I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1054

Saber nodded and said, "It's me."

Mordred retracted the sword.

But Saber turned his head and saw Kiara at the killing house, his face gradually became vigilant, showing hostility.

Upon seeing this, Mordred laughed and said, "It seems that you have encountered that [beast] before."

Hearing this, Saber nodded, and then the vigilant color on his face gradually disappeared, and said: "If you say that, it seems that this is a lady in the killing house."

Kiara of the Killing House immediately bowed to Saber and apologized, and said, "The other I caused you trouble. I'm extremely sorry, Miss Arthur."

"No. It's nothing... it's better to say, because of this, I can see my own path more or less clearly." Saber said.

Shishengyuan Kiara looked at Saber with a strange expression.

Saber didn't say much. In the blissful world of Demon Bodhisattva, she fulfilled her long-cherished wish.

The sword in the stone was pulled up by someone better than her, and she chose to be that person's knight, and finally calmed the turbulent Britain.Afterwards, she and the Knights of the Round Table assisted the new king and governed the country. The Mordred incident did not happen, and the people of the Camelot Kingdom also survived.

Even the territory of the Kingdom of Camelot extends to the European continent.

After fulfilling this long-cherished wish, she was disarmed and returned to the field, and was finally able to wander the wilderness as a girl.

No one said she didn't understand people's hearts, and no one entrusted her with heavy burdens.


Has been sinking.

It was Shirou's light that made her wake up.

Sinking in falsehood is irresponsible to the truth.She was just deceiving herself and others, so she broke free of her dream and regained consciousness from it.


The gap is really too big.

If it wasn't for Shirou's reminder, she might have really fallen into it, right?

Perhaps it was because she came out of the Paradise of Elysium. The moment she went out, she was more or less aware of Shiro’s Paradise.

I realized at the first time that my own sinking would not be able to affect others, so I tore my dreams to pieces, even killed the cowardly myself, and left the world of bliss for the first time, and awakened them...


It's really too big.

Saber smiled bitterly, maybe, the new king she conceived in Elysium...

It was conceived based on the Eternal King, right?

"Are we the only one left?" Mordred asked, looking at Saber.

Saber nodded and said: "Ruler and the emperor of Rome encountered [the beast] together with me, and I fell into bliss in the same place. However, after I woke up, they were nowhere to be seen."

"This, this I know..." Kiara raised his hand and said timidly: "I have some connection with the other me...so, I can vaguely feel that the other me ate them... "

"Eat it?" Saber looked at the killing courtyard with a surprised look.

Kiara nodded and said, "I can vaguely perceive this...because the connection between me and her hasn't been disconnected...it seems to be a relationship that lacks magical power to leave here, so I ate something casually, adding There was a bit of magic... the two young ladies seemed... as if they were eaten by the other me."

Saber: "..."

Mordred: "..."

"What, what's wrong?" Qi Huang looked at them timidly because they were looking at her.

"It's nothing." Mordred shook his head and said, "I just think they have bad luck... and..."

Mordred turned his head, looking at the sight of piercing hell, frowned, and said: "I really didn't expect... things would turn into this."

Saber said: "This is Lancer's treasure. Probably because of the appearance of those monsters, it was used on a large scale."

"Is that so..."

Mordred frowned, then got up, and said, "Get together before him."

"But you are Saber of the red party." Saber raised his head and looked at her.

Mordred said: "Don't be rigid. The Eternal King has died with the [beast], and the heroic spirits of the red and black sides have also been killed and wounded. If you are still struggling with this at this time, then you don't need to say it. It's a hero."

Saber nodded, then pointed to the place where the two-body giant beasts existed, and said, "He should be there!"

Mordred nodded, then turned his head slightly, looked at the killing house Qihuang, and said, "You clear the way."

"Huh?" Qi Huang was taken aback for a moment.

Mordred said patiently: "I and she are both Servants and need the magical support of the Master, otherwise we can't move. So we need to save the magic, you are different. The most important thing is, don't you want to change yourself? This is the training for you. Come on, I will help train you. After all, it is your honour to let me help you train. You must know that there are many people requesting me, but I will not do it yet."

"Woo...I, I know! No, thank you very much, Master!"

Qihuang in the killing house cheered for herself.

Yes indeed.If you want to change yourself, you must work hard to make progress.She shouldn't become a burden, let alone become another her.

Ok.Come on!

Of course, Kiara didn't know the killing house, it was just that Mordred didn't want to waste magic power anymore.

There are terrifying and terrifying earth-boring monsters on the earth. If Mordred is allowed to advance, he can only use [Arctic Star·No One Knows] to penetrate it.This would waste a lot of magic power. The magic power she obtained by using the spell curse of the Lion Tribulation Jie Li, but there was not much left.

Fortunately, her contract with Lion Jiejieli still exists, which shows that her Master still exists.

Of course, the luckiest thing is that now someone helps clear the way.

It should be said that it is indeed the power won from the [beast].

Once opened, the sluggishness of praying for the wilderness in the killing courtyard is like a thousand-handed Guanyin shining with the light of Buddha. Grab the burrowing monsters along the way and stuff them into [All Desires in this World]. Out of a road leading to the Thousand Realm Tree.

However, throwing these earth-boring monsters one by one into [All Desires in This World], as the true possession of [All Desires in This World]-Demon Bodhisattva, I am afraid that there will be some opinions.

Of course, this is impossible.

After all, the Demon Bodhisattva is a happy heaven. Except for the real anger against Shilang before, other existences, any intelligent creatures, are the source of her happiness.And this is why she was able to suppress the evil god's will before.

In addition, in the process of advancing, Mordred and others discovered a rather strange phenomenon.

There was a thick blood mist on the battlefield, wandering everywhere, shrouded the earth-boring monsters that emerged from the earth.

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