I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1056

Matthew flipped through his pockets and said anxiously: "I remember, when I broke into the treasure of the Red Caster in Vasha City, Mr. Fujimaru was worried about my safety as the Master, so he quietly Some defensive measures were put on me."

"Is there such a thing?" Grey was taken aback.

"Yes...Where is it? Where is it? Where is the defense that Mr. Fujimaru put on me?"

"Ah...! Found it! Actually here!"

Matthew looked for it in a panic, and finally found a cloud of cursed mud in his hood.

But the mud was not cursing the attached Matthew, but protecting Matthew in its own way.

Looking at the familiar black mud, Grey and others were stunned.

Saber clenched his fists and said, "It's Assassin's mud."

Grey looked at the mud and said to her heart, it's no wonder.

Gray finally understood why Shi Lang would let himself and Matthew singled out the red square four-body hero before.

That man had taken protective measures for his Master long before the war started.

Mordred clenched his fists.

It turned out that that guy had already reserved his back!

Everyone looked at the black mud in Matthew's hands.

There is no doubt that it is Shirou's treasure [the flower of evil that leads to freedom].However, with Shi Lang's departure, the black mud also collapsed bit by bit, and disappeared, but it is still here at this moment.

Its surface exudes a faint, pitch-black light, and a small voice, almost invisible, resounds from it.

"Matthew... Matthew... can you hear me, Matthew...?"

Matthew shouted, "I can hear it, Mr. Fujimaru! I can hear it!"

"Thank God... you and I can wake up before my treasure disappears."

Matthew and Saber were about to talk, but Mordred took the lead and asked: "Are you the eternal king?"

"Mordred... are you awake? Great. However, the situation is urgent, I can't say anything to you or other people." Shilang's voice paused, and then he asked: " Matthew, I remember Grey said that you still have a Chaldean call symbol in your hand that can summon the heroic spirits, right?"

"Yes, it is!"

Matthew held the black mud in one hand, and groped up and down with the other hand on her body, and finally turned out a golden piece with magical spell cards all over it.

There is no doubt that it was made by the Chaldeans, and could call the heroic spirits!

"Use it to summon me!" Shiro said.

Everyone couldn't help but stunned.

Matthew looked at the call sign in her hand in a daze, and her palm shook fiercely.

"No." Gray shook his head and said: "The Chaldean summoning technique is connected to the Heroic Seat through the Chaldean Heroic Summoning System, so as to summon the Heroic Spirits, but we can't contact us so far. Go to Chaldea, so there is no way to use Chaldean summoning spells."

Shiro said: "You can't get in touch with Chaldea. That's because the dimensional connection channel is cancerous. As long as the dimensional connection channel is normal, you should be able to get in touch with Chaldea and call me."

"Wait a minute!" Mordred frowned suddenly and said: "How do you prove that you are the King of Eternity? If you pass this mud pass alone, you can't prove your identity, right? And the most important thing is , How did you know that the Chaldean dimensional channel was cancerous? This is not even clear to the Chaldeans themselves."

"You are right to question, Mordred. Well, let me tell you, because my ontology is exiled in the cracks of the dimension. What I said is what I saw with my own eyes. Furthermore, how to prove me I am myself, this is very simple, I am myself, that is the case. In addition, my state is also very normal. Don’t suspect that I have been polluted by people or reversed my spiritual foundation. Because I am still alive, My body has no spiritual foundation, and no one can pollute my spirit." Shilang said.

Everyone nodded.

Mordred asked: "Then what do you want us to do? You will contact us now, I am afraid that the dimensional channel will return to the normal method, right here?"

"Yes." Shilang said: "After I woke up, I saw the problem from the perspective of the dimensional gap. The Demon Bodhisattva is not the real peculiarity of this Holy Grail War, it is better to say that she suppressed The peculiarity of this Holy Grail War is probably because of the link depth E you mentioned earlier. The real peculiarity of this Holy Grail War is that it summons the Red Caster Francois Prellatti. Fran Sova Prellati is the trustee of the Cthulhu. He is the coordinate of the Cthulhu. If he is not destroyed, the Cthulhu will control the direction very clearly, and the cancer of the dimensional channel cannot be stopped! The invasion of the Cthulhu cannot be stopped. ."

Matthew heard this, with a look of surprise: "But, hasn't the Red Caster already left?"

"The body has been wiped out, but the soul has not been liberated!" Shilang said.

When Saber heard the words, his eyes shrank sharply, and he muttered, "Big...Holy Grail!"

Everyone looked at Saber with strange expressions.

Saber said with a solemn expression: "The heroic spirits killed in the Holy Grail War will not return to the Heroic Seat, but their souls will be absorbed by the Great Holy Grail. When the Great Holy Grail gathers the souls, they will reach the third law. Let the little holy grail become the holy grail enough to realize the wish."

"Great, thanks to you, Saber. It would be a waste of time if I were to explain it again."

Mordred understood.

All understand.

It turned out to be so!

The so-called Holy Grail War is just a hoax, and the almighty cauldron is also a prop for the magicians to cheat the heroic spirits.The real goal is to achieve the third law!

Surprisingly capable, the magicians who created the Holy Grail War!

Mordred gritted his teeth.

At this time, Saber looked at the black mud and said, "But, you also left the field, why didn't your soul enter the Great Holy Grail? Even if you are alive, your soul should be pulled away by the Great Holy Grail first. After reaching the third law, your soul will be liberated."

"Because the pulling force of the Great Holy Grail is not enough to pull me away at that time!" Shi Lang said.

Mr. Assassin at the time...

Kiara subconsciously remembered the scene in which Shilang defeated the Demon Bodhisattva, as if the emotion of the Demon Bodhisattva infected his heart at that time, and he instinctively trembled.

"However, if the Great Holy Grail is destroyed, we who were summoned by the Holy Grail, the contract with the Master, and the spiritual foundation will begin to dissipate." Saber frowned.

"There is no other way. If you drag on, the connection will expand and become larger and eventually cannot be contained. Let your Master use the last spell and use powerful magic to stop you from dissipating. Time is short. Now, Saber, you stay. Your star sword has a special attack on these monsters. Mordred, you escort Matthew and the others over!"

Mordred frowned and said, "Don't order me!"

"I didn't order you... Anyway, remember it clearly, destroy the Great Holy Grail, and then use the call to summon me...!"

"Wait a minute, Lord Fujimaru!" Gray said quickly: "Even if the Great Holy Grail is destroyed, it will only destroy the coordinates, but the connection will not be terminated."

"Destroy the coordinates. The channel that Cthulhu connects to this world will be defeated by me who exists in the cracks of the dimension!"

"But, even so. If I use the call sign, I will not necessarily summon Mr. Fujimaru...!" Ma Xiu said with a look of disbelief.

"As long as you call, I will try my best to respond. The most important thing is...I believe in you, Master!" Shirou's tone was extremely serious.

"Mr. Fujimaru..."

Matthew clenched his palms.

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