200 – 200 – A Nail Named You # 1

200 – A Nail Named You #1

Sister Therese, dispatched from the Holy Office.

In her hand was a thick, long nail.

In fact, rather than sharply expressing it as a nail, it would be better to express it dullly with the feeling of a stake. Now that I look at it, the tip is rounder than I thought, rather than pointed like a nail.


When I put it on the old table in the club room, Nike showed interest.

“Did there really be anything inside Viktor that looked so heavy? How could something like this exist in a human body?”

It was Nike holding a nail with her hand.

“It is heavier than I thought. How is this in your body?”

Nike couldn’t believe that a nail like a stake had protruded from a human body.

Me too.

Some kind of magical phenomenon must have worked in moderation – just thinking.

Sister Therese said.

“Kid, the human body is surprisingly amazing. The human body holds a baby bigger than this thick nail.”

“is it… !?”

Nike was taken aback.


He seemed to understand it in his own way when he saw the side-to-side hair bobbing. Looking at Nike like that, Therese laughed with a somewhat sinister feeling.

“In the first place, women can put things thicker and thicker than this into their bodies. Of course, I still think this nail is too big.”

It was Therese who put the nail on herself.

“It reaches your belly button. If you put something like this on your body, it’s really… .”

laughing alone

what is so funny

“Hey… .”

When, for some reason, only Nike is restless.

Therese put the nail back on the table and asked in a rather calm voice.

“Rather than that, shouldn’t this older sister check for a moment to see if you guys are doing well in school? First of all, do you know how eccentricity came about?”

“No, I don’t know!”

Nike answered lively as always.

In fact, Nike, who only recently started buying reference books, knew a lot about the world except for the forest.

There are many people who are ashamed of their ignorance.

In that sense, Nike was not ashamed of his shallow knowledge.

“let me know!”

The attitude of trying to learn is great.

Therese said.

“Okay, sister will tell you. A quirk is a type of entertainment originally bestowed by the gods. It’s a bonus that makes the game in this world even more enjoyable.”

“I get it… ! It’s like toppings on pizza… !”

“Is it similar? What’s wrong with that? In any case, the gods sometimes instill grace and eccentricities in those they look out for. <Insanity> of the invincible Hercules is an example of that.”

“I have quirks too. 《Badung Bardung》. Are you saying this is also a topping given by the gods?”

Nike tilts her head.

Sister Therese immediately frowned.

Maybe it was because he was originally bad-looking, but his expression looked as if he would growl, saying, ‘Buy me some bread.’ Of course, Therese is puzzled instead of angry.

“<<Badung>? Do you have any such quirks? I’m hearing it for the first time Let me study sometime.”


“Then there is nothing you can do. Still, in general, eccentricity is something that eats away at the mind, so it is often dangerous. You’d better get checked by professional priests periodically, kid.”

Because of Therese holding Nike’s nose and shaking it from side to side, Nike got angry and said, “Ouch, you’re not a kid!” Then he rubbed his red nose and asked.

“So, the quirks inside me and Viktor are also given by the gods, right?”

“No, not really. Gods are busy with this and that. That’s why I left the work of creating people to the mothers of the world.”

“It was like that… !?”

“yes. It’s not that eccentricity is given to everyone by choice. There are a lot of cases where it just happens randomly or under special circumstances.”

“… … ?”

Nike puts on a face of incomprehension.

However, Therese’s explanation was not over yet.

“This quirk. When you’re in a human body, you don’t take on this physical form. When it is taken out of the body through a special technique, it takes on such a physical and existential form.”


Therese ran her palm through the thick nail.

The snap on the wrist is strangely professional.

“Still, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen something this thick. not common So, I did a lot of research. There was a lot of heretical and pagan magic involved?”


Sister Therese’s odd eye shone.

The explanation continues as Nike and I tried to keep our mouths shut because of the eerie feeling.

“No way, I thought the Arclight family was doing this. Isn’t it shameless to say that you tried to form an alliance with Seonghwangcheong?”

Cain is not a shameless man.

As I nodded, Therese spoke to me.

“We plan to prosecute the Arkwright family to the Heretic Inquisition. I’d like some help from you, Viktor, on this one. It would be nice if you could be a witness.”

Prosecute the Arkwright family to the Heresy Inquisition.

It’s fun.

Cain Arkwright, the man who is said to be closest to the king’s seat, is accused of heresy and stands before the Holy Emperor’s court.

Of course, I don’t think that guy will be taken lightly.

There was something I wanted to check first.

“Before that, I have a question for you. If you prosecute the Arcwright family, are you saying you’re going to tie together not just Cain, but Flora and Victorica as well?”

“Isn’t it natural? The sin of heresy is implicated. To say that neither daughters nor sons can rid themselves of the sins of their fathers—. Isn’t that the rule of the Seonghwangcheong?”

Therese was like a cousin who was a bit clumsy and badass, but seemed sociable in her own way.

Now, he had a face like an armband to catch reds.

The change in that instant made my heart tremble.


The interrogators of Seonghwangcheong were originally like this.

Originally, Seonghwangcheong had to bet on Enio and fall.

Are you starting to stumble over the Arclight family now?

“What if I refuse?”

“Victor, as long as you are a member of the Arclight family, you cannot escape. But, this older sister, is she extending a hand of mercy to you in her own way? That’s why you came.”

So, a chance to prove I’m not related.

This gives you a chance to completely cut off the Arclight family.

It’s really merciful too.

“B, Viktor… .”

Nike, who was sitting next to me, started trembling.

It must be because he knows how terrifying it is to be condemned as heresy by the Inquisitor.

“If you are condemned as heresy, you will not be able to get a loan… ! I heard you can’t even get blessings from priests at weddings! My dream is to have a wedding in a small church… !”

“Nike, you’re not condemned, you’ll be fine.”

Therese said as I reassured Nike.

“What, Victor? Even if you don’t cooperate, we’re already collecting data quite well. I wonder if someone has gone to Victoria or Flora by now.”

* * *

Victoria Arclight.

The busiest student council president in the world read and signed the pile of business papers without a single hesitation.

Really fast work.

No student council president has ever handled business faster and more accurately than Victoria.

However, Victoria thought that her hands were not following her heart.

The reason is nothing.

“That guy, Viktor, stays out without permission?”

Viktor stayed out overnight without permission.

The guy who always asked for permission from the student council first, saying, “Approve it,” when staying out overnight outside the school fence, this time he stayed out without any prior permission.


Guess why.

Even if there is no such thing as eccentricity, Viktor must be a person who strictly follows his ‘rules’.

But if there was a reason why you shouldn’t report a sleepover… ?

Victoria’s gaze turned to a document.

It was an article about a certain ‘blasphemous blasphemer’ committing an embarrassing crime against the goddess statue in an abandoned church.

Here, Victoria came to mind one thing.

Maybe Viktor committed ‘an embarrassingly bad thing with someone’.

‘The quirks are gone too. No matter how insensitive he is, if a woman around him pushes him… .’

There were a strange number of women around Viktor.

The one that immediately comes to mind is Enio.

‘Enio, I can’t see what you’re doing these days. If the two of you were secretly meeting me… !?’

A very probable story.

For some reason, the ink bottle spilled out as Boa was trembling with his body tight.

“oh. Ugh.”

Watching the papers turn black, Victoria regained her composure.

It was not a wife who was angry at her husband’s night out without permission, and she thought there was no reason to be angry with Viktor no matter where he was or what he did.

‘What am I, I’m not even my fiancée.’

Thinking so, Victoria had an old, shabby wild flower ring on her ring finger.


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Just looking at this makes me smile.

The fact that only Enio received a ring that even Wild Rose Nike, a newly emerging person of interest, did not receive… .

‘No, maybe it shouldn’t be overinterpreted.’

I shake my head and clear my thoughts.

However, my concentration was already broken, so I skipped work.

Victoriaka stretched out to take a break while she was gone.

Then, as I slowly turned my gaze, I saw a hand mirror as if I had thrown it on the desk.

“It’s a hand mirror that shows you what you want. It’s pure junk.”

After grumbling at the old wizard.

I look at the hand mirror.

“Mirror, mirror. Who is my husband?”


A mirror painted entirely black.

The impression is frowned upon.

“what is this.”

Does that mean you can’t get married?

Or a broken mirror?

After taking a quick look around.

Victoria whispered in a voice that no one could hear.

“… Then, who is the woman Viktor likes now?”


A mirror that smears in many colors.

It was like a palette on which a child sprayed paint randomly.

“what is this. is it really broken?

It was about to frown.

Victoria suddenly found everything funny.

“What am I doing?”

These days, no matter what I do, I keep thinking of Victor.

The feeling of being driven like nails into your own thoughts and eyes.

“This is how it really is who suffers from eccentricities.”

It was then.

Someone bursts open the door.


“What is it, sister! You were surprised!”

Hastily hiding the mirror, Victoria made eye contact with her sister Flora, who was gasping for breath at the door.

Sunglasses were stuck on Flora’s forehead, so she must have been leisurely shopping at a resort.

“What’s so urgent?”

“It’s nothing else, I heard that the Seonghwangcheong will prosecute our Arclight family!”

“At Seonghwangcheong… ?”

“We might be accused of heresy too!”

It’s heresy.

Victoria was dumbfounded.

Victoria is the one who doesn’t forget to pray to God every morning.

Who goes to church every weekend and distributes snacks to young children?

“What must be wrong… .”

Victoria, who tried to lightly deny her sister’s fuss, kept her mouth shut for a moment.

maybe it wasn’t wrong

Because there are a lot of things to stick to.

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Jerk, jerk, jerk.

that buck

“Victoria! I hear ominous footsteps!”

“I am listening too.”

A group of people rushes into the president’s office.

They were all men with blue crosses on their white gloves.

“Sister, I will try to do something here. Go back to the dormitory and wait. Don’t say anything without me.”

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