148 – 148 – Victor Avon’s Summer #2

148 – Summer of Victor Avon #2

Mem-mum-maem-mae-ah, it’s hot. Memmae-.

Did the cicada just cry ‘It’s hot’?

Or did I hear the hallucinations because I was hot?



I didn’t say that it was hot because it was dizzy.

But it was really hot these days.

A few days after vacation started.

It was hot in many ways, so I couldn’t get enough energy.

The case of the nymphs was even worse.

“This Arnoi, at this rate… From a nymph in the gutter, she evolves into a nymph in boiling water… . Nymph-repulsive heat… .”

Arnoy was drooping on the floor of the club room like a melted marshmallow.

The same goes for Ariel.

“This Ariole wants ice cream… .”

Also, the Imp Puipoys look surprisingly good.

“The weather is hot… !”

“It’s about getting stronger… !”

At first glance, it seems that the magic of nymphs is water attribute, and the magic of imps is fire attribute.

That’s why imps are lively in summer.

“Victor, it’s so hot… !”

Nike was also more energetic than expected.

“Sunflowers bloom very well in this weather. Shall we plant some sunflowers near the club? Akasha gave the squirrels some leftover sunflower seeds… !”

I wonder if this kind of heat is okay because I lived in the forest?

Nike asked me while tying up Arnoi’s drooping hair.

“So Viktor, how about packing? Are you ready?”

“It’s a burden.”

“We decided to go to Rash Guard Forest together. Haven’t you forgotten?”

I nodded my head at Nike’s somewhat uneasy question.

“know. I haven’t forgotten.”

We decided to stop by Rashgard Forest during vacation.

There is also a reason why I wanted to go to that ‘mainland’.

There was also a reason to seek advice from Nike’s father about the strange dice that Arnoi had obtained.

“I’m going back to my hometown forest after a long time… ! I hope everyone is doing well… ?”

Hee-hee – laughing Nike.

In the meantime, I didn’t have a chance to go back home because I was hit by schoolwork and work, but I seemed very excited when the opportunity came like this.

“Should I leave Kungkong and Elizabeth with Akasha?”

“Okay, don’t worry. I will take responsibility for Catherine and Elizabeth.”

Akasha, who appeared in the club room before I knew it, said while stroking Kyeongkyong.

While I went to Rash Guard Forest, I wonder if Kyeongkongi has become a thump again. I’m nervous for nothing.

“Catherine, let me eat the special meal I prepared every day. Then you won’t even think of Viktor. Whoop-.”

-Hooong… !

Look at that, you’re already full of thoughts to gain weight.

I’m kind of anxious.

But time passes by.

It was the same day that the ferry was booked.

“So, is everyone ready? Does the teacher call attendance? First of all, Arnoi.”

“It is ready… !”

Arnoy raises his hand.

Domina glanced at Arnoi’s orange hair reflecting the sunlight, then moved her gaze.

“Then Victor, Enio, Puipui, Poippo, and Ariol are all there. It seems like everything has arrived.”

“… Why did you confirm your attendance only by calling Arnoi?”

“Now then, those who haven’t come yet, raise your hands! isn’t it? then start? Cooking Club’s Rash Guard Forest Summer Camp Trip. Are you leaving soon?”

At Domina’s question, everyone looked at each other’s faces.

It seemed that Domina’s tension was strangely high.

“Domina, aren’t you too excited?”

When I asked, female teacher Domina rummaged through her pockets.

Then, he took out a thick-looking money bag and said, “How much support money came out for summer camp expenses! I can travel legally with other people’s money, but how can I not be excited?” he laughs.

Being a member of society is difficult in many ways.

At that time, Ariole, a honey-haired first-year nymph, raised her hand.

“Nike manager hasn’t come yet… !”

Really, Nike hasn’t come yet.

The ship will be leaving soon.

Wasn’t Rashgard Forest the place Nike wanted to go the most?

It was then.

“I-I’m here… !”

Nike was running from the other side.

Maybe because he was carrying a very large bag, he didn’t seem to get very fast even though he ran hard. It looks like a turtle or snail carrying a large shell.

“Heh, heh, out of breath… . Still, isn’t it too late? yes?”

Nike barely reached the harbor and was out of breath.

Domina looked at the watch on her wrist and said, “There are still 10 minutes left. But Miss Nike, why are you so late? You were almost late,” he cautioned.

“Uh, sorry… .”

I shared the burden from the apologetic Nike.

Not only the bag on the back, but also the luggage in both hands.

“Nike, why do you have so many luggage?”

Nike answered Enio’s question.

“A gift from the people of my hometown… !”

It seems so.

Were there really a lot of tourists from the mainland taking souvenirs from Ludens?

Products born and raised in Ludens seem to be popular in the mainland as well.

“Then let’s all get on board… !”

At Domina’s cry, we all got on the boat heading to the mainland.

Did you say it takes about two days to reach the mainland?

After unpacking in my room, I went up on deck.

Already, Enio’s black hair was blowing in the wind.

No, it looks like you’re looking for something?

“Enio, who are you looking for? Are you looking for Tisiphone or Megara?”

At my question, Enio met my eyes.

Then he asks, “Have you seen Miss Victoria?”

Victoria Carani.

If it’s Victoria, wouldn’t it be time to work hard in the student council president’s office?

It was time I tried to answer the obvious fact.

“What, I hear someone looking for me. oh my, who is this Isn’t that Victor? Do you have Enio? To see you all in a place like this It’s a complete coincidence.”

Victorica appeared out of nowhere with her silver hair tied back.

After pulling up his black sunglasses, the guy slapped Enio’s arm with his palm as if he was really happy.

Enio rubbed his arm and frowned.

“Victoria, what excuse did you follow me again this time?”

“excuse? catch up? What do you say? How busy are the student council, can you stop talking about it as if you guys are following them around? Isn’t that right, guys?”

In response to Victoria’s question, Shady and Milone appeared from afar with bags full.

“Seniors, a trip to the mainland. It’s like a dream… ! Student council unity, I don’t know who came up with the idea, but it’s a really good idea… !”

Milone came up to me and bowed her head.

“Ah, Viktor senior, as I’ve said many times, the last time you helped me… .”

“I was just helping the regulars. Please use our store a lot in the future.”

“Yes, are you okay with a boat? I heard you got stabbed in the window… .”


“If you’ve been hurt… ! If there is a scar, I, Milone of Gold Coin, will take responsibility and compensate… !”

“No, there are no scars. See for yourself if you’re worried.”

I lightly lifted my clothes.

Because medicine in Ludens was several times more advanced than that of the mainland, only wounds pierced by a spear could be healed without scarring.

“Wow… . There are really no scars… . Clean abs… .”


Milone touched my belly with the palm of her hand.

Isn’t it strange that there are no scars?

Soon after, Victorica said, “Milone, won’t you unpack soon? The first grader is missing-.” As he threatens, the guy jumps out somewhere as if he has come to his senses.

Looking at him, Victoria said.

“This is why blondes shouldn’t be trusted, either male or female.”

is there such a word?

When I was wondering, someone appeared.

“Oh my, it sounds like you have to listen to me. Victoria.”

“No, Cristina. I didn’t mean to ask you to listen.”

“Gold is better than silver. Gold is the best medal.”

Christina appeared.

Also, Hilde, who follows Christina, and a male student from the planning department, ‘Designer-Jin’, appeared.

Is it the student council assembly?

This is another rare case.

* * *

“So. What if someone anonymously opened a ‘reunion meeting’ in the student council mailbox? Did you say let’s go to Rash Guard Forest?”

At Enio’s question, Victoria nodded.

“Because it is. Thanks for bothering me.”

Victoria grunted as if it was really annoying.

Regarding this, Enio opened her slender eyes and spoke coldly.

“Huh, no matter who the contributors are, their destinations completely overlap with ours. It’s a complete coincidence. Right Miss Victoria?”

“Yeah, thanks to you, I have to see your face. it’s annoying.”

Victoria was annoyed, but I thought it was a good idea.

The current student council is Christina’s group and Victoria’s group.

It’s because it’s just forcibly attached to what’s divided into two like this.

Wouldn’t it be possible to get to know each other if we go out together and unite?

“I don’t know who came up with the opinion, but it’s pretty clever. It seems that even in the current student council, there are people with good ideas.”

In response to my light evaluation, Victoria said, “Hmm, is that so? Is that what you think too?” he said proudly.

The student council members are being praised, but he is happy.

I think you could call him a student council president already.

If this is the case, student council unity will come soon.

Anyway, the road to Rash Guard was unexpectedly noisy.

Two days to the mainland.

It is fortunate that the two days spent on the boat will not be boring or lonely.


Then someone pulled my side.

When I turned around, I saw Hilde, who pulled up the zipper of her sweatshirt up to her neck, glaring at me.

He wasn’t wearing winter clothes like the previous day, but the zipper pulled up to his neck made him look hot.

The good news is that he was wearing sandals and dolphin pants that looked cool.

I’m not wearing socks.

I asked.


“Have some time in the evening. I have something to say.”

After saying that, Hilde quickly went away.

Seeing that figure, Enio tilted his head as if he was puzzled.

“Does Hilde have something to say to Viktor? what?”

Soon, Victoria laughed.

“What is it? It won’t be a big deal. It’s that Hilde. Unlike anyone else, you won’t have any selfishness or black feelings.”

Victorica and Enio started bickering again.

These guys don’t have anything else on the island or on the boat-thinking, I decided to go back to my room and finish unpacking my stuff.

My roommate, ‘Designer-Jin’ of the planning department of the student council, looks at me and nods.

He is a class president-style male student with brown ponytail hair who looks good with glasses.

“… … .”

I also nodded without speaking.

No matter what I do, it’s comfortable when I’m with a male student because I feel like I have something in common.

Please note that the room is for 3 people.

I don’t know who will fill the remaining seats.

boo woo woo-.

Finally the ship departed.

Two days to the mainland.

It won’t be anything special, but somehow it felt like I was going on an overseas trip, so I was really looking forward to it.

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