132 – 132 – Candidate Recommendation Carefully # 2

132 – Candidate Recommendations Carefully #2

After I sat Victoria at a cool window seat, I put iced tea in my hand.

The guy who was excited just now seemed to have calmed down a lot.

Of course, Yingyingi drank the iced tea on Victoria’s lap.

– Ying-ying-ying.

I don’t know if that cry is asking for more or if it’s delicious.

I wonder if you can understand a little if you can get the «Communication» skill.


Victoria asked.

“In the end I will win. What do you mean?”

“It is literal. It means that if I ran for some elections, it’s unlikely that you won’t be elected. No matter what you do, you will win.”

But Victoria didn’t seem to think so.

“38. Do you know what number this is?”

“Is it the total amount of your mana?”

“no it’s not… !”

So how do I know what

Victoria, who immediately blushed, added her words.

“38 percent. It’s the number of people predicted to support Cristina. And I’m about 45 percent. Right now I’m high, but—”

“I don’t know what will happen if the country becomes a variable, isn’t it?”

“yes. You, after all, have the same thoughts as me. And it was a line similar to mine. If you and I come together, the votes will be split.”

“This is a gross exaggeration. Not to that extent. I won’t even get a hundred votes at best.”

First of all, can it be said that Nike, Arnoi, Ariol and Imps have secured enough votes?

But no one else will take pictures of me.

But Victoria seemed to think that I would share her vote.

So even though I was busy, I made time to visit you late at night.

“Victor, think carefully. Share your vote with me and see Cristina win. Then kicking Mikhail out might mean nothing.”


I think that’s gone too far.

Of course, from Victorica’s point of view, secretary Kristina would be no different from the resigned chairman Mikhail.

What if Cristina becomes student council president? Then there is a high probability that Victoria will have to quit the student council.

Cristina can’t just leave Victoria with her teeth exposed.

of course.

That won’t happen.

“Victorica, go back and sleep.”

I decided to return Victoria.

This guy is pretending to be okay, but he looks very tired.

The dark circles on the white face are also slightly stretched.

“How many hours have you slept the past few days?”

“Well, I slept for an hour… .”

“That’s why I can’t judge in my right mind right now. Go back before you do anything wrong.”

No, in case you don’t know, I think it’s better to take him.

You never know what will happen when and where.

So I took Victoria to the front of the dormitory.

Fortunately, nothing much happened.

* * *

“Victor, look at this… !”

the next morning.

When I was getting dressed after washing my face, someone shouted.

Nike is the only one who calls me with such a lively voice from morning.

“What is it, Nike? Did a shooting star fall from the sky?”

“no… ! It didn’t fall, it went up… !”

Did the stars rise?

No, it didn’t seem like he was talking about stars.

I mean, what’s up?

It was when I frowned and looked at the newspaper Nike was holding.

“Victor’s approval rating! They say it’s about 15 percent!”

It’s shocking in many ways.

I haven’t made any promises yet.

15% of students support me?

“There is an analysis that ex-employees seem to support Viktor… ! It seems that nomination letters are pouring in… !”

It was nice because I didn’t have to run around and get 100 letters of recommendation.

I also had a confused mind.

“I’m not even a member of the executive committee anymore.”

But why are you still supporting me?

The future of Ludens.

what do you want to be

When I am seriously concerned about the future of this school.

Nike clenched his fists and trembled as if he was excited about something.

“Maybe, maybe, isn’t Viktor really going to be student council president? Then I… , what am I going to be? huh? Will you become the first lady… !?”

“The vice president, not the first lady.”

Nike sometimes seemed to confuse words.

It would be hard to get to class A if you get confused even with such a simple word.

“Study harder, Nike.”

“… … .”

Nike frowned, probably not liking what I said.

Nike let out a sigh as I was curiously watching the wrinkles forming between the dense eyebrows.

“Yes, Vice President. It seems that the same ‘bu’ is included and confused.”

It’s good because it’s acknowledged quickly.

I said to Nike.

“But we will never be elected. Expecting too much will only lead to disappointment.”

“Huh… .”

“Still, as long as you candidacy, you will have to follow the procedure. I’m going to think about my promise starting today, Nike, do you have any good ideas?”

At my question, Nike put a hand on her chin.

Nike, who has been thinking for a while, says.

“ah… ! I remembered… !”


“I really don’t know… !”

It seems you don’t know.

Well, there’s no way a good promise will come out if you suddenly ask.

Shall we ask the club members while talking?

With that feeling, it was lunch time after the morning class was over.

“This Arnoi has a good nymph quota… !”

“Does everyone have a good idea? no one has an opinion Whatever you think, feel free to talk about anything.”

“As expected, this Arnoi has a nymph quota—”

“Is no one here?”

“… Why are you ignoring this Arnoy’s opinion? I hate nymphs… !”

Everyone in the club didn’t seem to have much thought about the election.

In the first place, we were a self-employed club that worked hard to make and sell menus.

Even if you suddenly think about something like a promise, it’s hard for anyone to come up with an opinion.

Then Enio spoke.

“How about something like a free love guarantee bill? The current Ludens is too picky about dating. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could alleviate that a bit?”


“How about a bill that gives 100 million renets each time a child is born? Then I think Ludens will be a little more cheerful after having a lot of children.”

Wouldn’t it be rather negative for students who are studying for a long time to have a love guarantee bill?

What’s more, you’re having a baby.

Where should the student study?

And isn’t 100 million René too much?

By the way, I’m not against saying I can’t.

Of course, Enio didn’t seem to be serious either.

You can tell just by looking at Enio’s mischievous expression.


I wrote it down because I couldn’t even fill out the pledge column with blank paper.

It’s nice to see something written on a piece of white paper.

I just wish there were one or two more.

Then Nike raises his hand.

“I remembered now… !”

“yes? That’s what you’re saying and you’re saying you don’t know the truth.”

I actually figured out Nike’s pattern a little bit.

Nike always says “I got it!” and then when I ask what I am, he replies “Actually I don’t know!” and laughs. Nike pouted his lips, probably intending to do so this time as well.

“I really know this time… !”


“I don’t know… !”

“… … .”

to get hit again

Is this a known pattern?

Then hehehe laughed Nike said.

“Actually, this is a joke, and this is the real thing. Well, how about making pet registration a little stricter? There are so many abandoned pets in the mysterious forest… !”

That’s it.

There were so many students who abandoned animals in the Mysterious Forest and bounced around, to the point that the ecosystem changed bizarrely.

It was a Nike-like opinion that likes animals.

「Amendment of the Love Law」

「Amendment of Companion Animal Act」.

Now we have two promises.

“I will write another one.”

I wrote “Nymph Allocation” under it.

Then Arnoy, who was whimpering in the corner, brightened.

After wiping away the tears with the back of his hand, he shouted.

“As expected, Victor is a friend of the nymphs… ! Nymphs should remember this without forgetting… !”

It seems so.

However, it was not written because of Arno or the nymphs.

One day I will find all 100 nymphs.

It’s a bit like having all of them in our club.

It’s not going to be very noisy.

Allocate some for each club and take only one person.

This is such a bill.

“By the way, Victor-kun. I don’t know if this will really work.”

Enio opened his slender eyes and predicted a pessimistic outlook.

I agreed.

It would be a miracle even if it achieved 1 percent approval rating.

* * *

“Viktor, since you announced your pledge, your approval rating has risen to 21 percent… !”

No, why the hell does the approval rating keep rising?

At Nike’s fuss, I looked at the newspaper.

It really said that my approval rating had risen from 15% to 21%.

「Promotion of Viktor’s love law – a message of love to Ludens who is divided into two… ! If you give birth to a child, up to 100 million René support… !”

“A revision of the Companion Animal Law, the opinion about animals that become wild and attack people is finally accepted.”

“There are also voices calling for awareness of the act of feeding wild beasts.”

「The nymph quota system, as a new proof and certification of excellent clubs… !”

They talk very fancy.

interpret it like this

Shall we take a look at the contents one more time?

“What is the nymph allocation system? It is said that nymphs can instinctively know a good person. Evidence that the club to which nymphs are assigned is a good and upright club. It is seen as a reasonable measure to prevent the recurrence of a situation like this ‘Mikhail Gate’.”

“Ah, Viktor laughed… !”

At Nike’s words, I touched my chin.

did i laugh

No, but you have to be able to stop laughing.

It’s really funny.

“It’s fun, campaigning… ! I’m new to this… !”

Nike laughed too.

Come to think of it, this was my first campaign like this.

When I think about it that way, I think it’s a little funny.


Seriously, it would be difficult if he won the election as it is.

The student council executives should quit the club.

Also, there are many restrictions.

So I decided to go to Victoria and propose.


“Why, what’s going on?”

Victoria’s Office.

Sitting in the chair, Victoria was rather brusque.

Both cheeks are full of grumpiness.

It feels like you have a huge grumpy bag on your body.

Not even that.

The newspaper article lying in front of Victoria’s desk has an approval rating written on it.

「No. 1 Candidate Victorica 27%

No. 2 Candidate Cristina 38%

7th candidate Viktor 21%”.

“Victoria, you are losing to Cristina. 10 percent difference. It’s severe.”

When I said this calmly, Victoria’s hair stood on end.

“Gee, because of who now—”

The boy tried to say something, but shut his mouth.

And then he sat down on the desk.

The guy said to the desk as he was lying on his stomach.

“No, even if the votes were split, it must be because I am lacking in excuses for this and that. Losing like this is because of me. Maybe I wasn’t destined to become the student council president in the first place… .”

It’s self-inflicted.

It looks pretty gloomy.

I said to that guy.

“Victoria, I have a suggestion.”

“It’s a proposal. What.”

“Be one with me.”


Victoria raised her head like a spring.

With a very red face, the boy said, “… Jiji, Jijiji, Jijiji,” he shouted.

It’s like a oriole.

Then, of course, it roared like thunder.

“What are you talking about, you, you, crazy bastard… ! Ha, let’s become one body… ! This, I knew it from when I was promoting the strange dating law… !?”

Were you very upset?

The voice just goes out of whack.

Victoria shook her golden eyes up and down, left and right, as if entering a command, and screamed.

“Eh, in this situation… ! No way, that, with the 100 million that they say they will receive if they give birth to a child, yes, they are thinking of repaying their debts… !”

Victoria was busy covering her face and body with her palms.

I couldn’t understand what he was talking about right now.


I could understand that you didn’t want to be one with me.

“Are you rejecting unification so much?”

“yes… ? unification… ?”

“Yes, unity.”

“Yeah, of course I meant that too… !”

It was Victorica screaming.

Should I pretend that this story didn’t exist?

“I’m sorry I interrupted you while you were busy.”

I thought of Victoria in my own way, so I came up with an opinion first.

There’s nothing you can do about being rejected like this.

I thought it was a favor, but there are a lot of cases where the recipient feels like a nuisance.

“I will pretend that this story never existed.”

I thought that if we unified, the 21% who supported me would go to Victoria to some extent.

As expected, Victoria seemed to want to overcome the election on her own without such a method.

With that in mind, I left Victoria’s office.

And right in front of him, he met eyes with a fresh-looking girl wearing glasses.

He looked at me and opened his slender eyes.

“Becoming one. Viktor, I am very interested in the story. In many ways.”

Is it Christina?

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