128 – 128 – Nice weather to clean… ! # One

128 – Nice weather to clean… ! # One


A sharp spear point was aimed at me.

The length of the spear seems to be about 2 meters.

However, it seems longer because of the killing power of the weapon or because of the pressure.

“… … .”

“… … .”

In a tense situation confronting each other.

I thought of ‘Garna’ in the game.

Did he increase the range by using a weapon called ‘Spear’?

He was the one who incited the anger of the players by picking and defeating the magicians and healers in the back row who could not be attacked with swords.

In fact, after confronting it like this, I felt like I knew how powerful a weapon the ‘spear’ was.

It’s like a fight between a child and an adult.

The spear will pierce me before my sword can reach him.

Victory will come at once.

“2 lightsaber meals.”

I lowered my stance.

At the same time, the tip of Garna’s spear flashed.


It felt like a stomach ache.

It must have felt like a fireball was stuck in it.

No, it’s an inexplicable feeling.

“The king of all weapons is the spear. If you use a weak weapon like a sword, you lose.”

Garna, the black masked assailant, pierced my stomach with a spear and triumphed.

Her expression was hidden behind her mask, but she was clearly happy.


Those eyes soon turned into bewilderment.

“… Why don’t you fall down?”

why don’t you fall

It’s a natural question.

“Because my weapon is stronger.”

“… what?”

“The strongest weapon is neither a spear nor a sword. A heart of steel.”

I raised my sword with the spear stuck in my stomach.

Of course, the distance between him and me was about 2.5 to 3 meters.

It’s out of reach of my sword.

As of now, I couldn’t cut him.

What can I do when there is even a window stuck in the boat?

But one skill was coming to my mind.

In reality, it would not be easy for a sword to beat a spear.

This is a game where magic and skill exist.

Achieve what you can’t do in real life…

“—You play games because you want to dream a dream that can’t happen in real life, right?”

“What are you talking about… ! This bastard, my spear—”


I gripped the pole with one hand to keep his spear from falling out.

Actually, it would have been enough to throw away a spear like this and run away, but he didn’t.

“The window doesn’t fall out… ! let this go… ! It’s not a window you can touch… !”

“Yes, I guess.”

Probably, since it was a spear bestowed directly from Fimblebert’s chief, “Wolf-Leroy,” he would not be able to throw it away or throw it away.

Taking advantage of that gap, I gripped the sword with my other hand.

“Arclight Ryu—.”

“Victor uh… !”

The black masked Garna shouted something, but I couldn’t hear it anymore.

Everything is extremely still.

What is vivid is the feeling of a spear pierced through the stomach.

The weight of the demonic sword, Tyrbing, in your hand.


And the atmosphere is full everywhere.

The flowing movement is felt minutely.

“… … .”

Was there so much air and wind around me?

Do you have this?

What Victoria had explained about mana was the moment that came to mind.

Indeed, the world is so full of mana.

So can I do this too?

“—Three meals.”

My sword cut a level like cutting a falling leaf.


“Cleave the wind.”

A blade that cuts through the air lightly.

The flow of air pushed by the blade creates a stale wind and flies away as a tangible sword.

The only long-distance technique of Arclight’s lightsaber style 《Three Style Wind Slash》.

Breaking love liquid-!


It tore his black clothes and spattered blood.

“Gaaagh… !!!!!”

A black dog with cut veins – Garna sprayed blood like a fountain.

At the same time, her chest burst open, revealing her underwear and white skin.

“You’re the type to look smaller when you wear them.”

“You, you bastard… !”

But that was all.

I couldn’t knock it down very much.

In the first place, ranged technology was for ‘containment’, not for inflicting fatal wounds.

However, Garna seemed to have suffered a great deal of damage, perhaps because of the calibration of the demonic sword Tyrbing, which generates more power as the owner’s health decreases.


My strength is also slowly declining.


A spear being pulled out of my stomach.

It was when I felt extreme pain and gnashed my teeth.

“… Branch manager! Contact from headquarters… ! Retreat immediately… !”

“Damn, I’m almost done… !”

The guys in black masks started to withdraw.

Garna, who led them, also covered the blood flowing from her body with her hand and glared at me with bloodshot black eyes.

“… You, there is no next time.”

“Like a coward, run away.”

It was Fimblebert who clicked his tongue and hurriedly ran away into the darkness.

A few excited blue armbands chase after them.

“Do not forgive outlaws!”

“Don’t run away… ! I was attacked on my own, and I ran away on my own… ! You cowardly children… ! None of us died… ! we won… !”

* * *

Twenty-one out of thirty wounded.

Fortunately, there were no deaths.

The problem is that there are quite a few seriously injured.

I was among them.

“… … .”


blood flowed from the neck

injured organs

But it was more tolerable than I thought.

what a tough body

It’s like a tower of steel.

“You are also very boring.”

Skadi clicked her tongue at me.

I can only speak lightly to him.

“You guys should have taken good care of me. Do I really need to use my hand?”

“… even though you helped us You know it doesn’t clear your charges, right?”


that’s separate

However, there seemed to be some guys who didn’t think so.

Some of the blue armband students said.

“Skadi senior, I don’t like this execution.”

“I… .”

“I don’t know if what we are doing is right.”

“What, now. The juniors talk back to the orange armband’s executive committee member… !?”

Skadi seemed to be full of spirits.

The hierarchy of the executive branch is clear.

A member of the executive committee wearing a white cloak and orange armbands.

Below that is an executive officer in a blue armband.

Because the general executive students below it were formed like a pyramid.

Top and bottom clothes are a matter of course.

So, it is natural for Skadi to be offended by the disobedience of his juniors.

Aside from the jokes, there is nothing to say even if those who disobey are punished for the extreme.


Unlike the cool-headed iron dog, Skadi, who is called a mad dog, was moody.

“Certainly I don’t feel like dragging a guy so injured to prison. Take him to the infirmary at once. It’s going to be a headache when people talk about the human rights of prisoners again.”

… … .

No, then what about my prison event.

Now that there is an item you need to get from prison.

I was even handcuffed for something.

Why did I have a hole in my stomach?

“Come on, take me away. to jail… !”

I said coughing up blood.

Then, the students in blue armbands who were watching the scene around them became agitated.

“Victor, are you really going to follow the rules that much in such a situation?”

“This is… . This is not the justice I dreamed of… .”

“I don’t have the confidence to put Viktor in prison. This guy did nothing wrong.”

sereung. blank. with chaeng.

Everyone dropped their weapons.

“I am Maximilo. Dreaming of a righteous chivalry like Galahad of the Round Table, he applied for the executive branch. After a lot of hard work, I even wore a blue armband. But, this is not what I wanted.”

“Me too. No matter how much the student council orders, you can’t follow the wrong story.”

Everyone seemed to have negative thoughts about dragging me to prison.

It goes against my plans.

I even helped with a hole in my stomach.

Why do you come and step out now?

I squeezed out my last strength and said.

“Idiots, the name of the executive department is going to cry. Come on, handcuff me. And according to the law and procedure, hurry to prison—”

That was the last thing I remember.

when you come to your senses.

I was covered with a white blanket.

The feeling of an overly soft mattress is rather uncomfortable.

“This is not a prison.”

It is a good room.

A high-end ward, a single infirmary.

why am i here again

When I tried to stand up, my stomach ached.

When I pull off the blanket, bandages are wrapped around me.

“… Damn it.”

The prison event is over.

when i’m lamenting

Skadi, who was sitting near the bed, clicked her tongue.

“Are you awake now? Sleeping for half a day or so flea. It is already morning.”

“Did you watch over me until morning?”

“Can you see that? Thank you.”

The guy who was trying to arrest me was suddenly guarding my hospital bed.

This guy also suffers a lot.

“Skadi, I’m awake, so arrest me now.”

I obediently held out my hand.

However, Skadi’s reaction is lukewarm.

“Well, things got a little weird while you were unconscious. More than anything, the executive students do not agree to restrain you.”

“The executive branch?”

“yes. If I put you in jail, everyone will say they’ll quit. If the executive branch quits as a group, there will be more chaos in Ludens. So, put it on hold for now.”

is it.


It is a disqualification from the executive branch to err on the side of emotions.

However, as a guy like him, I wanted to give him a slightly higher score.

To rebel against unjust power.

This takes a lot of courage.

After a moment of thought, Skadi added:

“Again, your friends made a statement. What did you say, you said you had more documents that could be evidence of infidelity? I think it will be revealed this afternoon.”

“My friends?”

“Why, there’s a strange pink-haired kid.”

Is it Nike?

It looks like Nike stepped up and gave it to me.

I said harsh words on purpose so as not to get caught up in it.

It’s stupid.

Skadi then asked.

“You said it was Victoria who stole the papers from your desk?”


“Victorica published it in the newspaper this morning. Viktor, I don’t know why you tried to take it all by yourself. I don’t think it will work the way you think.”

Does that mean you can’t go to jail?

Then there was only a hole in the boat.

It feels like a loss.

“… … .”

As I was feeling down, Skadi added.

“So is it real?”

“Do you mean paperwork?”

“No, the story of the student council president deliberately arguing with that transfer student in order to kick you out after noticing the infidelity. Being a transfer student, I thought it was too sudden.”

What do you mean?

If you’re a transfer student, you’re Luke.

Why is Luke with me?

As I frowned, Skadi let out a sigh.

“Well, even with me, I knew Biggi since you said you lost to a strange transfer student. That transfer student, student council president Mikhail, is the spy planted to kick you out?”

“I have something to correct. i’m not messing with you I win.”

“What man? Mr. Ah, if it wasn’t just the patient, it would be just—”

“In addition. Luke is innocent.”

Don’t touch the innocent guy.

If there is anything wrong with Luke, the main character, it is that he is clear-headed and does not know how to doubt others.

If I had to point out another weakness, it was that he was too insensitive to women’s feelings.

It was very high level.

Thanks to that, there was no story about love.

Because it was a game for all ages in the first place.

If that’s the case, why did you create an alternative favorability system?

Of course, it’s frustrating to have such a main character now, but at the time D&A was released, insensitive main characters were popular. It was then.


“Luke, he did nothing wrong.”

“You’ll find out if you investigate. Anyway, Viktor, if this investigation goes well, you might be able to return to the student council. Because your excommunication is an unfair decision and can be overturned.”

“If it’s a return, you mean the executive committee member?”

“Yes, there are a lot of guys in the executive department who want your return.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not returning.”

Compared to club chefs, the executive committee member is a meager salary.

In addition.

The role of executive committee member also did not suit me.

Stealing and destroying clubs.

something like that

I don’t want to do it anymore.

Skadi said.

“You have changed.”


“You used to be unlucky. If it’s you now, I think I can work together even if it’s annoying. If you want to come back, tell me.”

Skadi left the infirmary after saying that.

All that’s left now is me and a piece of newspaper at the foot of my bed.


Shall we take a look at what the hell happened the night before when I was down?


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