I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1089

"This senior... is really inaccessible, he is indeed a senior in Group A... However, it is unbelievable that this senior will forget the follower."

"Don't say it. Don't forget, even if there is no follower... this predecessor hit a Servant's head with a punch before!"

"That's magic! Magic!"


"...That senior...so lonely..." Ling Zi muttered as he looked at Mustard Hinako who was immersed in the darkness.

"Ling Zi," Qi Huang tilted his head and looked at Ling Zi with bright eyes, and asked, "What are you muttering?"

"Ah...no. Nothing." Ling Zi shook his head quickly and said.

Qihuang looked at Lingzi suspiciously, but she wouldn't embarrass Lingzi because of her character.

She turned around, picked up the roll of manuscript that was thrown on the ground, then folded it carefully and put it in her pocket.

Ling Zi looked at the killing courtyard in a strange way, and asked, "What are you doing with this manuscript? Is it a souvenir?"

"No," Qi Huang shook his head and said with a smile: "I actually have mild obsessive-compulsive disorder. After that sentence, there are still some words that can be recognized. If I can't recognize it, my heart will be very itchy. . So, I want to identify it."

"That's it."

Ling Zi nodded in understanding.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder... Although she does not have it, she understands the characteristics of obsessive-compulsive disorder. After all, some people with obsessive-compulsive disorder must walk in the middle of the road, or walk along the road.

Then, it is not a strange thing that Kiara tried to distinguish the characters.

"Let's go, go to rest, Ling Zi." Qihuang said with a smile in the killing courtyard.

"Yeah." Ling Zi nodded.

Just stay here, take a rest, and wait until this time tomorrow, when the passage with Chaldea has cooled down, you can return to Chaldea.

However, there is one thing that Kiara in the Killing House must confirm.

"Berserker Eternal King...Assassin, sir..."

Kiara's voice whispered in a low voice.

Although more than three months have passed since the incident, Qi Huang still remembers all the things that happened in Romania three months ago.

I remember that Shi Lang smashed the evil heart of the Demon Bodhisattva with a single shot and rescued her from another her body.

She will choose to join Chaldea, become the Master of Chaldea, and take this path.

Perhaps it was because he witnessed Mr. Assassin's light at that time.

So dazzling, so warm, so... desirable.

This may be the reason why she would take this path.

Therefore, such a glorious Mr. Assassin will be controlled by the black cup, become the guardian of the connection point, and become the enemy of the Chaldeans... this is simply impossible!

Can't believe it!

She would rather believe that Saber alter lied, than believe that Shirou was controlled by the [Council] and became an enemy they must defeat.

Therefore, Kiara in Seishiin must check it out with his own eyes.

Make sure... that person is not Shirou, not her Mr. Assassin!

According to the information provided by Saber Alter, the target is in the large underground cave of Yuanzang Mountain, which is the place where the Great Holy Grail of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City was shown in the Chaldean data!

In the dead of night, Qihuang in the killing house sneaked out of the industrial park and walked quietly to Yuanzang Mountain.

However, not long after leaving, a voice rang in her ear: "Hey, where do you want to go?"


Qihuang in the killing house was frightened and shook all over, then turned his head to look, only to find that it was Mustard Hinako calling her behind her.

"It turns out to be senior mustard hina." Kiara patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you going to do so late?" Mustard Hinako asked coldly.

"That...this...I...ah, isn't it right, what are you going to do at this late morning?" Qihuang asked in a panic.

"Go to the big hole and solve this connection point." Kakuko said.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-sen to also to go too do? Me too." Qiara said with a smile in the killing house.

"You?" Wasabi Hinako raised her eyebrows slightly, and said, "Go back, you are too weak. In the past, it was just for death."

"That, that, I have something to confirm. Don't worry, Senior Mustard Hinako, I will protect myself and won't hold you back!" Kiara patted his chest. Promised.

"It doesn't matter. But remember, if you don't listen to me, you are acting arbitrarily. If there is a danger, I won't save you." Musta Hinako said coldly.

"Yeah!" Qi Huang nodded and smiled, "Thank you, Senior Mustache Hinako!"


Mustard young child: "..."

How, why can't you scare this human?

Morgan, the strategy you gave doesn't work anymore!




pS: It's 4K delivery again, that's it for today~!I went to exercise my body, my neck hurts.Good night~!

Chapter 8 This naivety should be taught!

Kiara and Mustako from the killing house traveled all the way to the underground cave.

Along the way, the atmosphere was quite silent.

In fact, Kiara in Seishiin wanted to find some topics to ease the atmosphere, because she was not very comfortable with this taciturn atmosphere.

But it's a pity that Kanako doesn't like to come into contact with humans, so she seems quite cold, no matter what the topic is just "oh" or "um", it is quite difficult to approach.


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