I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1087

However, what they didn't know was that Mustard Hinako had already searched the supermarket with people, and then ran to the suburban industrial park, eating food and drinking drinks.

There is no tension and excitement of adventure in the connection point at all, but...

It's rather leisurely?

Of course, Musta Hinako does not intend to continue to lead the team to fight this connection point, but intends to return to Chaldea first and bring his personal guard, King Lanling.

Saber Alter looked at Musta Hinako and said, "I'll exchange information first."

"What else can I exchange?" Mustaina asked, frowning.

Ah... Human, so annoying, don't approach me.

Seeing Saber alter close to her, Kazurako endured the discomfort in her heart, and said, "Generally, haven't we exchanged before? Moreover, Chaldeans has everything about the connection point. You probably think It’s just the enemy Servant in this connection point this time? Isn’t it the same as the normal Holy Grail War, the Seven-body Servant? And the guardian of this connection point is Berserker Eternal King."

"Not bad." Saber Alter nodded, and then said: "But correct a point. There is no seven-body Servant in this connection point, only six-body Servant, missing Caster's rank Servant!"

"Have you been killed?" Mustachi Hinako asked.

"No," Saber Alter shook his head, and said, "Since the beginning, there is no Caster! And it's not that I don't want to call, but... I can't call it!"

In the face of this news, Saber Alter hopes to get feedback on what information from Kazuki, but unfortunately, Kazuki is only very cold when facing this information, "Oh".


It is the word that ends this topic-"Oh!"

The cute newcomers reported to the group to keep warm, while eating food, they quietly exchanged their views on mustard young children and how they first experienced the connection point.

Qihuang in the killing courtyard also shared it with her friends, but soon she found that Ling Zi had walked out a little absent-mindedly.

She cared a little, and followed.

Found that Ling Zi was standing in the industrial park, looking around.

"What's the matter, Lingzi?" Qi Huang walked up to the killing house and asked aloud.

Ling Zi was taken aback by her, turned his head and found that it was the killing house Qihuang, and then he was relieved, "It turned out to be the killing house..."

"What's the matter? I feel that your expression seems to be something wrong." Kiara asked the killing house with concern.

"Yeah. I, I'm a little uncomfortable..." Ling Zi said with an uncomfortable expression.

"Is it uncomfortable?" Qihuang in the killing house looked at Lingzi with concern.

"No, it's not." Ling Zi shook his head and said, "It's not that I'm sick, it's the environment, it's the environment that makes me a little uncomfortable... quiet. It's too quiet... Generally speaking, even if there is an industrial park here, There will also be beasts. No matter how bad, there should be birds too! But...it's too quiet!"

Hearing this, Kiara smiled and said, “Isn’t there an explanation in the new handbook in Chaldeans? Some connections are like this. Before, we were in the city, and we weren’t people. Haven't you seen it? This connection point is an empty city!"

"Perhaps, maybe it's that I really don't feel comfortable with the real connection point... It feels like the ominous feeling of the black magic around... Anyway, in the killing courtyard, haven't you found anything wrong with it?" Ling Zi asked .

"What's wrong?" Qi Huang asked inquisitively.

"You, don't you think the trees here are weird?" Ling Zi raised his hand and pointed to the young trees near the industrial park. "The trees in the distance are original old trees, but the trees here are newly born. It seems that the original trees were burned down and then replanted..."

"Because this is an industrial park, there is nothing strange about it, right?" Kiara asked the killing house.

"That's what I said, maybe I'm nervous... Sorry, the killing house. Honestly, I'm a little scared of magic... Especially my kind of foundation..." Ling Zi whispered.

"What?" Qi Huang blinked her eyes, but the voice behind her was too small for her to hear clearly.

"No, nothing." Ling Zi shook his head.

Kiara laughed, and said, "Let's go in together. Senpai Hinako intends to return to Chaldea first, and the other friends intend to explore one side of this place before leaving, and come together."


Ling Zi followed, she turned around and looked at the new tree.

She felt that there must have been a large fire here!

Chapter 7 Only when I find you can I thank you in person

"Ha ha ha... Gaetia's worries are really unnecessary."

In a piece of ice and snow, someone was holding a crystal ball to observe what happened at a connecting point.

That connection point was nothing else, it was the connection point where Shirou was.

And the one he observed the most was naturally not someone else. It was the Shi Lang guarding the black cup in the underground air-raid shelter of Yuanzang Mountain.

"Sure enough, the hope is so fierce, the despair is as profound. Even the eternal holy king, through the pollution of anti-heroes, the glory of the holy king will be extinguished, leaving only the destruction of tyranny and the meaning of being called to loyalty." The man chuckled.

"However, it's better to observe more. It just so happens that the people of Chaldea have also entered that connection point to see how the Eternal King will act, and whether there is still something that shouldn't be there."

The man touched his chin and said nonchalantly: "Anyway, the connection point doesn't have much meaning, it's just a fragment that was kept by the woman and has been destroyed by pan-human history. Even if it is restored by Chaldea, it is correct. The'anchor' is not important, but it is quite good for experimentation."

He stood up and walked out of the house.

There was heavy goose down snow in the sky, and there was nothing else on the earth except a bleak, sickly white color.It's like a patient who has already fallen ill, dying, waiting for the end of his destiny.

"Dying struggling for so long, it really deserves to be the last great god on this land. But it is meaningless. When the Fumble Winter ends, it will be the day of destruction of the gods at dusk. This connection point is destined to anchor. Up!"

The man smiled, turned around, looked at the crystal ball in his hand again, and looked at Shirou in the crystal ball.

He squinted his eyes, "Okay, the king. I'll add some seasonings to you. Hahaha... Don't thank me."




Shi Lang raised his eyebrows.

He felt a strange magic power entering his body through his connection with the black cup, wanting to further madden him.

"It's interesting. Because I happen to be very hungry, will you give me some afternoon dessert? Heh... I'm interested."

Shi Lang laughed, but he was always there.

The strange magical power brought further madness, but when this magical power entered his body through the black cup, it was undoubtedly swallowed by the black mud and taken for himself.


The black mud also belched symbolically, and then a piece overflowed from Shiro's abdomen, forming a hand, and gave Shiro a thumbs up, seeming to praise the taste.

Shirou smiled, and then continued to pay attention to the actions of the Chaldean side and his subordinates.

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