I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1052

In this way, he was self-humiliated for a whole thousand years.



He is indeed not Garna's opponent.

But...Only, you can't lose!


The sound of piercing.

Combining the power of the god of destruction and the god of flames, the god's power reached the extreme, and it temporarily contained the defense of the sun wheel golden armor.

[Hand of Destroyer] penetrated Garna's chest and crushed Garna's spiritual foundation.

"Uh...Ah, Arjuna..." Garna looked down at the palm that penetrated his chest, with the power of the god of destruction attached.

"I can't beat you, but you...nor can't beat me..."

A Zhouna showed a smile, and his body exuded a faint brilliance.

——What if you lose?

Isn't this taken for granted?

Then... take him along.


At this point, the outcome... There is still no result.

A Zhou sighed and disappeared.


The deformed spiritual foundation was shattered, and the constraints of distorted will dissipated.

Gharna's eyes regained clarity.

He really didn't expect that it would be Arjuna that would eventually untie his will.

Seeing the spirit son who dissipated before him, Garna was silent.

He and Arjuna are natural enemies no longer need to say more.


It's just that if one day, I can describe him in other words.

Garna squeezed the sharpshooter in his hand.

His spiritual foundation had been shattered, but he was not directly bombarded by the magic cannon of [Vanity's Sky Garden] like Arjuna, causing the spiritual foundation to be completely broken in an instant.

His spiritual foundation was like an avalanche, shattering piece by piece, but it could last a while.

If the situation has fallen to this level, then at least... he still has things to do.

Garna squeezed the sharpshooter in his hand, turned his head slightly, and looked at the central area.

He dragged the Gunslinger and walked towards the central area.

He exudes a strong smell of the sun.


The spiritual foundation was shattered, and the more the spiritual foundation was broken, the aura of Garna's body became stronger.

The scorching breath is like the real sun.


The sharpshooter dragged on the ground, the tip of the gun marked out the brilliance of the electric flint, and directly dragged a focal line on the ground.


The moment the burrowing worms along the way approached him, as if they had fallen into the sun, they turned into fly ash and dissipated.

Even the poisonous fog of Hydra and Bathum burned to ashes in the breath of the hot sun.

Garna walked slowly towards the central area, "Kakka", the sun armor on his body that had been damaged by Arjuna fell off, and the Gunslinger showed a more terrifying power.


Semiramis, sitting on the throne, watched Garner walk slowly, watching his gradually illusory figure and that terrifying aura, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and asked: "You got out of control ?"

"Not bad." Garner nodded.

"So that's the case, because of the collapse of the spirit base, has the Qingming restored?" Semiramis smiled, and then asked: "So now come to settle accounts with Yu?"

"No," Garner shook his head and said calmly, "I didn't intend to do this. I have no objection to being summoned and driven like this. However, as a hero, there are some things that can't be ignored. "

"Indeed," Semiramis smiled and said, "If this is the case, I will lose the brilliance of being a hero. Therefore, doing such a thing and falling to this end is also in line The characteristics of this poisonous woman."

Semiramis chuckled lightly, all around her were strange-shaped earth-boring monsters, with sticky acid everywhere, and they looked very disgusting. They no longer had the majesty of the palace, but were as disgusting as a worm nest.

Garna didn't answer, but the aura all over his body was scorching hot, like shining on the earth and waving the scorching sun.


The burrowers felt the danger and uttered a strange roar, rushing towards Garna.

However, when they approached Garna, they turned into ashes as if they had touched the sun.


Garna's spiritual foundation shattered.

Garna looked at Semiramis and asked, "Are you agreeing to count?"

"What?" Semiramis did not panic, but asked with interest.

"My Master," Garner said.

"It's such a small thing... It's really disgusting for Yu to remember it so clearly. Don't worry, Master Yu has already transferred them." Semiramis said lightly.

She didn't struggle, because when the [Vanity Garden in the Sky] was breached by the King of Eternity, she had no choice but to capture it.

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