I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1000

"What's that?" Semiramis was stunned.

With a dark face, she gave orders to the monsters to hunt down Astorfo.

The monsters screamed in excitement, and pursued Astorford desperately.


He was crying, but the magic book in his hand still worked.

When Semiramis set out to deal with Astorfo, the three Shiro advanced a lot, and he was so scared that Semiramis quickly arranged a technique to obstruct the three Shiro.

She wanted to mobilize the remaining magic circle to bombard the Shilang trio, but the Shilang trio were advancing too fast, and the speed of mobilization couldn't keep up with their advancing speed!

As a last resort, Semiramis could only use other methods to obstruct them, but still nothing.

As if they had known her location a long time ago, they rushed straight towards her.

"Damn it!" Semiramis gritted his teeth, "How do they know Yu is here?"

"It's useless to say so much, Assassin." Yanfeng Shiro shook his head and said, "Let me go out."

"What are you going to do?" Semiramis frowned.

Yanfeng Shiro said: "If you continue to wait like this, just sit and wait. I need to do something."

Semiramis stared sharply at Yanmine Shiro for a moment, then sighed and said, "Go do what you want, Master."

Semiramis opened the exit.

The moment Yanmine Shiro stopped his body when he walked out, he turned around, looked at Semiramis, and said, "Since the beginning of the war, thank you for your care, Assassin."

"Humph." Semiramis snorted coldly, and said, "Yu Nai Poison Woman, thank you, it would be too unpleasant, Master."

Yanfeng Shiro smiled bitterly and said, "Because I am not very good at speaking nice things."

He turned his back and left [Vanity's Sky Garden].

Semiramis closed the gate of the [Vanity Garden in the Sky], obstructing the way of Shirou and the three people attentively.

However, no matter what, she couldn't stop the Shirou trio.

"Damn it!" Semiramis gritted his teeth and looked unwilling.

She was caught off guard by Shirou and others' raids. According to the plan, it was supposed that they were caught off guard by hitting Black, but in reality they played backwards.

For now, Semiramis has only two pieces left to use.

One is a wandering Atalante, and the other is...

Semiramis' eyes fell on an area.

And that area is the serial number seven area of ​​the map provided by Mordred!

"Gareth...can still use her? How much time can she help me?" Semiramis thought to herself, but there was no other way, she could only pin her hopes on Saber of Red for the time being. On the body.


"Damn it! How did they know that I was here?"

Semiramis gritted his teeth.

This is her most puzzled question.

[Vanity's Garden in the Sky] But she was the first treasure that she released in this Holy Grail War. It is reasonable to say that the division of the area is unknown to others.So, why did the other party already know the distribution pattern of [Vanity's Sky Garden], and move straight toward her?

Semiramis was puzzled.

At this time, a woman's voice rang out in her ears: "Need help, Assassin."

Semiramis turned his head sharply and looked straight at the high throne.


As the owner of [Vanity Garden in the Sky], she is not the one sitting on the throne.

This is where Semiramis is extremely unhappy, but there is nothing he can do about it.

"No need!" Semiramis said coldly.

"That's really a pity." The woman sighed, then smiled instead: "Then I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?" Semiramis asked with disgust.

"They brought another me. Hehehe..." The woman smiled: "I have been away from my body for so long, and it's time to come back."

The woman's figure disappeared from the throne, and Semiramis clenched his palm.

She didn't want to touch that woman, but she wanted to touch that woman.

Contradictory thoughts, but also helpless.

Because that was a woman who was more distorted than her poisonous woman, but she was also an extremely holy woman who wanted to be close.

Semiramis shook his head, ignored the woman's affairs, and fixed his eyes on the three Shilang.

At this moment, the position of the three Shilangs has stopped in area seven, very good, their red Saber Gareth has temporarily blocked these three!

Semiramis breathed a sigh of relief. She was still thinking about how she should deal with herself if Saber of Red couldn't stop the three of them for a while, I'm afraid she can only leave here.

However, fortunately, the Red Saber intercepted them, so she could take the opportunity to mobilize the remaining magic circle and arrange her own defense route.

Area seven.

This is an area shrouded in darkness.

The other areas are mud swamps, green mountains and green waters, or classical castle corridors... However, there is only this sequence of seven areas, which is an area shrouded in night, with indispensable darkness.

Looking at the petite girl who was standing not far away, Shirou took a deep breath and finally got here.

If he could, Shiro didn't think of it here.

However, the area chosen by Mordred is too critical.

This is the only way to the central area, no matter what, Shiro can't get around this area.

Shirou took a deep breath and said to Vlad III and Spartacus: "You go first, here... leave it to me!"

Vlad III and Spartacus didn't say much, they just nodded and turned to leave.

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