I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1075


By the way, I still remember a picture.

That is the picture of the child growing up.

He became an excellent e-commerce company in that dream world, and then spent a lot of money to help the pharmaceutical industry.

"The more people go up, the greater the responsibility. The more you earn, the more you need to share, otherwise, sooner or later I will be kicked out. I am not a magician, nor a great hero, and I don’t have strong power. . But, I have my own way to contribute to this world and leave my footprint in this world."

The last thing I remember is this paragraph and the child's innocent smile.


There's no after that.

That dream has no end.

Or, the ending has been forgotten by her.

This was originally an absurd dream.

The absurd dream that came out of the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows from the overlapping of pan-human history.

She is a god, a great god, and human beings are small things.

She is the wind and snow, but also the person who causes pain. She has no emotions, and some are just cold.


I am more or less concerned about the ending of that dream, what is it?

Does that child get the stable life he wants?

The key is……

That child,

what do you say that is?

Ha ha ha...


Skadi sat on the god seat and continued to sleep slowly.




pS: That's it for today.Why write this extra? Of course, it is to fill and dig holes.

But the response seems to be bad, so I am ready to intersperse.What is the next volume?Actually, I am also entangled. Is it the Vermillion Moon or the Twilight of the Gods? The third one must be the Eternal Dynasty.In the end, I chose to write about Ragnarok first.

Correct!After the transition, it is the dusk of the gods!Hope you all support~!

Chapter One This is coming to me!

[Appear separately] This is a special ability possessed by the beast of original sin, a human evil of the Beast rank.At the same time, it is also the ultimate high-level ability to act alone.

This ability, even Shirou's [mortal hero] cannot be copied, nor can it be possessed.

And the Beast, or heroic spirit, who holds [Appearing Alone], has the ability to manifest the world alone.

This is how the Demon Bodhisattva can easily leave the world he has been transferred from.

Soon after leaving the transferred world, the Demon Bodhisattva felt that her [good] half of the body-Killing Yuan Kiara, used the power stolen from her, and stuffed her belly with a lot of things.

At this point, the Demon Bodhisattva is not angry, but has a smile of compassion on his face.

She is the devil "Third Outer Dharma Happy Heaven", can be said to be the incarnation of a compassionate Bodhisattva. Apart from Shi Lang who really annoyed her before, she has no other actions. No matter if it is hostility or start to attack, she will not be allowed. Feeling irritated, or producing emotions other than happiness and compassion.

Only now, there is one thing that makes her feel puzzled.

"Parliament?" The Demon Bodhisattva looked at the golden light of the same kind who claimed to be the Demon King Gatia in front of him with a strange face.

"Yes. Join the council, the beast of eros." Demon King Gatia looked at the Demon Bodhisattva before him and said, "Although your purpose is somewhat different from ours, the enemies you have to face are the same. . Join the [Council], you will not succeed if you go alone."

"Parliament...ah...I remember it, it seems that you are the one who transferred me from there?" asked the Demon Bodhisattva.

Demon King Gaetia said: "That was just an accident. What we want to do is to assimilate you and overlap it. It's just that a girl affected the steps, so there was an error. However, this does not affect our right Your value. Your goal is to use the earth as a place to satisfy your desires? However, with the existence of those heroic spirits, it is extremely difficult for you to do it alone. Join the [Council]."

"You know exactly what I want to do. It's just that you are late. If it was before, I would definitely agree without hesitation, but now, hehehe..." The Demon Bodhisattva laughed." Before fulfilling my desire to fill my own self, I must first observe something."

"Really, then it seems that you refused." Demon King Gatia sighed and said.

The Demon Bodhisattva smiled and said, "After all, you messed up my business and caused my power to be incomplete. After careful calculation, we should be enemies."

There were tens of thousands of sluggish lines on the body of the Demon Bodhisattva, and he grabbed it at the Demon King Gatia.

However, these tens of thousands of colors lingered at the moment they met the Demon King Gatia, they were broken.

The Demon King Gatia was not surprised at all, but looked at the Demon Bodhisattva with some cold eyes, and asked, "Do you want to do it with me?"

"It's terrible." The Demon Bodhisattva was not afraid, with a compassionate smile on his face, and said: "I wanted you to experience happiness, but it seems that you don't want to experience it. Hehehe..."

With a smile on his face, the figure of the Demon Bodhisattva faded and finally disappeared.

"It's gone," said a voice.

"Yes." The Demon King Gatia nodded and looked at the person next to him.

It was a man in a black cloak.

The man said: "So I proposed to destroy the Chaldeans directly. Why do you need to find a helper and transfer people from another world."

"Chaldea is not a climate, so you don't need to care." Demon King Gaetia said.

"But there has been an'anchor point' that has been eliminated, isn't it? We all know that the connection point is only used to confuse the restraining force and open the gap. The real key lies in the seven'anchor points'! If that All seven anchor points have been eliminated. What the [Council] wants to do, you, me, and many people join [Council], it is meaningless." The person said.

"Of course I know." Demon King Gatia said.

"Then, why did you let go of the lord named'Fujimaru Tachika' at the first anchor point?" the man asked.

The Demon King Gatia glanced at him, and asked, "When did the [Council] also interfere with the thoughts of important officials?"

"[Parliament] will naturally not interfere, but I am personally curious. Do you want to betray the [Parliament]? Or, you are the undercover agent of King Solomon in the [Parliament]?" question.

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