakes.

cool snake.

“Don’t confuse Tisiphone with the other sisters. Understand? I hate him.”

is it.

I asked.

“So, did you bring what I said?”

“Victor, you and I were meeting for the first time today. But why should you obey your words?”

“That’s right, I’m Duke Blackstar’s agent for today.”

I was Ballack’s agent today.

Therefore, he had the right to use the Blackstar family’s extensive information network.

The servant of the Black Star family, who identified herself as Echidna, opened her eyes thinly and said.

“So, you were an agent? Then I’ll have no choice but to follow your advice. whatever it is Are the Lord’s orders absolute? oh? You’re not trying to make me do something weird, are you?”

Echidna twisting her body.

“Just trying to touch me… !”

“There is no time for fooling around.”

“Phehehe, just doing this. Aren’t you a tougher kid than the ones I’ve heard of? If you’re a puberty boy, give orders to girls your age and listen to the voice of your master. Aren’t you dreaming of that? Are you sleeping?”


“Joke. So, here. It’s a document from the ‘library’ that only the head of the household can use. It’s a document about the Wars of the Roses, so why the hell would you want to see this? Are you thinking of becoming a historian?”


I shook my head moderately and accepted the papers.

When you open it, documents with stories about the ‘War of the Roses’ come out.

Top-secret documents that only the head of the Black Star family can access.

I thought this was Balak’s answer to the question, ‘What the hell happened in the War of the Roses?’

Don’t ask, just find out for yourself.

It is probably for that reason that he handed over the qualifications of the head of state.

“Is it taboo… .”

What I found in countless documents was a taboo.

Taboo witchcraft.

Echidna said as she frowned because of the continued words such as taboo rituals.

“Do you know why the War of the Roses happened?”

“I do not know.”

“The Wildrose family did a foul. A fair game where everyone is aiming for the crown. Isn’t it only natural that the dice are thrown equally each other once?”

“… … ?”

“But the Wildrose didn’t. They reached out to the power of foreign media, which was considered taboo! Well, I can understand the feelings of the maddened Duke of Wildrose, but… ?”

“Have you gone mad? What does that mean?”

“The literal meaning. But I won’t tell you anything more than this. It’s past midnight. Viktor, you are no longer an agent. Give me that material again.”

Is it midnight already?

But I have learned enough information.

foreign and taboo.

And a mad duke.

The puzzles fit together in my head.

“So that was the story.”

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