186 – 186 – Not a bug, but a skill # 1

186 – It’s not a bug, it’s a skill #1

“Look at this, it’s amazing… !”

Nike’s eyes are emerald green.

To what extent was it emerald green, when I went back and forth between Ludens and the mainland by boat a while ago.

There was a moment when the sunset stretched over the sunset over the sea and the water surface and the sky sparkled like jewels.

Nike’s eyes were emerald, just like that.

Right now, those jewel-like eyes sparkled the most during the day.

What Nike sees in his eyes is a huge pillar.

“Isn’t this a “Ludens Wonder” by any chance? This is the “Spear of the Sky,” right? The Lord’s spear that rises to the sky… ! Gungnir… !”

It was Nike raising her hand high.

There was a really huge ‘point of the spear’ in front of Nike.

It was so huge that it looked like a tower rising up into the sky as it pierced the earth.

「Spear of the Sky – Gungnir: An ancient weapon that was active in warfare in ancient times. Now it is abandoned in the valley and is rusting, but its majesty seems to reach the sky. One of the Ludens Wonders.”

To be honest, it’s cool.

How could such a structure exist?

Arnoi, the nymph of the ditch, laughed aloud while I, Nike, Enio, and Victoria were admiring the towering majesty.

“It is clear that these are traces of the gods… ! The gods are a mighty race… . We nymphs, who were messengers of such gods, are also a great tribe… !”

Arnoy’s story, as always, ended with pride.

But on the one hand, it was a very understandable story.

A simple ‘point of a spear’ rises like a tower.

Could it be that these beings roamed the earth?

“It’s creepy.”

Regarding the existence of ‘Yu Hee-ja’ or ‘God’, I had met him at sea the other day.

Why, when you defeat the monster Scylla?

At that time, just by the appearance of ‘that guy’, everyone around me was confused, as if they had eaten hallucinogenic mushrooms.


I felt like I had discovered a 「Ludens Wonder」 and my inner achievement points had risen.

There are 6 remaining wonders that I can remember.

It is more amazing than I thought to see the unknown scenery that I had only seen on the monitor screen spread out in front of my eyes so magnificently and expansively.

I’ll have to visit the remaining 6 later and see for myself.

Cheer up.

Victoria opened the map.

“This means that the window of the sky came out… . There is a high probability that the ‘Emerald City’ is somewhere around here. You better find somewhere around here.”

“Emerald City… !”

It was Nike who raised his hand.

Soon Nike looked around and said, “I want to find it soon…” !”, expressing anticipation.

For reference, the ‘Emerald City’ we are looking for is a space where the Wizard of Oz may exist.

It is said to be one of the oldest cities built a long time ago when fairies, gods, and spirits lived together on Ludens Island.

“Is it a city of ancient ruins?”

I thought that it might be a city with the same feeling as ‘Ancient City – Atlantis’, one of the counter-voyage contents.

Open the map and find the coordinates to find the entrance to the city.

Perform various problems and quests that may come in the city, adventure, and receive rewards… .

“… … .”

It’s honestly fun.

It’s true that I like D&A and have played it several times, dozens of times, no, it’s pointless to count.

D&A was a game that was like my first love.

In fact, if it is repeated several times, the game has no choice but to become loose and get used to it.

Even so, the reason I couldn’t let go of D&A was because the shock of walking around all kinds of maps, talking to NPCs, and discovering new cities or discovering secrets during the first playthrough was still in my mind.

But now everything is new.

A truly new experience.

it can’t be fun

“I look forward to it.”

What kind of place is the Emerald City?

What will come out of the monster?

Is there a ‘boss’?

I am very much looking forward to it.

I guess I’m a gamer that can’t be helped.

* * *

“Where is this?”

Even after walking through forests and valleys for a long time, the ‘Emerald City’ was nowhere to be seen.

Why, are there elements in the game that make you deliberately invest time to increase the amount of content?

For example, quests such as “Please collect 100 Mokey Mokey hairs.”

You may not know if it is designed to be possible only if you invest time with this feeling to find the city ‘Emerald City’.

In the end, our day ended like this again.

It is safe to say that the originally planned two days were used up.

“tomorrow… Do you want to go back to school?”

Nike let her hair down in two pigtails.

It seems that you can feel it even if you pretend to be very sad.

As Nike said, the time given to us was two days.

Because we had a daily life that we had to go back to.

Hmm – Enio snorted.

“Look, there is no such thing as an ancient city or an ancient wizard after all.”

“Yeah, but the sign earlier—”

“Someone must have played a joke on that. If you think about it, it makes sense. It’s a city that even heroes like Hercules and Siegfried couldn’t find. It’s strange if we find it in a few days.”

Enio was quite realistic.

At that, Nike couldn’t refute it any longer and just became very sullen.


I wanted to lift Nike’s hand this time.

“There is a high probability that there will be a city. Somewhere here.”

My senses are telling me so.

But we just can’t figure out how to find it.

“Open that wizard of Oz book again.”

I opened the book I had borrowed from the library of the Faculty of Magic.

A children’s book that children and nymphs will love.

There should be a description of how the party, who set out on a journey to find the Wizard of Oz, entered the ‘Emerald City’.

“They are exhausted. By now, the sun was setting. Terrible beasts began to growl in the forest.”


As we listened, we heard the sound of wild beasts roaming around us again.

“Muh, I feel like something is aiming for Arnoi’s bag again… !”

I turned the page with Arnoi’s loud words as background music.

What I want to see is the part where they enter the Emerald City.

“When the sunset goes down. They were finally able to find their way out of the forest and into the underworld. It was all thanks to Dorothy’s “magic shoes.”

“It’s the way to the basement.”

I had never seen anything like it in searching the woods before.

Maybe it has something to do with Noel?

said Victoria.

“Maybe you need these ‘magic shoes’ to find the city. But none of us have magic shoes.”

“If it’s Enio’s black stockings, they’re there… ! Representative Enio’s black stockings are magically able to catch fish… !”

It was a time when everyone was talking a lot.

Nike, who had been silent for a long time, said.

“As expected, I might have to get help from the ants… .”

Then, as if he had made up his mind to do something, he raised his hands high towards the surroundings and shouted.

“Gather, 《Ant Army》!”

Soon, ants started coming in from all directions.

The black, crowded ants were quite familiar to me too.

It’s a technique I used when I was in prison.

Soon, Nike caught the largest and strongest of the ants with her hand.

“Do you know the way down to the basement?”

– Zuz.

– Zuzzu.

The ants eagerly moved their antennae toward each other.

Shall we have a discussion?

Then it starts going somewhere.

“Let’s go too!”

Nike follows the procession of ants.

That form is like a newcomer to the stock market.

What will be at the end of this road?

We, too, were dubious and followed.

After walking for a long time, what appeared in front of us was a cave.

A cave where the sunset reflects off the nearby glistening stones and illuminates the dark interior.

The light was like a road.

maybe the road is right

“If ants go into this cave, they say they can head underground!”


I would use this skill if I had it from the beginning.

However, Nike looked very difficult.

“That… . As expected, 100 at a time is hard… .”

It seems to be a technique that consumes a lot of power.

I guess I’ll save it until the end.

Still, thanks for the hint.

In the cave we entered like that, we were able to find artificial traces more than we thought.

Unlike an ordinary cave, the walls were flat and cut into squares, so I couldn’t hide the thought that it was like a facility of some kind.


Yes, it would be better to describe it as a ruin that was created inside a cave.

“The ants are disappearing over this wall!”

Nike stood at a dead end and said,

As Nike said, there was a narrow gap in the dead-end wall, through which the ants could be seen disappearing.

“Victor, if you cross this wall, wouldn’t there be a staircase leading to the basement?”

“It makes sense.”

Enio pushes the wall as hard as he can.

“By the way, this wall. You don’t even budge.”

Of course, the wall didn’t want to move.

Victoria even took her cane and banged it against the wall.

“It’s so strong that I can’t break it.”

It was then.

“Here, there is something like a strange keyhole… !”

Arnoi found a keyhole in the wall.

Indeed, it was not just an ordinary wall, but a ‘door’ leading to somewhere.

“What… ? I think we’re almost there… ! I think we’re almost there… .”

It was Nike who looked around as if he was terribly sorry.

I felt the same way.

I came all the way, but I never thought I would need a ‘key’.

It will take an incredible amount of time to figure out what this key is.

“Can’t you? Everyone, stay out of the way for a second.”

“What are you going to do, Viktor?”

“This cul-de-sac consists of exactly right-angled corners. And the corners that are clearly connected to other spaces—”

It’s faster to show than to explain in words.

I stood at the corner where walls meet like a punished student.

“Victor, what are you going to do… ?”

Nike asks again with a somewhat uneasy feeling.

But instead of answering, I just move from left to right.

Like a person who repeatedly presses the left and right arrow keys.

Skip. Skip.

Ssssssssssssssssssss Ssssssssssssssssssss

rubbing my body against the wall

rub it

Great rub!

“B, Viktor has become strange… !”

“hehehehe… ! Arnoi, this is the first time I’ve seen such a bizarre scene… ! This is a clear dream… ! This can’t be real… !”

I heard Nike and Arnoi shouting something at me.

Yeah I’ll look like a weirdo

“Hey, Victor. what are you doing now?”

“Victor-kun, was the condition of the quirk really that serious?”

Victorica and Enio also said a word to me.

I feel like my self-confidence is diminishing a little in the way they treat me like someone who is sick somewhere.

However, it was my own heart that made it harder for me than Nike, Arnoi, Victorica, and Enio’s disapproval.

My heart is telling me that I shouldn’t do ‘this rude thing’.

No, to be precise, I’m saying that you shouldn’t do ‘acts that break the rules’.


I was able to somehow suppress those strange feelings with my will, perhaps because Eclair’s treatment loosened the ‘steel’ quirk.

Right and left. Right and left.

back and forth sometimes.

Left and right, left and right.

─There were many walls in my life.

Did you go over and destroy them one by one and live like that until now?

“hehehehe… ! I-I’m looking at that… ! Chef Viktor’s body is seeping into the wall… ! It is becoming one with the wall… !”

“Victor, Victor… ! Strange… ! I think something is going wrong… ! Guys, we have to catch Viktor… !”

“… that would be nice Enio, grab your left arm!”

“in action!”

I felt someone grab my left and right arms.

It felt like an obstacle preventing me from going over a wall and moving forward.

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He is also pulling his hair.

“Victor, you need to wake up… !”

Is it Nike that pulls your hair?


My body, which had already been activated, did not stop.


When I just looked ahead and pushed forward ignorantly.

Finally, there were no dead-end walls in front of me.

“done. Bridging dead bodies, drilling through walls.”

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