118 – 118 – Prepare for interest in a time of peace! # 4

118 – Prepare for interest in a time of peace! # 4


The sub quest has been completed.

Acquired magic power 1.

The numbers really went up.

As my magic power increased from 0 to 1, it felt like a lot had changed.

0 and 1 are very different.

… No, I don’t really feel like anything has changed.

“… … .”

I sat cross-legged on the clean pool floor and tried to feel nature. But again, only the smell of disinfectant smells.

said Victoria.

“Can you feel anything? Mana induction is to unite nature and me as one. Sense yourself in nature. Things like temperature, humidity, and scent are also good.”

Is it the temperature, humidity and scent?

Do you mean open up your senses more?

I closed my eyes.

block the view

People are more dependent on ‘vision’ than expected.

If I block that perspective, I might be able to sense things I wasn’t feeling.

“how? What do you feel?”

“… … .”

“Why is this not working? can’t you know? Viktor, how dull are you?”

“Please be quiet.”

I made Victoria, who kept muttering next to me, quiet.

When everything is immersed in silence, try to sink inward again.


Let’s feel the magic.

I also want to try something like the Magic Ball.

Is there anything more romantic than trying out magic in a game?

“… … .”

It was a time when I was concentrating for a long time with that feeling.

“I feel… .”

I felt something.

It’s like the spirit of nature.


At Victoria’s question, I decided to explain in detail the energy I was feeling.

“Yes, it smells. It smells like peaches.”

“… What does it smell like?”

“It smells like peaches.”

“… Doesn’t that seem like you sensed magic?”

“Then what? No, this is definitely magic.”

As a deceased person, I had a hunch.

It is said to be the smell of magic.

“It smells so good. Was magic power really that great?”

I got up from my seat with my eyes closed.

And I moved along with the scent of magic that I felt.

A swimming pool drained of water.

The scent intensifies as you step inside.

Even in a place full of the smell of disinfectant, the only thing that does not lose its scent is ‘magic power’.

So I finally got hold of something.


“… what are you doing now?”

When I opened my eyes, Victoria was in front of me.

sniff sniff.

When you smell it, it smells like peaches.

“What is it, Victoria? It was your scent.”

“That’s why I said it’s not magical power.”

“Don’t confuse me for nothing.”

“Ha, that’s really funny. Who said that he wanted to train magic? I don’t know, do it yourself! Let’s go, Ying-inga!”

– Ying-ying-ying.

Victoria turned around like she was angry.

I said lightly to the guy who was packing the cleaning tools.

“Is there no choice but to ask Enio for help?”

“… … .”

Victoria, who stops her steps.

The boy frowned and said.

“Either way! Spend today’s work!”

it doesn’t work

* * *

Victoria Arclight.

A celebrity in the academy with silver hair and golden eyes.

Beautiful appearance and good conduct.

The genius of Ludens who boasts the top ranking in the 2nd year.

Victoria Arcwright was such a student.

But these days it’s creaking.

‘Stupid bastard. Ask Enio for a hundred days. Can you awaken the magic… ! In the first place, if the attribute is different, the method of practice is also different, right?’

The lightsaber that Viktor handles requires mana of the light attribute.

Enio’s dark attribute is at odds with light.

Therefore, it is impossible for Viktor to learn magic from Enio.


It was also true that Viktor felt magical power.

‘It was small and subtle, like a drop of water in the desert. Certainly there were.’

I thought it was pretty great.

Because Victoria knew better than anyone else that Victor had no talent for magic.

How much effort did you have to make to get that one drop of magic?

‘Shouldn’t I have complimented him a little?’

He was an ignorant man who only knew how to go forward.

In comparison, what about Victoria herself?

‘Am I going well?’

I thought it was a life that was walking on a straight path.

But now, looking at it, I was just wandering around without knowing my destination.

‘But these days I’m a little better.’

Living in the wild, they accumulated their own skills and experiences.

Have you ever felt so desperately that you are ‘alive’?

of course.

When something is gained, there is also something to be lost.

‘Reorganization of the student council.’

It seemed that a lot of things were happening while he was putting down his work.

So Victoria decided to make a decision.

“I have to go back. student council.”

– Kyu-i-ing.

“I’m going to bump into it with all my might.”

– Ying-ying-ying.

“What if that doesn’t work… ?”

At the sharp question of her pet Ingyingi, Victoria thought for a moment.

If it doesn’t work even if you bump into it with all your might… .

“At that time, I’ll help you with the work at Viktor’s NV.”

With that thought in mind, Victoria opened the student council door.

“I’m here.”

familiar office.

I see familiar faces in it.

Soon, a cute freshman with bobbed hair that shimmered like a gold coin saw Victoria and shuddered.

And then, isn’t it to be embraced in the arms of Warak?

“Senior Victoria… !”

“Milone? Isn’t the welcome too strong?”

“That, it wasn’t that, it was a big deal… !”

Milone burst into tears.

Victoriaka turned her head away as she seemed completely out of her mind.

At least I thought it would be better to ask someone who is sane.

“Shady, why is he doing this?”

Shadi, Victoria’s childhood friend.

A reliable colleague.

When I asked her, Shadi let out a deep sigh and said.

“Look at this.”

A newspaper article from Shadi.

What is written there… .

“I… ! Maybe I should marry an aristocrat I’ve never seen before… !”

“what… ?”

* * *

“Milone, a freshman in the accounting department. Signs of embezzlement of huge funds?”

I paused to see the news article written in the newspaper.

Then, Akasha, who was sorting out the discarded newspapers together, frowned.

“Victor, your hand stopped. I came to help you because you asked for it. Do you really think it’s not fair that you’re playing around?”

Akasha’s words brought me to my senses.

A sub-quest that raises the dexterity stat by 1, “Gathering Dust and Mountains”.

I was in the middle of a fun quest where I collected trash and recyclables from all over Ludens and sold them as ‘junk’ at the junk shop to earn René’s money and gain stats.

I wanted to work with Nike, Enio, Arnoi, etc.

The guys were busy preparing for the upcoming final exams, so I had no choice but to do it myself.

What I found then was Akasha.

– You have no friends and nothing to do, right?

– What? I also have a lot of friends… ! Catherine, Orléans and more… . In addition… . Estella, whom I met recently, is also my friend… !

Catherine or Orléans were the names of wolf spiders and dog squirrels.

I don’t know who Estella is, but it must be an animal.

In the end, I asked Akasha, who was free because her only friends were animals, to help her with her work.

So, the story so far was that I was distracted by an article in a newspaper I found while picking up some waste paper.

I asked.

“Akasha, have you seen this article?”

As he held out the crumpled newspaper, Akasha’s blue eyes widened as he gazed at it.

Is this the expression telling me not to ask questions at will?

There are NPCs who won’t talk to you if you don’t like them.

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Judging by my deceased person’s intuition, this Akasha is of that kind.

“I saw.”

However, for some reason, the increase in charm by 7 a while ago was helpful in its own way.

Akasha obediently answered my question.

“The person in charge of the student council accountant. Committing embezzlement even though you have an obligation to be more sincere and honest than anyone else. You have to look at it favorably to feel expelled.”

Yes, at best you should be expelled. If you’re unlucky, you’ll have to be subordinated to Ludens for the rest of your life and repay the debt.

Student Council Treasurer Milone.

It was a pre-determined procedure for him to leave the student council due to a misunderstanding.

Because that was the story in Act 5.

However, it was a bit surprising that the story of the 5th act had already begun, even though the 4th act had not yet progressed.

Wasn’t it about the 5th act that the student council was going through a crisis?

If that already comes out, what will happen to the 4th act?


As long as there is a variable called ‘I’.

Also, since there is a variable called DLC, it would not be strange if this happened.

The door of possibility is now very wide open.

Then Akasha laughed.

“As expected, I can’t trust something like the student council. You enforced the rules like that. They are doing corruption and corruption above the rules. If it was a vigilante, this would not have happened.”

The relationship between the student council and the vigilante was bad.

Looking at this newspaper article, it seems that Akasha’s hostility towards the student council has increased even more.

However, I decided to lightly defend myself.

“The truth is not what it seems.”

Milone is an immature freshman junior.

But he’s not a bad guy.

I don’t do embezzlement.

“Then is this article false?”

I answered Akasha’s question calmly.

“Of course, I cannot say that either.”

The order of events is twisted and there are many variables.

Maybe it’s because the sports day ended too successfully.

Originally, ‘There are too many problems without Victoria… Although the story should come out.

The story changed to ‘Can I do it without Victoria?’ Before that, it would be better to get rid of Victorica’s support base completely, right?” .

“… … .”

Could it be my fault?

By the time I was reflecting on my own actions.

Akasha chuckled.

“I kind of like this. It seems that this freshman’s clumsy accountant will be held accountable and owed a fine of 500 million René.”

“500 million?”

500 million.

It was really powerful money.

If 500 million is 20,000 René, how many chickens are there?

To charge such money as a fine to a child who is only in the first grade.

It’s no different than mortgaging your life.

And thinking that such a thing happened because of ‘me’, my conscience stung a little.

Even if I hadn’t told Victoria to live as a natural person, this would have happened.

wouldn’t it have happened?

No, in the original 5th act, Milone gets kicked out of the student council… .

What will happen… .

… Still, there was no story of 500 million debt, right?

I suddenly heard the voices coming from within.

Here I thought it was time to set a route.

An episode that changes as I intervene in the story.

What should be done if the ‘victims’ appear according to it?

What if there are victims because I change the story?

There is no harm to me if I stay still like this.

Rather, if I move hastily, the story might be ruined beyond my control.

“It’s a woomun.”

What do you need to worry about?

As a deceased person, I have only one answer.

“Akasha, I will go first.”

“what? Rather, about joining your club… Hey, hey, Victor… ! Where are you going… !”

Once you have made up your mind, the sooner you act, the better.

So I left the newspaper and moved.

According to Cristina, the secretary I met at the pool yesterday, did you say that the student council meeting is today? It should have started by now.

“… Victor, what are you doing?”

As I headed towards the student hall, some students who seemed to know me started talking to me.

I ignored them and headed to the conference room.

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When I opened the door, I saw several familiar faces sitting at a round table with serious faces.

Milone, a freshman with short golden hair, trembling in the corner.

Looking at Victoria, who is blushing, I can judge the general situation.

I said it out loud.

“I apologize for inevitably breaking into the meeting room. First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Victor.”

Now that the introduction is over, let’s get to the main topic.

“I will tell you about the business. Milone is innocent. You incompetent student council is trying to sacrifice an innocent person as a sacrifice.”

This was a conclusion I made as a human being, not as a deceased person.

“What… ? The student council suddenly bursts in and speaks incompetently… ?”

“Someone kick that guy out. Skadi… !”

“Victor, you Jasik asked where this place was… !”

With this, most of the student council will turn against me.

What if an innocent person is harmed because of me?

There is no such thing as healing based on the pain of those people.

“I say it again. Milone is innocent. If there’s a sin, it’s your student council’s incompetence.”

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