191 – 191 – Blackstar’s Dark Dimension

191 – Blackstar’s Dark Dimension

「Title: How to enter the Dark Dimension

This is the 4th bug attack, so I’ll go with the male body comfortably.

D&A has a lot of rough maps, and a lot of copied and pasted maps.

Among them, ‘─┸─’ There must be a single column or a protruding part of a stone on a flat wall like this.

Or there will be parts like ‘─┰─’.

there’s really a lot

Three in Ludens Park.

Two in the church garden and so on.

Entering the Dark Dimension, which I will now explain, can only be done in places with such terrain.

But before that, I have to learn how to break through the wall first, but I searched for my name and left a message about breaking through the wall, so you can see it.

In any case, it is important to quickly move back and forth while receiving a Haste spell or eating a vitality potion at the protruding part of the pillar.

With the pillar in the middle, if my character is on the tongue, it feels as if he meticulously licks it? by.

repeat left and right.

Anyway, if you do this, the map will break as shown in the video below.

I don’t know why there is such a bug, but I think it’s probably caused by a collision between the character speed and the map calculation value.

So, when the map is broken like this, it enters a space with only a black background around it, and finally the entire map turns black.

At this time, even if you move around, there is no judgment that the character is ‘moving’.

So, you can just ignore the NPCs that you normally have to fight when you meet them.

If you apply this, you can reach the ending place in 10 minutes as shown in the video below.

By the way, it will be released after about 1 minute, so you have to quickly reach the place you want with the Dark Dimension.”

“… … .”

Among the articles I wrote, I remembered the strategy article that received the most recommendations and comments.

To be honest, I don’t know if you can call it a ‘plot’.

… anyway.

There is no particular reason why things from the past come to mind now.

It was because the same text was unfolding before my eyes in 4D.

The Emerald City that was visible around us was ‘broken’.

I don’t know if the words ‘city’ and ‘breaking’ would fit, but there was no other way to explain the scene unfolding in front of me.

“What, what… ?! Surroundings, surroundings are strange… !”

Nike looked around and trembled.

“Looks like the world is about to end… !”

Buildings were cracked like glass, and everything was literally dyed pitch-black, and he must have been very frightened.

“hehehehe… ! There is no footstool, no footstool… ! This Arnoi, I don’t know how he’s floating in the air when he doesn’t have a foothold… !”

In the case of Arnoi, it was safe to say that he was almost insane.

He must have been frightened because he could only see the far-off abyss beneath his feet.

“What is it? I don’t think it’s normal darkness!”

In the case of Victoria, she was lighting up the surroundings with a very frightened expression.

An intense flash that burns with magic.

Although it was a flash of arclight that could repel any shadow.

“The darkness is not revealed… !”

As Victoria said, this black background does not disappear no matter how bright the light is.

That’s natural.

Because this is no ordinary darkness.

It’s not even dark in the first place.

It’s just blank.

It might be better to describe it as ‘nothing’.

Victoriaka added.

“… i get it. This is a clash of ‘concepts’. What embodies the world is not matter, but the ‘will of the gods’. The will to block it is to create a ‘wall’. The will to ‘have something to tread on’ is what makes the floor exist… .”

Victoria is stepping on the air with her feet.

“This, it is clear that the walls and floors, the ‘will’ that space must exist has been damaged. How could this happen… . This, no matter how you look at it, is not normal. Hey Enio! What did you do!”

“This… .”

Enio collapsed on the floor.

Enio seemed very surprised to see the darkness beginning to fill his surroundings.

“What is this… . Why, why did this happen… . I have nothing like this… . Why am I doing this… ?”

“Come. The Dark Dimension.”

“Dark Dimension… ?”

Enio asked back as if making fun of me.

Maybe I’m really kidding.

What is the Dark Dimension?

In many ways, it seems like the space is shrinking.

But to give an excuse, I was in middle school when I discovered this bug.

The name I gave at that time went viral and became fixed, so I can’t change my name anymore.

If I had given it a name now, I would have given it a better name.

Like the void or inferno.



This dark dimension is, simply put, a ‘map broken’ phenomenon, an applied version of wall penetration.

This is a phenomenon that occurs nine times out of ten when a character who has received the ‘increased movement speed’ effect quickly rubs his body in a place such as a column with multiple walls and a single wall judgment.

“This is real. Enio, thanks to you. Enio, I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.”

Enio’s ‘Wall Judgment’ is still really unmodified.

Isn’t this intentional?

However, Enio said, “Why did I do this… .” He looked at his palm.

“This great darkness within me… . Just those processes… .”

Are you surprised by your own potential that you don’t even know about?

I was amazed too.

In the future, if you attach Enio to the wall like a pillar and stand it up, you will be able to enter this ‘Dark Dimension’ from anywhere.

In the real literal sense, wherever there is a wall, it is ‘everywhere’.

Anyone who is a deceased person must be thrilled with how limitless the possibilities are.


There are more important things than that now.

“… … .”

With a serious face, I stepped toward the futility.

I wondered if I would be driven into that endless abyss because there was no foothold.

Fortunately, that didn’t happen.

My feet were well supported by an invisible floor.

It feels like walking on clouds.

I don’t even hear footsteps.

It may be that there is no such thing as a “move” decision.

Is that why?

The knight of steel, Nicholas, who was sitting in the air as if floating, didn’t seem to ‘sense’ me at all, even though I was right in front of him.

Like the many NPCs I’ve been omitting into this empty space.

This guy didn’t even notice me.

“Nicholas, you are a lost heart.”

I unfolded the amulet.

It was said to be a talisman, but in fact it was just a letter written on a piece of paper.

On the paper was written the word ‘love’.


It was when I attached it to the body of the armor knight Nicholas.

“Ah… ! The world, the world is returning to normal… !”

Arnoy made a fuss.

Looking around, I saw that the broken thing was being restored to its original state.

As I knew, it took about a minute.

* * *

“Amy… .”

After everything is back to normal.

Iron Knight Nicholas was sitting on a bench in the park.

Even when we approached, there was nothing like taking an attacking stance or exuding sharp momentum.

“It is now in its true form.”

If there is no hostility, the story will speed up.

I said.

“Nicholas, I heard you know the location of the ‘magic marble’?”

“Magic Bead… .”

“… … .”

I’m not in very good shape.

It feels like dealing with someone who is so drunk that he can’t even control himself.

“Do you remember about Amy?”

I asked.

For some reason, the reaction to this name is vivid.

“Amy… . That guy… . He was my lover.”

“is it.”

“… But. Now that face, the sound of laughter, the hair shaking in the wind… . I don’t remember. It’s too late. I’ve been working too much… . love heart… I forgot.”

Is it a steel knight who has lost his mind from working too much?

At this story, Nike showed a rather gloomy expression.

“I think things are bad. Working so hard that you even forget your lover’s face… . My heart is rusting… . I just worked too hard… .”

Read at readwn.com

Judging by how he even whimpers as if it were his own business, Nike seems to be sensitive enough to empathize with the person he was hostile to until just now.

Is it because her hair is pink?

“This happened because I worked hard to pay off the debt… . I can’t even play… .”

Although it is not revealed if Nicholas worked hard to pay off his debts.

For some reason, it seems that Nicholas has formed such an image in Nike’s head.

Then Victoria said.

“Is it done now? You put that heart back on it.”

The place where Victoria’s golden eyes are directed is the amulet attached to the knight’s chest.

“Honestly, I don’t know if paper like that works. still… Because there are so many unbelievable things happening in the world. just like that Now I don’t know either. Enio, what do you think?”

“Great for me… . Something like black darkness… . Dark Dimension… .”

“He’s completely out of his mind.”

“The tin can driver is going to tell this Arnoi the location of the marble… !”


The only ones keeping a calm mind in this situation are me and this knight in hard armor. The armored knight Nicholas said.

“I can tell. That you are like me.”

“No, not like you.”

“It is only a matter of time. A lost heart… . won’t come back Even if you stick the paper like this… . In this curse, no one… .”

creak. creak.

“Ah, the condition of the tin can driver is strange… !”

As Arnoi said, the steel knight Nicholas’ condition was strange.

It writhed strangely, like a broken robot toy, before finally collapsing to the floor.


Soon, the ‘rust’ that sprouted from the guy’s armor gradually spread out. After a while, his body began to scatter like powder.

It was as if they were ‘disappearing’.

Seeing that, Nike shouted at Victoria.

“Miss Victoria, the attack must have been too strong… !”

“What, is this my fault? Is it because I burned it? isn’t it? Didn’t I just do something wrong?”

“I don’t think it was your fault.”

I shook my head lightly.

Wasn’t this just the order of things?

“… I rest now.”

Rusted face guard.

Red eyes were visible beyond the helmet, which was turning into powder and disappearing.

The guy was looking at me.

“… I, only now… . Amy… . Being able to love… . now… to meet… .”

That was it.


All that was left in its place was a rusty nail.

It was quite heavy.

「Rusty nail: The emotions that were stuck in the man’s heart hardened together and became a nail. I can feel the sadness of a man who lost his lover in an accident.”

We went back the way we came and handed the nail to the Wizard of Oz.

Oz, who received it, said, “I see. Did that happen in the end?” She nodded and shed tears.

The tears of an old man that seem to happen today and tomorrow.

It is quite unconventional.

“In the end, only death allowed Nicholas to rest. This nail got stuck in his heart and he moth-eaten him.”


Victoriaka asks Oz, the wizard who puts a rusty nail on the table.

“Are you saying that Viktor has a nail like this inside?”

“It is very likely.”

“How do I get this out of my heart?”

“I guess I have no choice but to ask the professional high-ranking nuns of the church. Because their ‘act of interaction’ will heal your heart. However, Nicholas did not ask the nuns.”

Nike looked pretty serious.

“… Why!? Even though it was so bad… ! Why didn’t I receive treatment from the nuns… ?”

Then the old man replied, making his wrinkled face even more serious.

“Because Nicholas had a lover named Amy. I couldn’t bear to ‘interact’ with the nuns. I guess it was a bit like that. Because he was savvy. yes. He was stubborn like steel.”

Then, this time, Arnoi tilted his head.

“Couldn’t the only therapeutic action be hugging? No matter how much you have a lover, isn’t it something you can hug for healing? ?”

“hug? No, no. Let’s see.”

Old wizard Oz rummaging through his study.

He immediately pulled out a book and said.

“This is a miscellaneous dictionary written by my classmate and the old sage, Merlin. It’s an emergency book with many stories in the world… let’s see here it is interaction.”


Oz clears his throat and then adds to his words.

“Acts of exchange. Putting a nun into the patient’s heart, the nun calls her ang, and the patient is in pain. eccentricity. The nail in the heart is fucking big.”

… … .

Write, what the hell does this mean… ?

Anyway, what is certain is that the treatment is different from the hug Eclair had with me.

It wouldn’t be strange if Eclair, who was not a formal nun, was confused about the treatment.

“So it didn’t work very well.”

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