I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1058

Grey knew what Shiro meant.

Because, here, no one knows Shirou better than her.

What he really meant.

"Rumble, rumbling--!!!"

The Great Holy Grail was bombarded by light cannon.

At that moment, the soul stored in the Great Holy Grail was liberated, and the Servants summoned by the Holy Grail began to disappear.

Mordred came into contact with the lion robbery's contract, and a faint spiritual brilliance appeared on her body.

"It's now--!"

Matthew yelled loudly, she had already brought the art of Heroic Summoning from Grey.

At the moment when the Great Holy Grail collapsed, their bracelets were reconnected to the Chaldean system, and the art of the heroic spirit summoning on the ground also radiated a faint light.

"Come at my call, Mr. Fujimaru--!"

Matthew shouted loudly, and slapped the call symbol in his hand on the art of heroic summoning.

She looked expectantly at the art of the heroic spirit summoning, looking forward to Shilang's arrival again.

However, Grey closed her eyes.

Lord Fujimaru... won't come.

Because the heroes who really want to make a contract...

Just by your side!

The call sign disappeared faintly, and the spell summoned by the heroic spirits quickly started.

Matthew felt it, and felt that a hero was making contact with her.


"Why?" Matthew looked at Mordred in shock.

Mordred also looked at his hands in amazement.

I felt that she and Matthew had established a connection.

"Why? Why is this happening?"

It was not Matthew who yelled, but Mordred!

Mordred asked with a puzzled face: "What the hell is going on, Chaldea? Why is the Eternal King not summoned, why am I connecting with her?"

Grey closed her eyes and said, "This is to ask what Mr. Fujimaru did with the mud?"

"What did he do with'mud'?" Mordred asked with a puzzled look.

"I don't know. But I know, Lord Fujimaru, let Matthew contract you, Mordred." Gray said.

Mordred seemed to be enraged by a lion, and asked as if he hummed: "Why would he do this!?"

"I don't know, but I know that if he were Lord Fujimaru, he would definitely do it. Because you are his daughter." Gray said.

Mordred's breathing suddenly stagnated, as if his breathing had stopped, a heavy suffocation!

She felt suffocated and her heart was full of anger.

Grey said: "As we all guessed, Fujimaru-sir intends to give up his own body and return to dissolve this crisis. And this time, the call of the sign is the only opportunity for him to appear. Next time Even if there is a call sign, he may not have the opportunity to appear in the realm. But His Excellency Fujimaru knows in his heart that you, who are summoned by the Holy Grail, will not necessarily have the opportunity to appear in the realm next time. Therefore, he considers the only one who can freely move in the real world. The opportunity was given to you. And this is why he named you by name and let you follow us."

"You, why are you so clear?" Mordred asked.

"Because, I have lived with Lord Fujimaru for some time. His Excellency Fujimaru is a cold-hearted person. The first time I see him, I feel very scared, but after getting along for a long time I will find that no one is more enthusiastic than him. He treats everyone as a friend to get along with. He will give himself the best to the people he cherishes the most, and the last thing he wants to see is that the people he cares about are hurt. If you want to ask why, then the Lord Fujimaru must be very Care about you," Gray said.

"But this, this... Doesn't he want to return, did he give up to dissolve this crisis? Here, it is still being invaded!" Mordred shouted.

Grey said: "There is no crisis. Lord Fujimaru...will destroy the invading passage in the crevice of the dimension. Presumably, he is now in the crevice of the dimension, fighting alone with the monsters who invaded this world."

"Why are you so sure!?" Mordred asked.

"Because..." Gray raised the bracelet and said calmly: "The link depth of this connection point has begun to decrease, and it has begun to become more normal. And... haven't you noticed? Contact us from Fujimaru-san At that moment, few monsters have emerged from the ground."

Mordred looked at Grey in a daze, gritted his teeth, "No--! No! Bastard! Bastard! What does he want? What does he want me to owe him? Damn——! Damn!"

"I'm afraid that Lord Fujimaru has never thought about making you owe him anything. He will do this kind of thing, probably what he thinks, is just to enable you to continue to move in the present world and go to Chaldea...with your real mother, Reunite again," Gray said.

Mordred gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.



She felt that she had been played fiercely by Shi Lang, and then teased fiercely, tearing her pride and her reserved relentlessly to pieces, and threw it on the ground.

she was……

she was--,

She doesn't need the protection of others!

Damn it!

In this way, isn't it, really owes him?

Damn it!

Mordred gritted his teeth, his heart was very angry, in a daze, he felt as if he saw Shirou's bright, gentle smile.

She threw a punch forward and everything disappeared like an illusion.

That man can't come back at all.

Even with Servant's body...

Can't come back.

The man was exiled in the crevice of the dimension, giving Mordred the only chance to be free to move in the real world.


Damn it, the eternal king!!!

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