138 – 138 – There’s a reason you can’t lose to anyone # 2

138 – There’s a reason why you can’t lose to anyone # 2

There is a quiet place behind the teacher.

Where there are a few benches and a few scarecrows.

Heading there, a girl with a striking navy blue tights clinging to her under her short skirt was punching the scarecrow.


The sound of fists hitting the leather pad is quite light.

Pang, Pang Pang-!

Breathing becomes rougher as the sound continues.

Sweat was dripping from his forehead, wet his face, which at first glance looked like a handsome boy.

However, what is never confused with a man is the front island that has been loosened due to the heat.

It was because the swelling of the tights visible inside was considerable.

It was full body tights.


As he was wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, I approached him and asked.

“Hilde, why did you call me?”


The guy was Hilde, a member of the executive committee.

Originally, it wasn’t strange to think that a woman called out a man separately——if it was something like a ‘confession’.

I was someone who had nothing to do with the cherry blossom-colored air of youth.

This Hilde was also like a farmhand, so I thought that it would never be like a ‘confession’ because I was far from that kind of person at all.

Maybe even a duel?

Yes, most likely.

said Hilde.

“Victor, go out with me.”

“… … .”

Am I wrong?

As a human being myself, there are times when my expectations are bound to be wrong.

Then, all of a sudden, I came to my senses.

There is no way that a bad story like a female student calling me behind the teacher and confessing to me will happen in my life.


Hilde’s personality is quite serious like mine.

You probably won’t lie or go fishing… ?

So it’s even more confusing.

In this case, it would be quicker to ask the person concerned.

“Are you serious?”

Hilde answered my question without hesitation.


“… … .”

I’m confused at this point.

It really made me think, ‘Isn’t he liking me?’

But I was not fooled.

“I will ask first. Hilde, what do you mean by ‘let’s date’?”

“What does dating mean?”

Hilde seemed lost in thought for a moment.

Then he added a word.

“Eat together. Aren’t you going for a walk?”

If it’s similar, it’s similar.

I can’t hide the feeling that something is missing.


It seems that something important is missing.

So I decided to ask a few more questions.

“After eating or taking a walk together?”

“… … ?”

Let’s ask again.

“After eating or taking a walk together?”

“… Is there anything more to do than that? According to the rules of the student council, the correct relationship between men and women is to eat together and go for a walk-it wasn’t written anywhere else, right?”

It is indeed a sound rule.


As expected, the love in this guy’s head and the love in my head seem to be different.

I don’t even think this guy likes me in the first place.

I asked.

“Is it because of Christina?”

“… … .”

Hilde did not answer.

Is this guy also the type to prefer silence over lying?

silence lasted for a while.

Hilde immediately opened her mouth.

“I have received many confession letters from men. I got a lot from women too.”

sudden pride?

It seemed that he would be popular with both men and women because of his boyish appearance.

Also, the executive committee members are a place that is resentful and at the same time a target of ‘admiration’.

Even Skadi, the executive committee member, could hear the line “It’s annoying because the locker is full of letters” when he raised his favorability rating.

Even Skadi, who is called a mad dog, was popular with the title of executive member.

I am from the same executive committee, but how can I be treated so differently?

Read at readwn.com

Just how ruthless and thorough was Viktor during his time as a member of the Executive Committee?

Victor, you bastard… !

When resentment against herself seemed to boil over, Hilde continued.

“I don’t know. Everyone wanted to date me. I’m sure everyone has a positive reason for wanting to date me.”

Well, it looks pretty and the performance is good.

Hilde’s distribution of magic and physical strength is as good as OP.

Instead, it’s really difficult to unlock a colleague.

Were you able to enter the party entry as an ally from the 3rd round onwards?

“I am giving you that opportunity, Viktor. You think you would be happy? Why is the response so lukewarm?”

Of course, dating him is a pleasure.

Axeman… ?

No, it seemed a little different from that.

It’s really different in many ways.

I told you.

“I will tell you why. It is impossible to date a man who has no affection for others.”

“Why is it impossible?”

“What if, it would never happen in real life, but assuming what if. Imagine that I put my hand on your chest. Wouldn’t you like it?”

“… … ?”

Hilda tilted her head.

Then, he puts his hand on his chest and squeezes it tightly with his hand.

“I think I said it before. It doesn’t wear out, so what does it matter?”

Looking at the tights sticking out between your fingers.

My common sense seemed to be getting weird.

So as I turned my gaze to the side, he added a few words.

“My hometown master also massaged my breasts since I was a child. It’s rather a positive thing to massage your breasts for the growth of magical power.”

“… … .”


This guy was like this.

But what is the master who said he massaged her breasts since childhood?

I am genuinely curious.

“Don’t you think that’s a bit strange?”

“Is it strange? Everyone in my hometown does that.”

No, is the hometown the problem?

Suddenly, I wondered where this guy’s hometown was.

Where are you from?

In the first place, not much was revealed about Hilde’s past.


There must be more important things than that now.

“Then, let’s think about it the other way around. Then can you massage my breasts?”

Even after I said it, there was no other stupid question like this.

It even feels weird.

Why am I running for the presidency?

I think it would be right to voluntarily resign.

A guy like me shouldn’t be a candidate.

“Victor, what question do you have?”

In fact, Hilde seemed very offended by my question.

The boy frowned and put on an expression of incomprehension.

After all, this guy is an active member of the Executive Committee.

This, let alone a candidate, I wondered if I would be caught for sexual harassment and go through a ‘prison event’.

Hilde said then.

“For men, massaging their breasts doesn’t increase their mana. That’s common sense, Victor.”

“… … .”

“anyway. I make Christina a king. I can do anything for that. Viktor, I will date you so support Christina.”


Is it to the extent of sacrificing oneself for one’s friend?

On the one hand, I felt that I was glad that I was here.

It wasn’t me, it was the bad guys.

Wouldn’t you have accepted this offer suddenly?

Thinking like that gave me a sense of duty, wondering if I should properly ‘lead’ this guy.

Although I am no longer a member of the executive committee.

Because they are also adults who have the duty to instill correct knowledge in the growing youth.

So I rummaged through the bag I was carrying on my side.

What is taken out from there is “Health Textbook”.

“Let’s see if you can talk about the same thing again after reading this. If you say the same thing when the time comes, I will take your words seriously.”


Seeing the health textbook I was holding out, Hilde’s eyebrows furrowed.

“That’s a subject that students in the second semester of the third year learn. It’s not right to open it up and see it at will.”

“Yeah, but you said you could do anything for Cristina? It would be okay to just open a book and build up prior learning.”

Originally illegal.

What not to do.

However, it seemed more wrong to leave Hilde alone like this.

“… … .”

Hilde seemed to be glaring at me with serious eyes.

Then, after snatching the 「Health Textbook」 from my hand, she said, “Well, don’t say anything else later,” and disappeared far away.

* * *

“Victor-kun, you said you met Hilde?”

six o’clock in the afternoon.

As I was about to finish the day’s business, Enio, who had taken off his apron and hung it on a hanger, spoke to me.

I nodded.


“What happened? Did you ever get a confession? No, it can’t be.”

Huhuhu – laughing Enio.

I nodded again.

“It was.”

“As expected, that Hilde confessed something… huh? What did you just say?”

“He said he had a confession.”

“… … !”

Enio seemed quite shocked.

Then he turned to me and asked me again, “Is that real?”

But this time, before I could answer, Enio fired a Dada-Da-Horse.

“You really confessed? Is that Hilde?”

“yes. But, Enio, it’s probably a little different from the confession you’re thinking. You know Hilde, but what should I say? A little lack of common sense.”

“Yeah… . That’s right. You’re from the Themyscira Islands. So how was Viktor-kun? Could it be that Viktor-kun was not offended by those words?”

“Of course I declined.”

At my firm answer, Enio looked like he was somewhat relieved.

It seemed that he was relieved that I, a member of the same club, had no negative feelings toward a girl he didn’t know.

In order to reassure such Enio, I spoke even more firmly.

“Relax, Enio. I don’t touch students who haven’t even graduated yet, or go out with them casually.”


“yes. Never touch a single hair. never. never.”

“… … .”

Then, this time, Enio seemed to be in a bad mood.

He frowns and even goesssips, “What is that, idiot?”

‘Idiot’ is a line that comes out only when choosing the wrong likability option.

I don’t know if there was a reason to make Enio feel bad in the conversation just now, but I thought it was because he was a kid with quick mood swings.

Then I got curious.

“Where is Hilde from?”

“I have no obligation to tell you that.”

Enio quickly turned his head and left the club room.


He’s like a real cat.

Even if you treat them well 100 times, if you get offended once, the cats will easily pout.

It is similar that it is difficult to guess what the switch is.

Have I been too strict with Enio lately?

Think about whether there was an affinity item nearby that would relieve the upset Enio’s mood.

Then I suddenly looked at the calendar.

It was surprising that the election was less than three days away.

“Time goes by so fast.”

While the Genesis Church, Fimblebert, and other things are intertwined, the seat of the student council president cannot be left vacant. Maybe it’s because of the early election.

Now the decision is mine.

“I will have to resign soon.”

Sales also went up smoothly.

If the approval rating is at this level, even if you quit now, you should be able to receive a 『plaque for candidacy』.

“It was kind of fun.”

I reminisced about the past days.

Have discussions and make promises.

Also, although the nymphs did it on their own, they also campaigned.

It was a luxurious experience with a lot of time and money.

And I also found out that being extravagant is unexpectedly very fun.

“Still, this should be enough.”

-Hooong… .

Kyeongkong, who was curled up on a soft cushion, cried as if he was sorry.

I also agreed.

“Yes, there were some regrets. It is impossible for a half-hearted person like me to be expected by others.”

Now Victoria and Cristina.

Shall we send it back to the fight between the two?

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