I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1070

Shi Lang regained consciousness.

He was surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Because, his Spirit Guardian Palace Lingji disappeared, and replaced by his Servant-Skaha!

With Servant, as a normal Master.

As a normal Master, Shirou has a very quick way to withdraw from the Holy Grail War.

That is to use Lingshu to directly cause Servant to commit suicide, thereby disqualifying himself.

The most important thing is that Skaha is pitying him, so he is willing to help him and use such despicable means to survive...

He really did it.

As long as he can survive, he will do everything.

However, he has been targeted by Gilgamesh, and doing so is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

So, he gave up, and got along with Skarhar instead, and asked Skarhar how to survive in the Holy Grail War.

Of course, the most important thing is how to kill the one who restrains his freedom, Gilgamesh!

"None of those are the most important." Skaha smiled.

"Then what is the most important thing, Master?" Shirou asked.

Skaha turned his head slightly, raised his palm, pointed at Yuanzang Mountain, which stood out in the distance, and said, "Be sure, I must go to the temple on that mountain first!"

"Liudong Temple?" Shi Lang frowned and asked, "Why, Master?"

Skaha said: "You didn't find it in the game. That place is quite strange. It seems to be shrouded in a layer of holy light. Viewed from the outside of the world, it is not really true. There must be something special there."

"The Great Holy Grail?" Shi Lang asked.

Skaha shook his head and said, "It should be something else. If it's just the Great Holy Grail system created by magicians, it would be impossible to cover my eyes."

"That's it..." Shi Lang nodded, and then said, "Then go to Liudong Temple and see!"

Shi Lang stepped out and prepared to go to Liudong Temple, and only then did he realize that Skaha showed no signs of moving.

"What's wrong, Master?" Shilang asked.

"It's too slow, Shirou." Skaha smiled.

She stretched out the palm of her hand, caught the little, young Shi Lang, and resisted it on her shoulder.

"It's much faster." Skaha smiled.

"Too, too ashamed, Master! Let me down!" Shi Lang blushed and shouted.

"So you will feel ashamed, ha ha ha... don't let it go." Skaha carried Shi Lang and walked towards Liudong Temple.


Skaha's skill was very quick, and he walked like flying vigorously while holding Shi Lang on his shoulders, and soon reached the Liudong Temple.

"Quickly, let me down, Master!" Shilang said with a blushing face.

"So you are ashamed of this, Shiro." Skaha showed a playful smile as if he had seen the new world.

"Isn't this, of course? It's like being tied home by a bandit to be a lady of the village. It's too ashamed!" Shi Lang covered his face and said, "I feel ashamed to see people."

"Hehe... Then I won't let you down." Skaha smiled.

"Why, why, Master?" Shi Lang asked embarrassedly.

Hearing that, Skaha stretched out his index finger, scraped Shilang's nose gently, and smiled: "I like to see your embarrassed expression, Shilang."

Shi Lang was dumbfounded at the time: "???"

He was wrong.

It seems that his understanding of Skaha has gone wrong.

Although he spoke softly in the dream before, and easily agreed to his request, so I subconsciously regarded it as the kind of big sister next door who is very gentle and easy to talk, but now take a look...


That's wrong!

This woman seems...has the hidden attribute of shaking S!

Shi Lang shouted in his heart.

Skaha General Shi Lang fought on his shoulders and walked into Liudong Temple.

Shi Lang accepted his fate, and his eyes began to scan Liudong Temple.

The two scanned for a long time, but they didn't find anything special about Scarha.

"The two donors, are they looking for the great wise?" Liu Dong, the host, walked out and asked.

The Great Wisdom?

Shi Lang remembered that since he traveled over, he had indeed often heard about the great wisdom in Liudong Temple.

Of course, he, who has experienced the enthusiasm of qigong masters, should of course be treated as a liar.

Skaha nodded and said, "Yes."

Host Liu Dong smiled and said: "The Great Wisdom, he has already left last night. However, before he left, he once told the little monk that he was the first to find him today. He asked the little monk to tell him a word.

"What are you talking about?" Skaha asked.

"You and I have no chance." Liu Dong said.

"Is that so... Then, excuse me." Skaha said politely, turned around, glanced over the golden Buddha statue in the temple, and then turned and left, carrying Shilang.

"Master, did we leave like this?" asked Shirou, who was squeezed by Skaha like a Chihuahua.

"Yeah." Skaha nodded and said, "Since that person has already left, there is no need to stay there anymore."

"Master, who is the one you are talking about?" Shi Lang asked curiously.

Skaha was silent for a moment, and said, "I'm just a guess... But if it is really the enlightened person... it would be strange. Why did he appear here... But since he has already left If it’s gone, we don’t have to bother about it."

"Oh oh."

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