121 – 121 – Allow me to be a righteous thief # 2

121 – Allow me to be a righteous thief #2



This will be an act stipulated by law.

There will also be actions that are determined by personal remorse.

Stealing things from other people’s drawers.

This was a criminal act against the law and conscience in many ways.

But what if it’s about stealing evidence of a ‘criminal’ from a bad guy?

Can this really be dismissed as a crime or a bad thing?

“… … .”

Now I am in this moral dilemma.

Because I was a great ‘principalist’.

I’ve gotten a little better these days.

I felt bad for breaking even the slightest rule.

For example, wake up in the morning and wash yourself.

Take a shower before bed.

After eating, I had to do something like brushing my teeth within 30 minutes to relieve my stomach.

There is nothing to say when it comes to student council laws and regulations.

If you don’t follow the rules, you’re the type of person who really grows thorns in your mouth.

It’s just ‘body’.

The question was whether such a constitution would tolerate the spy quest of ‘stealing’ other people’s things.

when you’re thinking like that.

Someone came up to me as I was leaning on a statue in the park.

“Have you come?”

“So, what is it? Call someone at this late hour.”

Silver hair peeking out from under the street lamp.

In this darkness, the silvery hair was too noticeable.

There is no such thing as fresh silver hairfish swimming in the deep blue sea.

“… … .”

“What? Why do you see people that way?”

Victoria crumpled slightly.

As always, he was wearing a school uniform with the sleeves exposed, but today his face was quite shiny.

Did you wear makeup?

If you look closely, there is also a bracelet on your wrist that looks like it was made of woven beads.

“It is so gorgeous. why did you make it that way? Are you going to the prom?”

“… It’s not like I made it up to like you, did I?”

It’s not like it was designed to be good for me.

Rather, it is close to the level of trying to trick me.

Now we have to sneak into the student council president’s office.

If you’re wearing such a dazzling outfit, you’re not going to get noticed right away.

Victoria said while looking at the tips of her neatly trimmed nails.

“Calling people out at night. I don’t know where I’m going, but you know I’m a very busy person right now, right?”


I quietly looked around.

As I was looking around, Victoria asked.

“What are you looking for?”

“One more has to come.”

“what? one more? Who else is coming besides us?”

“Of course not.”

“You didn’t say that.”

For some reason, Victoria had protested in a slightly blunt tone.

didn’t say that

You didn’t ask.

I’m a person who saves both words and time, so I won’t tell you if you don’t ask.

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Just as I was about to explain it briefly, someone approached me.

“Victor-kun, were you here first?”

“You’re late, Enio.”

“Yeah, Viktor-kun asked if you had free time at night. I don’t know if Viktor-kun knows about it, but young ladies like me go outside, so there’s time to prepare for this and that—”

Enio’s eyes, which were trying to say something, seemed to have found the silver hairtail hidden behind my back.

“Is there Miss Victoria? Were you just passing by and met by chance?”

“No, I called.”


Enio raised his eyebrows.

It seems like an explanation is needed.

Soon, Victoria, who was behind me, also asked.

“Call Enio? Can you explain to me what this is all about?”

Would you mind telling me now?

We’re going to rob the student council president’s office and drawers.

* * *

─Tricky tricks with dead people, skipping cutscenes.

Chojal jjal anemone.

I quickly explained the situation.

What we’re looking for is in the student council president’s secret drawer.

Stealing it is the goal of all these nights.

“what? steal? That’s bad.”

Victoria reacted one-dimensionally.

“If there is such a thing as a really important document, isn’t it right to ask for it proudly? And you have to stand before the court of law. I’m not going to hide like a thief.”

It was the reaction I was expecting.

How are the lines not at all different from the ones in D&A?

that’s interesting.


Victoria is the confident type anytime, anywhere.

There are class presidents of model female students in the class.

That’s why it seemed like a question why we needed to hide when we were right and the opponent was bad.

Enio spoke about it instead of me.

“Miss Victoria, if you think about it for a bit, you will understand, right? If we knew about that ‘document’, we might destroy it the moment we noticed.”

That is true too.

Among the options to condemn the student council president, there are “infiltrate and steal” and “ask confidently”.

Choosing the latter would just make the quest longer and more complicated.

Enio said.

“Miss Victoria doesn’t seem to want to be involved in this operation. How about infiltrating just the two of us, Viktor-kun and me, without Miss Victoria?”

“what? Who, who doesn’t want to wear it? And how can I trust you two and let go? If I don’t watch… .”

Victoria didn’t seem happy about sending me and Enio together.

Of course, Victoria should be with us.

In the first place, this quest would not be possible without Victoria.

“Victorica must participate unconditionally. Because only Victoria knows the password and lock for the student council safe, which changes on a weekly basis.”

In other words, Victoria was the key.

How to open a lock without a key

“The reason I didn’t tell you about today is because of this anyway. I was careful because I didn’t know where the information might leak.”

To my explanation, Victoria agreed to a certain extent, saying, “Hmm, well, it was a wise idea.” then ask

“What about mokey moke? They stuck to each other like chewing gum. Moke-moke would be helpful in many ways, right?”

Are you looking for Nike?

It was clear that Nike would help in many ways in this operation.

However, since it was an infiltration, the fewer people, the better.

Again, Nike was not suited for this.

“Nike can’t steal.”

I lived in the wild, but I have a lot of naive corners, so I can just go wrong.

Perhaps Enio didn’t like my answer, but Enio narrowed her eyes.

“There are times when Viktor-kun treats only Nike so special. You can’t do things like stealing. do you mean i’m fine? Even after all this, I am a princess who has grown up with dignity.”

If Victoria had said that, I would have understood.

I knew very well that Enio had the most talent as a thief.

The skill set itself is specialized for killing the presence and hiding oneself.

“Enio, you have the qualities to be a better thief than anyone else. You can have confidence.”

“… I don’t know if that’s a good thing to have confidence in.”

Then pu-hu-hu-laughing Victorica.

“It suits you well, Enio. you’re a thief The color is black, and it looks just like the stray cats that roam in front of the dormitory. The point of aiming at someone else’s is the same… !”

“what? When did I go after someone else?”

Enio and Victoria started to raise their voices again.

Even though it was a park at night, there were no people around, so I had no choice but to say “shh” and caution.

It’s good that the story doesn’t leak out for nothing.

It was then.

Dang, dang- and the park clock pointed to 10:00 late at night.

Originally, D&A’s student council infiltration quest started at this time as well.

Then we should be leaving now.

“Then move slowly now.”

* * *

Stealth Quest.

Read at readwn.com

Quests and games of this kind generally had many corners that resembled hide and seek.

It’s about reaching your destination while avoiding the eyes of the cameras and the hunters.

What if you get caught in the process?

It’s game over.

have to retry

Of course, there is no retry in reality.

never get caught



I pushed that point over and over again.

“Never get caught. You never know what will happen.”

At my explanation, Enio nodded.

“Certainly, if word goes around that we illegally broke into the student council… . I really can’t imagine what will happen.”

It will be a huge issue.

There will be newspaper articles pouring in throughout graduation.

If I was caught in the first place, would I be able to graduate safely?

In many ways, it’s a hell of a fix.

“So never get caught. This is our number one goal.”

Then Victoria asks.

“By the way, Viktor, you probably know how strictly the student center is guarded. Doesn’t someone take charge of the magic crystal barriers installed everywhere, the guards, the executive department, and even the duty on duty?”

That’s iron-clad security.

I know very well.

However, I already knew the movements of the guards and the location of the magic stone barrier.

If you wake up a few times and can’t memorize it, you’re an idiot.

“Just follow me.”

He spoke confidently, but somehow his heart felt cold.

Excitement or nervousness about sneaking into a building at night.

“… … .”

Still, the degree of illegality for the ‘great cause’ seemed to turn a blind eye to my peculiar constitution.

“Victoria, follow the back door.”

We arrived at the back door of the student union building.

There were no guards here, so access was easy.


“Don’t look and wait. the key… .”

While Victoria is looking for the key.

From afar, I could spot students with clubs on their waists approaching this place.

Rather than coming to see us, it feels like mechanically walking a set route.

-I’m sleepy

– After the boundary volunteer work is over, let’s go in and boil a bowl of ramen and sleep.

-It’s good.

They were students who volunteered to patrol around the student center to receive ‘service points’.

Of course, it was neither professional nor obligatory.

I’m just waiting for the time to go back to the dormitory.

Even so, if we come close to this place, we might find out.

“Victoria, are you still far away?”

“wait. It’s my first time going through the back door of the student hall, so I don’t know what key it is. is this Or, this… ?”

My heart is pounding.

After all, I seem to be the type to live without doing bad things.

I’m curious when it comes to this.

Even becoming a righteous thief makes my heart beat like this.

How on earth do the wicked people in the world commit bad things so readily?

Guard students slowly approaching.

Looking at them, Enio said.

“Victor-kun, here, as expected, I’m using the Night Veil—”

“no. Enio, your 《Night Veil》 should be limited to three times a day. It’s not worth wasting here. wait and see.”

I put my hand on the sword at my waist.

1 meal.

“Cleave the light.”

The drawn sword soaked into the air without even making a sound.

There was no fuss because only the locked part of the lock was quickly cut away.

“Go in.”


After roughly tossing the lock into nearby bushes and destroying evidence, we enter the building.

Then I see the student center in the dark night.

A mana lamp that is sparsely lit to prevent the waste of mana.

Even the student guards roaming underneath.

It was the same situation I know.

“This is the beginning.”

The first thing to check is today’s ‘watch duty’.

Depending on who is on duty among the members of the executive branch, the patrol patterns of the guards change.


Hiding in the darkness, I looked at the brightly lit watch room.

The person sitting there reading a book… .

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