146 – 146 – To the dream resort, Bikini Island # 3

146 – To the dream resort, Bikini Island #3

Enio Blackstar was a princess.

It’s not that I just grew up like a princess, it’s safe to say that I was actually a princess.

Now there are only two dukes.

Among them, she was the only girl born to the Black Star family.

Everyone obeys her words, cultivated like gold and jade.

However, even for her who has lived her life as she pleases, there was the only opponent she could not do as she pleased.

It was Princess Victoria, of the same age, whom she had been compared to since childhood.


Enio growled at the sight of Victoria who suddenly appeared.

Victorica pushes her breasts hidden under the light blue dress as if to show off and sends a sharp look at her, saying, “Enio.”

Enio knew.

That Victoria personally came all the way here to interrupt her fun time.

But maybe he didn’t know that, the boy Viktor asked Victoria with a light feeling.

“Victoria, what are you doing here? I heard you’re busy with the student council president.”

“Student presidents are given coupons to use resorts every semester, right? I’m here to use it But to meet you in a place like this. What a coincidence. Accident.”

It was Victorica who laughed ho-ho-ho.

However, Enio knew that it was by no means a coincidence.

It was probably her older sister, Flora, who contacted her.

“… … .”

Enio looked at Flora without saying a word.

Flora is called the ‘Princess of Spring’ in the 3rd year.

He wasn’t even paying attention because they were in different grades, but Flora, who met Enio’s eyes, seemed to be teasing herself, saying, “It’s 2:1 now.”

Enio was surrounded by the arclight princesses.

In front of the majesty of that ‘huge mana’, Enio is helpless.

‘To be honest… . That’s not a foul… ?’

Although I didn’t express it outwardly.

Enio was perplexed.

The total amount of mana of the Blackstar family is less than that of the Arclight family.

… Of course, it’s only that it’s smaller than the Arcwright family, but it’s bigger than normal people.

In the first place, everyone would look small compared to the people of the Arkwright family.


The people of Black Star, who had to deal with the Arclight family by fate, honed their skills further and as a result were able to reach the pinnacle of the night.



Enio Blackstar had a skill that Victoria didn’t have.

So Enio stumbled quietly.

“Ah, I must be dizzy… . Did you play too much in the sea… .”

Enio’s staggered head landed on Viktor’s square shoulder.

“Enio, are you okay?”

Victor is concerned.

“It must have been because he was running around in the sea too much. For people from the north, this sunlight is poison.”

Enio was a bit moved by the kind words than expected, and said, “Umm, I’m a little dizzy… .” He blurted out.

In fact, even though I was from the north, I didn’t mind the scorching sun, but I thought it would be nice to feel really dizzy if this situation could continue.

Soon, the next person said, “Ugh… .” A sick voice was heard.

It was Victorian grinding her teeth.

Before long, Victoria also stumbled.

“Victor, I think I’m a little dizzy from the sun too… .”

However, unlike Enio’s time, Victor’s attitude towards Victoria was quite determined.

“Victorica, everyone in the Arclight family knows how to replenish magic by getting sunlight. People in your family are photosynthetic. You can’t be dizzy just because you’ve been in the sun.”

“… … .”


As Enio swallowed a laugh at the sight of Victorica’s expression crumpling, Princess Flora gently removed Enio’s head from Victor’s shoulder with the palm of her hand.

“Princess Enio, is it because you played so much? You must have been excited like a child. Shall we go with you? I will take you to the nearby nursing center.”

“… … .”

“Yes, Enio. I’d rather go.”

Viktor seemed genuinely concerned.

It’s good to be worried, but it’s difficult in many ways.

Enio said, “No, I think I’m better now.”

Only the man who didn’t know how many battles had gone on in this short period of time said, “I’m glad you’ve gotten better. But don’t overdo it now.” He just replied with a serious face as always.

* * *

“Woo-hyo found an S-class beauty on the island. Come play with us.”

Some strange men flirted with Flora.

Flora covered her face with a fan and smiled leisurely.

“Sorry, but I have a group.”

Flora pointing her finger in my direction.

Soon, the men’s faces turned to bewilderment.

“Yeah, that’s Viktor.”

“Kuu, are you coming all the way here to keep morals… !?”

I received resentful glances from men with blonde hair and lots of piercings.

I didn’t do anything, but just being there is burdensome.


Flora smiled contentedly.

“There were guys who kept bothering me whenever I went out to play. It’s good that Viktor is there, so it’s resolved. As expected, it’s like the watchman of Arclight.”

How do you treat a person as a big dog guarding a house?

Of course, I corrected it lightly.

“I am no longer the guardian of the arclight.”

“Is it? But, well, it’s something people don’t know. So how is it? In Viktor’s eyes, do I still deserve to be chosen as Miss Ludens?”

Flora posed in front of me.

She looked like a European swimsuit magazine model.


I nodded in agreement.

Victoria, who had been listening to this conversation, asked.

“So what about me?”

“you… .”

“Victor-kun, what do you think of me?”

As if Enio and Victoria kissed at the same time, they asked me a question.

Are you asking who will vote for Miss Ludens?

“… … .”

I was troubled.

I wonder if the mood of the shepherd holding the golden apple was exactly the same as mine.

“Victor-kun, out of the three of us, who will you vote for if you appear on Miss Ludens?”

“Enio, you are funny too. Do you really need to tell me that? Anyone can see that it’s me.”

“Oh my gosh, Victoria. What are you talking about in front of me, my older sister? Don’t you know that it was I who invited Miss Ludens to Viktor? not you.”

“Sister, are we doing this among ourselves?”


I had to get into a very serious thought because everyone’s eyes started to focus on me.

Who should I choose here is to my advantage.

Should I choose Flora as in the original story?

I have to choose Flora to get Miss Ludens’ contest trophy for me.


Would Enio and Victorica’s pride allow such an outcome?

I have a lot of trouble.

It was a time when I hesitated because I wanted to make a decision.

“Victor, tell me you are choosing me! I’m saying that Flora is the only queen in this Ludens… !”


Flora pulled me and pulled me.

Thanks to that, my shoulder is buried in something unexpected.

At the same time, someone grabbed my arm again.

“Sister, what are you talking about? Are we doing this among ourselves?”

It was Victoria.

Victoria also pulled my arm from the other side, so I ended up getting my arm buried in something that smelled like peaches.

Someone clings to my back.

“Victor-kun, who are you going to choose? yes?”

Enio is quite… It was flat.

But in many ways, it was the time when I felt dizzy at the sensation of philosophical tenderness.

“Oh, the bruises are disappearing from Viktor-kun’s hands.”

I was awakened by Enio’s voice.

I turned my gaze to look at my left arm, and the bruise that had formed so strangely had slowly disappeared.

“Victor-kun, it looks like you had fun today?”

is it?

Thinking so, it seemed like it was.

However, in this situation, Victoria showed a serious expression.

“I didn’t expect to see traces of the devil in this Ludens.”

Devil seemed to mean a goblin or a two-headed fox in the south where the Arkwright family was located.

Victoria asked clearly.

“Was the devil really right?”

Regarding that, Enio nodded.

“I saw it for sure. It’s proof that the energy of Ludens Island is being disturbed. I heard that the divine power is gradually declining from the statues in churches and parks.”

“Not good… . Should I contact the church? Because hunting demons is what the Church specializes in. Maybe we should ask for an interrogator to be sent.”

On the topic that I was fighting like a child until just a while ago.

Talking seriously, it was quite adult.

But, “Interrogator”?

I felt ominous about this word.

The Inquisitor is a group that only appears in the second half of the Enio route.

Above all, Enio and I don’t get along well.

It’s the second half of Enio’s route that the incident breaks out because they touch Enio.

“… … .”

How long has it been since the student council issue ended, has the interrogator already been mentioned?

arclight route.

Blackstar route.

Is this what it feels like to be running simultaneously?

Of course, only Flora, who had nothing to do with this story, raised her arms high and yawned.

“Hmm-. I’m getting sleepy now.”

The armpits were very dazzling.

Is that the legacy of the Arkwright family?


Now it was time to slowly go back.

Time goes by so fast when you’re playing.

As a result, I think it was fun.

If there’s one thing I regret, it’s just that next time I’d like to bring more friends like Nike and Arnoi to play with.


I don’t seem to be the type to play around when someone is working.

If you’re going to play, it’s good to rest together.

* * *

Playing also requires stamina.

As soon as Victorica and Enio returned to the main island of Ludens, they went straight to their dormitory, probably tired.

“Victor-kun, be careful for the time being. The goblins will be able to appear again.”

“I get it.”

I also headed to the club room.

It was when I was about to turn on the light in the dim club room.

Someone slid out from behind me.

It was a girl with skin as red as twilight.

His bushy brown hair is impressive.

“What is it, Hilda?”

To be honest, I was a little surprised when something came out of nowhere.

I almost pulled out my sword knowing that he was a goblin or a devil.

“What’s going on? I heard you haven’t even been to work at the student council lately.”

First day of vacation.

Hilde came to visit me when the first sunset of the vacation was going down.

I checked the guy.

Hilde, who usually showed off her long and strong legs like a runner, was wearing a baggy and loose sweats today.

Instead of slippers, which I usually enjoy wearing, I wore sneakers, so I didn’t reveal a single toe.

It looked like he was wearing several layers of tops.

… Isn’t it hot?

The weather today was really hot like summer.

It’s still hot.


The sound of the cicadas calling made it feel even hotter.

“… Victor, you… !”

Hilde glanced at me sweating.

seems to resent me

Being suddenly resentful was something I was used to, so I didn’t feel any different anymore.

The only thing that fills my head is the question, ‘What happened again this time?’

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