197 – 197 – Boss Fight: Dawn Wolf Leeroy # 2

197 – Boss Fight: Dawn Wolf Leeroy #2


As far as I know, they are a fairly old organization.

Under the influence of the former student council president Mikhail and Orca, have they already dug into this Ludens?

So the current student council was working hard to find them out, but the number was still very high.

“… … .”

For example, in front of me, there were a lot of students who covered their faces with black masks or masks.

Others wear hats or dress up with skulls or goblins’ teeth patterns on their masks.

As I looked around lightly, Cole, who was guiding me, spoke lightly.

“It is an abandoned temple. I don’t know why the temple was abandoned. It is our hideout now.”

“The ruins of an abandoned temple”.

This was a place I knew well.

outside of school.

A temple built in the field.

The setting is that all kinds of outcasts and delinquent students gathered there to form a ‘fortress’.

In fact, that’s exactly what I’m seeing right now.

The students who scribble obscene and profane letters on the walls of the temple with lacquer spray frown as they look at us.

“Hey, do you have any tremors?”


“Please roll one.”

It didn’t seem to fit into the ‘bad’ attitude here, to the extent of smoking or drinking at will.

“… … .”

Literally lawless Harlem.

The base of the rebels in Ludens who do not follow the rules of the gods.


Shepherd Cole said as the pierced girls were blowing cigarette smoke at me.

“Welcome to the wolf’s lair, comrade. The cadre meeting will be held, as always, in the central hall of the innermost temple.”

“… … .”

With Cole’s guidance, I went deeper into the temple.

The eyes of the students, who were flirting with each other in groups of two or three, turn to us.

“There, older brother passing by. is it so cool Would you like to rest over there?”

Some female students even flirted with me.

It doesn’t seem like a simple favor, and it’s like a temptation to achieve some ‘purpose’.

A land of complete lawlessness.

This is enough to describe Arnoi’s locker as being cleaner and more orderly.

I knew it was a place like this, but seeing it in person is terrible.

There must be a lot of magical weed addicts, but there are also a lot of people who shake their hands or mutter to themselves.

When I saw a person lying on the floor with no treatment even though he was injured, I naturally frowned.


“Most of them are students who were expelled because they couldn’t pay their tuition. Of course, I couldn’t even get treatment in the infirmary. Most of the students here feel that way. The dropouts who couldn’t adapt to this Ludens.”

“… … .”

“However, the original situation was better than this. If it wasn’t for that Victor and the current student council president, Victoria, I wouldn’t have suffered so much because of the cut off support.”

As the names of Victorica and Viktor were heard on Cole’s lips, he could hear students with stern faces groaning, “Those bastards” or “I can’t forgive you.”

It seems that starting to cut off Pimblebert’s finances after impeaching Mikhail contributed to the deterioration of their condition.

“Here it is.”

Then I was able to reach the central hall of this abandoned temple.

The old, broken pillars are full of all kinds of obscene graffiti.


“It must be E, not A, you idiot hahahaha”

「Alfonso came」.

I’m not in a position to tell others.

Even if it’s an abandoned temple, aren’t you punished if you use it like this?

The environment was so poor that I wondered if it would be right to hold a meeting in a place like this.



Someone stands in front of us and blocks the entrance to the meeting room.

“Miss Garna, long time no see. Are you in Leroy too?”


Are you talking about the spearman Garna?

When I turned my head, I saw a woman wearing a tank top that barely covered her upper body.

Should I say that I am cool with my black hair tied back and my abs showing off my nice belly or smooth armpits, or I should say that I am so weak that I can’t even buy proper clothes.

The pants are fine though.

“Cole, second branch manager. What about after that?”

Spearman Garna’s gaze turned to me standing behind me.

Garna is either the right or left arm of Leroy, the leader of the Dawn Society… , No, well, he was a guy who could be called a henchman.

But to be more precise, the two of them must be dating.

The problem is that this guy is entangled with me in what can be called ‘bad ties’.

This is the guy who pierced my stomach.

I also counterattacked and hurt them, but in fact, even with all of them combined, mine suffered slightly more damage.

“Who is this guy? A guy you haven’t seen before?”

Officer of the Dawn – Garna the black dog looks at me and aims her spear.

It wouldn’t be strange even if a fight broke out.

I felt the nape of my neck tingle.

Is this life or something?

“Miss Garna, this side here—”

“Cole, I didn’t tell you. Who are you? speak with your mouth.”

After all, this is one of the top executives.

Go away, the dog that really guards the house with vigilance.

Why are you so picky?

“who are you.”

It’s a bit annoying to ask again.

It would be nice to answer

“… … .”



Instead of answering out loud, I held out a piece of paper that said I had been baptized by Greroy. If you are an executive, you should be able to figure out what this is.

“This… . The mark of an officer… .”

“Miss Garna, then we’ll go in too.”

* * *

Fimblebert is a group of losers.

Whatever the reason, in the end, the group created by those who fell out of the rules of Ludens can be regarded as the Dawn of Winter.

Of course there are no normal guys.

Do you even hold the title of ‘executive’ in that abnormal place?

It can be seen as an abnormality among true abnormalities.

The guys sitting in front of me right now did just that.

“heheheheung, heheheheung, heuhheung, hehehe.”

The name of that guy who keeps humming and making noise is “Melony of Determination”.

Fimblebert’s Executive – A duo that works together with Wendigo.

If Wendigo is the one who makes plans.

This Melonie is the actionist who puts the plan into action.

From gray hair to freckles.

It is the same as the one I met on the boat then.

I thought he died when the ship sank.

Were you still alive?

The fact that this guy is here must mean that there is also a “Magician – Wendigo”.

I looked around and saw a man in a suit with a dove on his shoulder.

“Melony, please be quiet. Isn’t my pigeon Tororo noisy?”

The guy was a Wendigo.

he didn’t die either

Is the giant looking next to it 「Destroyer – Sur」?

In fact, the power is no joke.

It looks like it’s 3 meters tall.

Besides that, there were quite a few executives.

Those guys look at me and say something.

“Who is that guy?”

“do not know. They say you insulted the statue of the Goddess.”

“A statue of a goddess? He’s a really nasty guy. Is he the one who came in as a new executive?”

“He’s a villain among villains.”

Is it a compliment or a curse to be called a bad guy by villains?

In fact, rather than their conversation, the place where my eyes are directed is what can be called the highest seat of this wide oval table. There was an empty chair there.

“Is Leroy here yet?”

Sur, the red-skinned giant, opened his mouth.

If the peak of a high mountain could open its mouth, wouldn’t it speak just like this?

That was the moment.


Even though I was indoors, I frowned for a moment at the wind blowing as if someone had turned on a fan. Someone sat in the empty seat.

“Everyone has arrived.”

He was an impressive man with dark blue windy hair that slightly resembled the night sky.

Would you be in your mid-twenties now?

It was quite cool to wear a tight leather suit with chains wrapped around both hands like gauntlets. The feeling of being the charisma of a delinquent.

This guy is… .

「Wolf – Penn Leroy」

Are you the leader of the Dawning Society?

Seeing the person who pushed me into countless retries like this in real life, this is really, what should I say.

Feelings are new.

I want to get an autograph

“Is Enrique the only one who was away? After all, he’s in prison.”

Leroy looked around with the eyes of a wary alpha wolf.

That alone shuts up all these cluttered and assertive executives.

It was a sight that made it clear that Leroy was leading them with strong charisma.

“Well, that’s fine. The reason I summoned everyone like this is to talk about the massive attack on Ludens that will happen soon.”

Massive Ludens Raid?

I also knew something about this.

Act 10 where Ludens is attacked by the Dawn in the Arclight route.

At that time, the main character, Luke, and the student council president, Victoria, put an end to the Dawning Movement.

“I have no more choice. Mikhail, who was kind to us, was also kicked out. The funding lines we had plugged in are also being purged. If we continue like this, we will die before winter comes.”

“Nana. I will tell you too.”

Then someone raised their hand and said.

It was Melonie, a woman with gray hair and impressive freckles.

“Hijacking the ship failed because of him, Viktor. I was thinking of locking people up on an uninhabited island for a few months.”

Soon, clamor broke out everywhere.

“Victorika and Victor. If only they hadn’t kicked Mikhail out… . No need for us to spend this poor summer right now… .”

“As expected, treat them first—”

I have a lot of resentment towards me and Victoria.

It should be natural.

It’s to the point that what I’ve done has driven these guys into a corner and hastened the ‘massive invasion’.

“When is that Orca calling? Does anyone know where you are and what you are doing?”

“This is why we shouldn’t trust the people of Arclight.”

However, Leroy said, “Quiet,” and made everyone shut up.

Everyone speaks in silence.

“Our purpose is to stop the mad games that are taking place on this island. To prevent more people from dying or collapsing due to the tricks of the gods who are mad at play.”

a sobering atmosphere.

In the meantime, Leroy added a comment.

“Our enemies are not humans. They are gods in the sky. The crown, the ascension—those who lure us to death with sweet words. So put away your grudges against people.”


“Hmm… .”

Although there are parts that are not satisfactory.

Following Leroy’s words, everyone seems to have given up their resentment towards me and Victoria.

As I watch to see what’s going on, Leroy looks at me.

“So, New Face. What do you think?”

Suddenly it’s my turn

I have one thing to do.

“A message from Enrique.”

All I have to do is hand the paper I got in prison to Leroy.

When everyone is looking at this scene as if wondering.

The leader of the Dawning Society, Leroyman, opened his eyes thinly.

“that’s… .”

It looked like he was thinking about something.

Then he said

“Everyone get out except for the new friend.”


Everyone seemed to have the same doubts as me.

However, he slips out of the meeting room without much fuss.

What’s left is me.

Leroy only.

Leroy told me.

“The ‘book’ I got one day has various pictures and writings on it. With it, you can handle all kinds of monsters and the powers of the monsters in the story.”


What Leroy took out was a book.

A thick hardcover book.

“That ‘blank’ page is the only blank in this book. I gave it to Enrique, whom I trust the most. I don’t know why you have it.”

“I am just telling the story. By giving this to you, Enrique said he could save the lives of countless people.”

“More than that, you are Viktor. It smells just like your shirt Orca handed you. iron smell. However, the smell of cooking ingredients mixed a lot.”

“… … .”

No, do you distinguish people by smell?

More than that, what did Orca do with my shirt?

“Though the other guys don’t seem to notice. Can’t hide from my nose Even though I look like this, I’m called a wolf. I mean, you have a good nose.”

did you get caught

You won’t have to wear this cumbersome robe anymore.

I took off my hood and exposed my face.

The man and my eyes meet.

“Is this the first time we’ve met like this, Victor? I’ve heard a lot about you from my close friend Orca. I heard you were bred by your enemies to become obedient dogs?”

“… … .”

“But looking at it like this, I know. Orca is wrong. You are not someone to go under or follow. It’s like me in that way.”

“Are you going to invade Ludens?”

“I thought so. Until you see this paper. This paper signifies the end of the invasion. I don’t know why Enrique had such a mind.”

That’s what this white paper meant.

Well, if the massive invasion is stopped, many people will be able to escape the great battle.

“But we also have limitations. After all, the fact of the invasion remains unchanged. That means no one can stop you now. Our Fimblebert will soon launch a massive invasion of Ludens.”

“Are you really crazy?”

It’s disconcerting.

I wonder if the residents who were invaded by the puppet army who pushed in across the 38th parallel felt just like this?

“This is crazy. Everything will fall.”

“Yes, a lot of people will die and get hurt. However, none of this compares to the larger massacres to come. There will be a massacre. One-sided slaughter. You don’t know.”

Leroy slammed the table with a bang.

“You know nothing!”

The boy was shaking in a fit of rage.

It really vibrates.

The cell phone of an office worker who is late for an important meeting and texts the manager will vibrate less than this.

Anger at me?


This is a little purer and deeper—.

“Did you say Victor? You, if the winner comes out of this Ludens. Do you know what happens when someone gets their hands on the crown?”

“What is going on?”

“I don’t know. Because it’s the truth no one tells you. This is a fact that only the old king Gilgamesh knew. It’s the last turn he has to roll and the reason he left the crown behind and went missing.”

Leroy was furious.

It was fine even if his gray eyes were intoxicated as if he was looking at something far away.

“There will be no such thing as glory after Yu-Hee is over. Just like the checkerboard is put in the corner after the game is over. Our world is coming to an end too. This is the truth.”

The guy was certain of something.

I have only one thing to say here.

“No, you are wrong.”

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