I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 1081

In order for Adam and the ontology to find the direction of return, Shirou certainly cannot give up the black cup now, but at the same time he cannot help the [Council] deal with Chaldea.

Of course, you can hide the black cup and assist the Chaldeans to eradicate the connection point, but the only problem is that it is difficult to guarantee that the [Parliament] will not load any black cup self-explosion device on the black cup.

Once the black cup explodes, the summoned him will of course turn into a record and return to the Heroic Seat, so that the body and Adam will continue to wander in the gap between the dimension.

Then what should be done?

Shiro thought for a while, "Send Assassin to die first."

The black cup is in his hands, he naturally cannot be attacked, but other altered followers, or shadow followers, of course can be eliminated by Chaldea first.

In this way, even if the [Council] loaded some self-detonation device on the black cup, it would be useless, because he did not jump back!

Assassin and others are inferior to others, so they gave it to him for nothing. It's not his eternal king alter.


That's all.

Shiro nodded.

I feel that this plan is not bad.

As for whether Assassin will die?

Isn't this a matter of course?

According to the experience of the last connection point, even those who can enter the connection point are cute, but also experienced, and old members who are as reliable as Grey lead the team. So what else should I worry about?

All you need to do is to secretly take your subordinates like a gourd baby to save your grandfather, pull them over and send them away one by one, and then wait until your body returns.



This is the real connection point!

After a dizzy spirit passed through, Qihuang in the killing courtyard looked at the surrounding buildings, feeling nervous and exciting.

Although she had already experienced a connection point battle long ago, it was still the kind of connection point that appeared between the [beast] and the evil god.

However, that connection point belongs to Senior Grey and Senior Matthew after all.

And this is the starting point that truly belongs to her!

The most important thing is that, according to the Chaldean rules and regulations, if you fail in actual combat, you will be disqualified from the Master and become a technical staff, or just mess around...


I don't want to be a messenger

Come on!

Qihuang in the killing house cheered herself up in her heart.

Qi Huang glanced at the surrounding partners and found that they were also a little nervous.Especially Ling Zi next to her, both hands and legs were shaking.

for sure.

Must be even more nervous by her, right?

Kiara thought to the killing house.

Musta Hina pushed his glasses, and then patted his palm, attracting the eyes of Kiara and others in Seishiin.

Mustard Hinako said coldly: "Well, it seems that everyone has already adapted to the discomfort after the transfer of Lingzi. That's good."

Kiara and others looked at Mustako with expectant eyes.

According to Senior Matthew and Senior Grey, the seniors who lead Mengxin on the connection point task will teach the execution steps of the connection point by hand.

Then there is no doubt that the next generation of Kakuko will also teach the hand how to attack the connection point.

Kiara and others looked at Mustako in anticipation.


There is no more.

Kakuko didn't understand the meaning of the gazes of Kiara and others in the Seishiyuan at all, and turned around as usual, and set out to start to explore the connection point.

"That, that..."

Seeing that Kaneko had no intention to explain, Kiara raised her hand and attracted Kaneko's attention.She asked timidly: "Um, Kazuko-senpa... Um, what are we going to do next?"


Mustard Hinako looked at the killing house and prayed for shortage, oh.She remembered it. It seemed that Morgan had mentioned it in the strategy book. It seemed to bring newcomers to the connection point and teach the steps... Ah!It's troublesome, damn bastard, you can't spare you by pushing this troublesome thing to me!You must be hacked to death!

Kakuko Kakuko said: "What we have to do is very simple. That is to list strategy and strategy plan! A plan is a manifestation of purpose. With a complete plan, ideas, logic, and our actions will become very clear. , Very efficient. So remember, the first thing to enter the connection point is to list a plan. A Master who can't list a plan is not a good Master."

All right.


Ok.There should be nothing missing.The formal rhetoric should be like this.

As for the plan...

Of course, this is just to talk about it, Kazuki has never done it so far.

Because this is usually done by Morgan, she executes it.

So, forget about it.

Kiara and others looked at Mustako in anticipation, waiting for the following.


There is no more.

Where did the following come from?

No more.

"Okay, you guys start to make plans," said Mustardinako.

The five Xiao Mengxin looked at each other with a blank look.

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