155 – 155 – Color from the sea # 1

155 – Color from the sea # 1

Victoria seemed very taken aback by Enio’s sudden appearance.

“Enio, what did you just say? What did you say?”

“I told you to stop fighting, stupid child.”

“Why are you talking like that? My mother, who was a duchess, didn’t talk like that either. Is your house like that?”


Enio frowned.

Then, wasn’t the sirens who were bowing their heads running amok as if they were angry?

“The rude bitch… !”

“What kind of habit do you dare to speak to God? !”

He could tell that the sirens were treating Enio like a precious lady.

In the first place, a precious young lady is right.

What is it, it feels a little different.

This is a kind of worship.

Enio worshiped by these strange sirens?

There’s a good reason for that—.

“… … .”

─There is one thing to point out.

It might not be the time yet.

Enio said while I was in serious trouble for a moment.

“Children, tie up that naughty girl.”


At Enio’s command, the sirens moved.

Soon, countless tentacles began to entangle Victoria’s arms and legs.

“Aww! Hey, let it go! Where are you touching now!”

Victoria didn’t seem to understand the situation.

it’s the same for me too

Enio attacking Victoria.

So I stepped forward and asked.

“Enio, what is this?”


Ruby-like red eyes met her gaze.

There was something spooky about Enio’s red eyes as he looked under the full moon.

“You are arrogant.”

It was Enio who warned me in a rather solemn voice.

Are you being rude, don’t talk to me?

“However, the courage to stand proudly in front of the original woman is imaginary. He seems lacking in magical power, but seems to be enough to make him a husband for the original woman.”

have you seen?

Enio is talking in a strange way, like a different person.

It’s really bizarre.

Even in the Black Star route, which I repeated many times, I had never used that kind of language.

Even more strange was the story that followed.

“Brave man, if you want us to release that foolish, dull-hearted woman, you will be our hostage. Then there will be no fighting for a while.”

“What, what’s up? dull what? Hey!”

Enio winked one eye at me as Victoria started to riot.

Are you asking me to follow you?

Suddenly, the story of Act 8 of the Black Star route came to mind.

Act 8 towards the end of the Black Star route.

In Act 8, did Enio abandon his friends and become a high-ranking official of the Church of Creation and become Ludens’ enemy?

I was quite shocked by the development of the main heroine’s betrayal.

At that time, Enio closed one eye at the main character and his colleagues.

“… … .”

The situation then and now seemed to be roughly the same.

So I nodded and agreed to Enio’s opinion.

“I get it. I’ll be the hostage instead, so drop off Victoria.”

I have accepted this bizarre story.

It seemed that Victoria, who had become free, had misunderstood something by saying, “Victor, you don’t have to compromise for me!”

I decided to obediently respond to the arrest of the sirens.

Victorica shouted at us.

“Hey! Enio you naughty bitch! You’re finally showing your true colors! This pseudo!”


The road went wild, but Enio didn’t seem to care.

Only Nike, who was watching this scene, trembled.

“Hey, what’s going on now… ! Why eh eh, why eh eh… !? I thought we were all colleagues and rivals with the same aspirations… ! Enio, we’re friends… !”

that reaction.

It was similar to the line that one of his companions must say when Enio betrays him in Act 8 of the Black Star route.

Is this the Nike version?

Enio only answered lightly.

“You know the Squadron Heroes? If you look there, black always betrays you. I am too.”

“profit… !”

Yes, black is naturally good at walking a tightrope.


I followed Enio to the sea.

He whispers in my ear, “You have to hold your breath for about a minute.”


When I hold my breath, someone’s hand pulls my body and sinks.

* * *

Although I am not good at swimming.

Lung capacity was good.

If you dive, you can easily hold out for about five minutes.

superhuman isn’t it?

You have to be at that level to become a mid-boss.

When you open your eyes after about 2 minutes of being submerged in water.

A cave with a strange stone statue greeted me.

Looking at the seawater rushing in, I wondered if it was a sea cave drilled somewhere in the sea.

“What is this? It is a strange stone statue.”

In response to my question, Enio looked around and said.

“You are reckless. Talking to the original girl carelessly… ! Brave man, the only time you are allowed to speak is the time permitted by the original woman.”

That’s really strict.

“You can stop acting.”

“What is it, are you tired?”

Enio laughs and says “Puch”.

It wasn’t surprising since I already knew that Enio was acting out a strange situation.

What I’m curious about is why do you act like this?

The quick-witted Enio explained this.

“You see this statue? It’s an ancient goddess statue. Since no one seems to be around, I’ll tell Viktor for now. I don’t know why, but these strange sirens seem to think I’m this goddess.”


I looked at Enio’s feet.

The density of the shadows cast by the lonely lamp in the cave was ordinary.

It seems like nothing I’m worried about happened… .

Enio soon added an explanation.

“I look like the goddess of the sea who disappeared hundreds of years ago. How does Viktor-kun see it? Do I look like a goddess?”

Enio twirling around and jingling the pearl or shell accessory on her wrist.

In a way, she is like a goddess.

… Well, in a way, it’s not wrong.

It’s a pretty complicated story, so it’s hard to explain, but I decided to admit it.

“Is she really a goddess? Even if the sirens get confused, it can’t be helped.”

Enio then blushed.

“What do you mean I’m so pretty?”

“I won’t deny it.”

“… … .”

Enio, who seemed to have been very excited just now, was silent with a strange feeling.

Did I, who had never had a conversation with a woman, ruin the atmosphere without even knowing it?

When Nike or Victoria talked to me, there was often a gap like this.

A friend who worked part-time with me in the past talked nonstop when talking to a girl.

When I think, am I still far away?

Enio opened his mouth first, probably trying to change the awkward and uninteresting atmosphere.

“Rather than that, isn’t Viktor hungry? I have a lot to eat. This is an apple from the sea. sea apple. Isn’t it amazing that apples grow in the sea? The first taste is a bit salty. The ending is very sweet.”

There were many things to eat around Enio.

It is different from the poor island.

“Sea apples are useful ingredients. It is also used as an ingredient for elixir.”

“Elixir? Isn’t that just a legend? A potion that cures all diseases, right?”

Doesn’t Enio know anything about the existence of the Elixir?

Well, since you can make an elixir almost from the 2nd playthrough.

You also need a legendary material called “Nectar”.

Unraveling this information would cause confusion, so I decided to change my mind.

“Enio, I want to ask you one thing first, but why are you here? Can’t we get out?”

“I have tried in many ways. The sirens, who understand no matter what I do, oppose me getting out of here. If Viktor-kun could help… .”

is it.

You brought me here to escape with my help.

“If you go outside the sea cave here, a cliff spreads out. There is a boat there. It’s not a big boat, but it’s good enough for a few people. As long as I can get there somehow, I think I can get on that boat and go to the mainland. Then we can call the rescue team.”


Enio seemed to have a plan of his own.

First of all, did you try to escape step by step by matching the words of the sirens?

It was then.

with a plop.

At the waterside that had filled the cave, someone showed up with only their upper body sticking out.

“Goddess, then, since you have been tying up men, it is time to do what you promised.”

It was a siren that looked quite strict.

I don’t know where I got it, but I’m even wearing glasses.

It feels like a strict tutor.

The problem is that Enio started to panic at his words.

“Uhm, what. Did you promise?”

“Goddess, you must not have forgotten. Didn’t He promise to bring prosperity to our family if he finds a husband? Then, let’s breed offspring… !”

breed offspring.

* * *

Enio miraculously escaped from the sinking ship.

─Go oh oh.

The sight of a huge ship carrying hundreds of people disappearing without a trace into the deep black night sea was horrifying even for Enio, who had seen many scenes in his life.

‘If Viktor-kun hadn’t found the problem with the ship… .’

He must have become one with the black sea.

Of course, the problem didn’t end with simply escaping the ship.

The lifeboat Enio was riding on was overturned by a strange current and a raging storm, and when he came to his senses, Enio was surrounded by strange beings.


-The goddess has awakened… !

Enio was a smart man.

It didn’t take long to realize that these sirens mistook Enio for a ‘goddess’.

-Outsiders came to the island.

-There must be a lot of men, right? Tonight, let’s make an immediate raid… !

-For the sake of the goddess’s husband… !

I quickly realized that these sirens were trying to attack someone for the ‘goddess husband’.

Perhaps among them were Viktor and other students.

Enio decided to try a trick for now.

“I am not taking anyone for my husband. Husbands will be carefully selected from those with high magic power, so make sure you know that. Indiscriminate raiding is not right.”

The Viktor Enio knew had low magic power, so he thought he would be able to escape the target of the attack.

But before I know it, the story begins – on the night when the full moon rises, let’s attack the men with high magic power! became a story, and Enio thought he should inform Viktor, who had a high probability of being alive.

and then.

it has arrived by now

“Goddess, since you brought a husband, hurry up and reproduce… !”

The siren, who identified herself as Elder Calypso, urged Enio.

Wearing glasses reminds me of the strict tutor in my hometown, which makes me uncomfortable.

Was he the only person who had been scolding Enio when the others were busy courting him?

At that time, Viktor, who had been quietly listening to the situation, opened his mouth.

“It’s breeding. What does that mean?”

About this Elder Siren Calypso spoke.

“We sirens were cursed with 8 eyes. This is all because our great goddess was eliminated from the game. thanks we… It is declining.”

“I don’t understand. What does decline and descendant prosperity mean?”

Victor asked again.

At that question, Siren Calypso frowned as if being rude.

“Look at our legs. I was cursed with 8 eyes and became 8.”


“So it is. We are eight-legged women. What kind of guy would like us? Of course, there are people who like it, but only men who are not normal. We reject such a man.”

“… … .”

“Above all, after the decline of the goddess who prayed for the peace of the sea, Ssangwol Island, our home, is a huge monster… .”

Calypso was about to say something, but kept his mouth shut.

Soon after, he cleared his throat and added words.

“Anyway, Ssangwoldo is not able to interact with the outside world due to sudden storms and winds. So, we are on the decline.”

“indeed. The roughness of the sea around Ludens was due to the absence of the goddess who ruled the sea. I learned something new.”

“But, it’s okay now! For our prosperity, the Goddess has once again appeared from the depths of the sea! This lofty and foreboding magical power, only one great goddess… ! Come on, breed… !”

Enio was destined to become the mother of these strange siren sisters.

Of course, even if Enio had a child, a siren would not be born.

These mermaids who do not know such things are talking wildly.

“Hey man, you must satisfy the goddess tonight… ! We’ll be watching… !”

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