123 – 123 – Allow me to be a righteous thief # 4

123 – Allow me to be a righteous thief #4

A skill that Enio can use, 《The Veil of Night》.

In D&A, 《Night Veil》 uses ‘stealth’ during battle to escape from the opponent’s attack target.

Or, it had the effect of preventing entering a battle encounter with a monster while on the field.

In Ludens, which became this reality, the effect became even better, making it possible to hide as if wearing optical camouflage clothes.

Because of that, Christina didn’t even think that there were other people hiding in her office.

“First, I need to take off my clothes.”

Secretary Cristina took off her clothes.

The top buttons and buttons are undone, and the skirt falls to the floor.

A slimmer body than expected was revealed.

I didn’t have any flab, probably because I was managing my diet and exercise well.

“It’s frustrating because I hate it. I will live now.”

How to dress when in a personal space is a matter of taste.

I tend to stick to wearing at least short sleeves and shorts even in private spaces.

Among my acquaintances, the one wearing underwear and short sleeves.

A person who only wears underwear.

And I remember being divided into people who didn’t even wear underwear.

I thought it was only men’s taste.

Was it the same for women?


The clothes that were taken off were draped over my arms or my knees bent in an ‘L’ shape.

I am a coat hanger

really hangers

Calm your mind with those thoughts.

When I thought I would become a coat hanger made of solid steel, it really seemed like that.

Is this the power of autosuggestion?

But when Christina’s top finally fell on my face, I felt dizzy.

Christina’s clothes smelled rather sour. Is it apple flavored?

The problem is not over yet.

“As expected, I need to take this off too.”

Are you going to take off more here?

Was Secretary Cristina a nudist?

It was time to finally move my hand behind my back and try to untie the laces of my undergarments covering my breasts.

The fierce dog Hilde, who was watching this scene, frowned.

“Are you going to take off your underwear? People have to wear clothes.”

yes, bear with me

I’m embarrassed too.

What about Enio and Victorica?

Enio is crouching in the shadow under the turned off lights.

Victoria hid under the desk and hid herself in the darkness.

A desperate situation where you don’t know when you’ll be caught.

In the meantime, if Cristina, now naked, wanders around, the flustered Enio and Victoria might make noise.

Fortunately, Christina seemed to accept Hilde’s words.

“yes? Then, Hilde, I will see you and wear your underwear.”

“You, when you stand up in front of people, I don’t know why you’re like this when you’re alone.”

“It’s convenient.”

Cristina stretched her bare body.

The red lace underwear swayed beyond my eyes.

No, the legs go up like that?

The body is more flexible than you think.

Like a gymnast?

“look. How comfortable are you? If I become the student council president, will all the school uniforms be changed to underwear?”

However, Hilde said bluntly, “What nonsense.”


At that, Christina pulled out a chair from the desk and sat down.

“The feeling of sitting in a cold leather chair after taking off like this. Isn’t it kind of creepy?”

Thanks to that, Victoria, who was sitting behind the desk, moved her body slightly as if she was very embarrassed.

Although Enio’s spell 《The Veil of Night》 hadn’t been broken.

Christina’s bare feet were about to touch Victoria’s chest.

Fortunately, Christina didn’t notice, and added a word to Hilde.

“Anyway, I have to put all my energy into this second semester election. Even though we have the upper hand, Victoria has a lot of variables because she has the Arclight family on her back.”

“yes? It seems to me that it’s not really like that. Most of the students and delegates support you. You successfully finished the sports day without Victoria this time.”

“That’s right. But I want to win a little more perfectly. I don’t like unequal fights. I want to make this place completely my own.”

Listening to their conversation, I thought for a moment.

These guys are probably talking about the election in the second semester.

After all, in the election episode of the second semester, Christina is Victoria’s opponent.

The main episode was that the player becomes the main character, Luke, and campaigns hard for Victorica.

From various sub-quests to events, it was not strange at all to be called ‘the flower of the student council route’ in a way.


If we go on until the second semester, it will be difficult to guarantee Victorica’s victory.

The sports day ended so successfully.

In fact, I knew that there was a public opinion saying, ‘Is it going well without Miss Victoria?’.

I don’t know if it’s because I defeated Breman too quickly, who should have been in a frenzy at the sports day, but… .

“Anyway, that guy, Viktor, has the key to a landslide victory.”

“I don’t think Viktor has that chance.”

“Hilde, you hated Victor.”


“Well, that Skadi also hated Viktor. Back when Viktor was on the executive committee, you and Skadi were both covered in the shadow of that hard guy, right?”

“He’s an annoying guy.”

Hilde also hates me.

Of course I was fine.

Being hated by women is a natural thing.

Oh, are you really okay?

Then Hilde asks.

“So how are you planning to use that Viktor?”

“For some reason, Viktor is in need of money. Can I lure you with money? I am asking you to help me with my election campaign.”

“Would Viktor be helpful?”

“The slush that I made with the remaining budget this time was evaluated quite well. What if I made a strategy to make Viktor the chairman of the Food Management Committee?

blah blah blah blah blah

I don’t know what it is, but it looks amazing.

so how much would you give

As I was wondering, Cristina said as if she had read my accident.

“If you give me about 50 million Renae per semester, I think it will pass.”

Fifty million René per semester.

Do I look like someone who would go over with that much money?

I think I can try to deal with Renée for about 5 million more.

It was then.

someone knocks on the door

-I, Hilde-senpai. You should come out and see. A strange animal is making a fuss on the first floor… .

– Ying-ying-ying.

– Ugh, we’ve already reached the third floor… !

The hallway was noisy.

With the sound of a sigh, the woman’s school uniform skirt and top are removed again.

“Should I step in again? After all, this academy won’t work without me.”

* * *

Hilde and Cristina slipped out of the president’s office.

Taking advantage of that gap, I moved my stiff body.

My body creaks like a rusty machine.

“Everybody can move now.”

“after… , I thought you were caught.”

Victoria warmed up by spinning her hands, legs, and shoulders.

The same goes for Enio, who was hiding under the lights.

I said.

“I will be back soon. let’s hurry Enio’s Night Veil has now been exhausted, so we need to make the most of the time we have left.”

Let’s just open the document drawer and take only the items inside.

For that to happen, Victoria needs to work hard.

“You really don’t know your password?”

It was when I pressed back a little.

“A desk that has been used since the student council before the war… .”

Victoriaka moved her hands as if she had realized something.

Soon there was a click and the sound of the lock being unlocked.

“done… ! After all, it was Orca’s birthday… !”

It was Orca’s desk, so Orca’s birthday was the password.

I was curious because D&A didn’t disclose what the password was.

It was a feeling of increasing trivial knowledge.


We opened the desk drawer.

You can see that there are a lot of paperwork in it.

“Victor, do you know what documents you are talking about here?”

No, as far as I know, there are only two documents in this drawer.

When I actually opened it, why are there so many?

It looks beyond the hundred.

– I missed it again. Hilde, please hold on to me today.

– How did the executive committee become the role of catching animals… .

Then I was awakened by a voice coming from the door and beyond the hallway.

“There is no time for hesitation.”

take it all at once

And instead, I close the drawer with 100 reviews written by Arnoi on ‘Honey Bingsu’.

“If you do this, you won’t know that it has been replaced or disappeared for a while.”

I thought it was a waste of paper because Arnoy wrote 100 reviews for nothing.

Thinking like this helped me a lot.

“So Victor, where should I escape… !?”

I turned my head at Victoria’s urgent cry.

The only visible exit is the window.

“Jump down.”

“This is the third floor… !?”

It’s not like there’s a pointy way.

After opening the window wide, I put Enio and Victorica on my shoulders.

“Hey, where are you touching… !”

“… Viktor-kun, are you more snobby than I thought?”

Enio and Victorica reacted somehow, but they had no time to care.

“Shut up, you might bite your tongue.”

I jumped from the 3rd floor just like that.

In the brief moment I was lifted into the air, I felt very free.

How does this feel like flying?

I never thought there would be such a wonderful experience in the world.

But soon, gravity, like a debt, infinitely pulled me to the floor.


“… Ugh.”

My leg hurt.

It seems that half of HP has been cut from the previous one.

But before I had time to stop, I had to run away.

* * *

“I had no choice but to close the window and come. They probably noticed that there was a break-in.”

I had to return to the club room and talk about complicated things.

Of course, there is also good news.

“But I got a bunch of papers in my hands. Here will be the papers we want.”

They don’t know that the intruder is us.

Of course you could have known.

I’ll make a vague guess.

but what

What to do when there is no evidence

Rather, if it is evidence, the ‘documents’ we have in our hands are the evidence that overflows in words.

Really, if I had this, I could kick Mikhail out right away.

“Let’s impeach President Mikhail… ! How dare you treat my cute junior, Milone… !”

In fact, Victoria seemed to have a great will.

Right now, he is poised to rummage through the documents to find the information he wants and bring it to the chairman’s face.


I was already worried that if the president was impeached, the election event from the second semester would be moved forward to the first semester.

There is not enough time to prepare for the special election season… .


At that moment, someone knocked on the club room door.

Someone knocking on the door at this late hour, close to midnight.

Not ordinary.

Both Victorica and Enio were quick-witted, so we hurriedly hid the documents.

Soon a voice was heard from beyond the door.

– Are you inside?

Is it also Christina?

Seeing that we came here right away, it must mean that someone vaguely invaded and most of the probability that it was us was identified.

Wrinkles began to form on Victoria’s delicate bridge of the nose.

“What? What do we do?”

“Don’t panic.”

I’ll figure it out.

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