165 – 165 – Serious gaming addiction #3

165 – Serious Gaming Addiction #3

Nike’s father.

No, said Lesh, a forest keeper known for his love of gambling.

“Why don’t you roll the dice and bet?”

He seemed to be coveting the dice Arnoy had.

The sudden situation was a bit bewildering, but… .

On the one hand, it made sense.

Let’s say I’m collecting stickers, for example.

Isn’t it normal to want the next friend’s Mewtwo when you have a Mew you’ve found so hard?

Read at readwn.com

Just like that, the Forest Keeper Lesh seemed to want to pair the dice we had with his dice.

Of course, the decision to accept this bet or not is up to Arnoi.

“Will the winner get all the dice…? ?”

“Yes, you have to take that level of risk to make betting fun. how. You may decide the content of the bet. You can use the playgrounds here.”

Seeing as we told him to decide the content of the bet, it seemed that he had no intention of cheating.

Then Arnoi said as if he remembered something.

“It’s about making ends meet… !”

What an ending.

When I was a little puzzled, Arnoy added a few words.

“All nymphs are good at repeating words… ! It is said that there is a story about a half-nymph who defeated an evil villain through a series of endings… ! This is a very popular story for nymphs… ”

“No, it can’t be finished.”

For some reason, I had an instinctive feeling that I shouldn’t repeat the ending.

It’s just a visceral hunch.

I don’t know much more than that.

don’t ask

Arnoi felt very sorry for this and said, “Then Arnoi, you are not confident in your bet… .” He drooped.

Still, it seemed that Arnoy also coveted the dice the Forest Keeper had.

“This Arnoy, the bet has no spirit confidence… . Viktor, to be the great warrior of this Arnoi… !”


If it’s a great warrior, what, do you mean to play ranked games as a proxy?

It didn’t matter to me, but at such an important moment, giving the right to me instead of yourself.

“This Arnoi, Chef Viktor, is something you can trust… !”

It’s also quite exciting.

It reminds me of the part-time job hyung who asked me to replace the last game before promotion.


To be honest, I was also a little intrigued.

For some reason, it smells like a DLC main episode.

I felt like I was going through the episodes of D&A in the right direction.

It is right to ride this kind of tailwind.


I readily agreed to Arnoi’s request to become a great warrior.

All that remains now is how to decide what kind of bet it will be.

Looking around, I saw something familiar.

It is a kind of deck of cards.

It’s the bunch of cards I’ve seen so much in Ludens’s 「Minigame Island」.

I was a little bit confident about this.

Each card has an attack power and level.

As a result, it was a simple game in which the one who knocked down the opponent’s card and cut the opponent’s life first wins.

“How about doing this?”

“Is it Ludenstone?”


Was there such a name for this card game?

said the forest keeper.

“It is said that long ago, it was a game played by gods and fairies carving pictures on stone tablets. Now it has become a card game with pictures drawn on this kind of paper, but the essence remains the same.”

I have gained useless knowledge.

“Choose twenty cards from the deck of cards. Because I have another bundle just like this one. By the way, my deck has already been decided.”

Forestkeepers gave me a significant advantage.

Can I build my own deck?

For your reference, I wrote countless tips on how to play 「Mini Game Island」.

I was the one who organized the wiki.

In other words, this Luden Stone is a card game that has a lot of confidence.

So I took a good look at each card in the deck.

First of all, the most powerful is the ‘Dragon’ deck.

This deck made up of Dragon race cards is difficult in the beginning, but really strong in the later stages.

It’s almost guaranteed to win.

It’s over when “Blue-Eyes Mignon” appears on the field.

So, while I was taking out the Balaur card in advance, Arnoi spoke in a small but clear voice that only I could hear.

“Using the squirrel and nymph deck… ! The squirrel and nymph deck is a powerful thing… ! Listen to what Arnoi has to say… !”

What is “Squirrel and Nymph Deck” again?

It was the first type of deck I had ever heard of.

The races were dragon, beast, human, light, dark, and spirit.

However, in fact, a tribe called ‘Nymph’ was added to the deck of cards.

This deck was added in DLC… .

It should be interesting.

“… … .”

“Did you pick them all?”


twenty chapters.

picked all

* * *

Forest Keeper Lesh and I sat face to face with a table with a strange deck of cards in the center.


The candles and braziers that lit up the dark basement began to burn.

It was still dark in the underground room, where there was no sunlight.

Perhaps because of that, I couldn’t even recognize the face of the forest keeper sitting across from me.

The only thing I can see well is his emerald eyes reflecting the candlelight.

And I noticed a strange fact here…

“Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing.”

I shook my head moderately, and the forest keeper Lesh shuffled shuffled shuffling the deck of cards.

“Then let the game begin. The rules are simple. Use each other’s cost to play cards. Just use that card to attack your opponent and reduce their life to 0.”

Each other’s lives are 20.

In other words, if you pierce the opponent’s stomach with a card like 「Cyclops」 with 20 attack power, the game ends immediately.

“The cost increases by 1 each turn. As the number of turns increases and the cost increases, you will be able to summon more powerful minions.”

“i get it.”

So far it’s the same as I know.

But things will change in the future.

Swish swipe.

After throwing a coin, I drew four cards from the shuffled cards.

Forest Keeper Lesh, who drew three cards for the first attack, puts out a card.

“The first turn is 1 cost. I will pay 1 cost and give you a “dragon egg”.”


The handed out card was a dragon egg.

Attack power 0. Stamina 2.

At first glance, it might seem like a useless card.

This is a card that hatches into a powerful dragon with 4 ATK and 4 HP after 2 turns.

If I don’t take it down quickly, I’ll be in trouble in many ways.

“Your turn.”

is it already me

I played a card that I had planned in advance.

“This is my card.”


Then, the eyes of the forest keeper shining in the dark shimmer with a strange light.

“A squirrel… ?”

“yes. 1 cost, 0 attack power, 1 health.”

The ability ends here.

If you simply look at the ability, it’s a very trash card.

“Now it’s your turn, Forest Keeper.”

“is it. 2nd turn. I will pay the 2 cost to summon a whelp.”

A baby dragon with 2 cost, 3 attack, and 2 health.

In many ways, it was a classic dragon deck play.

Are you going to bring out the strongest deck?

“According to the rules, you cannot attack during the turn you summoned. Now it’s your turn. And don’t forget that the dragon egg will be resurrected next time it’s my turn.”

Be kind.

Are you underestimating me?

Perhaps the Forest Keeper seemed quite confident in this game called Ludenstone.

The gaze of an old person looking at a newbie.

i’m feeling that right now

How many times have you looked at me with those eyes?

Feeling new, I drew a card.

「Honey candy」.

It wasn’t the card I wanted.

It didn’t matter.

I had the card for the 2 cost in my hand anyway.

“I sacrifice the squirrel to special summon the nymph of the ditch. The stats of “Nymph of the Ditch” are 1 ATK and 1 HP.”

“Nymph Deck… ?”

The voice that came out of the darkness was quite bewildered.

“Choosing the most insignificant and weak nymph deck… ? It is the weakest deck.”


It is a strange card that requires you to consume a card called “Squirrel” instead of costing to summon it.

In the subject with such restrictions, the attack power is 1. The physical strength is 1.

“It might look funny.”

But nymphs are a ‘fairy’ kind.

And as far as I know, the attribute relationship in D&A is clear, so the dragon, which is said to be the strongest creature, has always been weak against ‘fairy’.

The same goes for card games.

“The weakest ditch water nymph can defeat the strongest dragon. Nymphs cannot be damaged or destroyed by dragons. If there are minions on the field, direct attacks against the opponent are impossible.”

In other words.

As a forest keeper who can’t defeat the “Nymph of the Ditch”, there is no way to attack me.

It means that my one-sided attack continues.

I heard the forest keeper’s curious voice.

“What did I do if I wasn’t a dragon deck?”

“It can’t be.”

A bet on rare dice.

If you’re skilled, it makes sense to choose the strongest deck of cards.

And my predictions were just right.

hehehehe – I heard a laugh in the dark.

“You are a great gambler. Alright, now it’s my turn. After a turn, the “dragon egg” becomes a “big dragon”. However, a dragon cannot destroy a nymph.”

The Forest Keeper drew a card according to his turn.

Then, her emerald green eyes narrowed.

“A good card came out just in time. I will sacrifice the two dragons of the field. And what I summon is 「Dragon Slayer – Siegfried」.”

“… … .”

You mean it wasn’t a dragon deck?

「Dragon Slayer – Siegfried」.


What is put onto the field is a powerful minion card with 7 attack and 7 health.

It doesn’t seem like an ordinary card… .

It’s probably a card that can be called a “rare”.

“I like great people. Those worthy of being called heroes. I have a lot of them in my deck of cards.”

“How many more cards like this do you have?”

“Yes, they are all my great fighters. It’s common sense to fight with the strongest deck. Now, what are you going to do? challenger.”

“… … .”

I kept my mouth shut.

Next to me, Arnoy makes a fuss.

“As a nymph of the ditch, you can’t beat that terrifying card… ! This is a scam… ! This game is invalid… !”

As Arnoy said.

This was a scam.

That’s because, among the cards I saw when building my deck, there was no “Dragon Slayer – Siegfried”. There were no other heroes besides him.

What is a ‘hero deck’?

I’ve never even heard of it.

In other words.

This was a tilted game board from the start.

Never thought Nike’s dad would fool us like this.

Didn’t you actually hate it because we came to play as we wanted?

The monster of Lesh Guard Forest.

A monster that eats people.

Rumors floating around seemed to linger in my ears.

“Now, what are you going to do, challenger? It’s your turn.”

The man hastened my turn.

Although he was sitting on the opposite side, he could only see his eyes in the dark underground environment.

Therefore, it was clearly visible that his shining emerald eyes had something peculiar.

The brightness of the left and right eyes is different.

The left eye is slightly cloudy.

It was empty like a hole in the sea.

Is it a prosthetic eye?

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