I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1110

This makes Saber alter confused.

However, Shi Lang's heart was as clear as a mirror.

May I ask, as an envoy among the population, can you not understand the worldview?

This is a gap in the problem, Saber Alter may not be sensitive to this, but it is a pity that Shirou is a sensitive and clear-headed person.

Shiro stood beside Gerda, and in a condescending tone, like an imperial minister patrolling the place, he asked Gerda for information about the village, and obtained two pieces of information.

First, Gerda and her villagers call their village No. 23 Midgard.

Second, this forest is called the Iron Forest, and after the Iron Forest passes, there is an area called Jotunheim.

From the names of these places, Shirou already understood where it was.

Lifting his head slightly, Shi Lang looked at the dark ring above the sky, and feather-like snowflakes fell on his face.

This is Northern Europe!

Midgart, this is the Nordic name for the Middle-earth world, and Jotunheim, is one of the kingdoms of giants in Nordic myths and legends, there are mountain giants and frost giants.

As for why it is so clear, it is not because of the ceased operation of Senluo Vientiane, but Shiro himself is very familiar with Nordic mythology.

Just as he is familiar with the historical events of the emperors and generals of various dynasties in ancient China, Shi Lang also knows a little about some historical events and myths and legends abroad.

These are not the knowledge acquired after the crossing, but the accumulated abundance of knowledge before the crossing, which is accumulated after the crossing.

Of course, he will get so much knowledge, which is also related to his experience before crossing.

After confirming that this is Northern Europe, Shirou also remembered who Gerda was.

It's the girl with a knife in the ending of "FGO" 2.2.

So, here is the Nordic Anomaly Zone?

Shouldn't it.

If there is no fantasy tree, the anomalous zone of the cut matter is not valid.

And here, no fantasy tree is seen.

The most important thing is that the enemy that Chaldea faces at this moment is not the Alien God or Group A, but the [Council] of unknown meaning, unclear purpose, and unclear motivation.

At the same time, the adventures they experience and shuttle are not singularities and anomalies, but connecting points.

So, could this be the Nordic Anomaly Zone?

The sky is snowing with goose down.

The breeze that whizzed by from time to time was cold and as sharp as a knife.

In the team, a very young boy had his face flushed with cold.He picked up his palm from time to time, sipped his lips toward the palm, and the smoke was filled with smoke, rubbing his small palm to get some warmth.

Gerda was very active, bright, and dazzling, but Shilang was not the kind of person who would only focus on one person, he paid attention to everyone.

He saw the little boy's behavior and looked around again, and found that these villagers, including Gerda, were wearing thin white shirts in the ice and snow.Such thin clothing, it can be said that there is no warmth at all, even if it is not killed by the giants, it is enough to be killed by the howling cold wind.

It's just that none of them cares about this.

In other words, they have long ignored their lives.

Shi Langgu showed up some cold-proof clothing of Camelot soldiers and put them on these villagers, which won their thanks.

After passing through the iron forest, from a distance, I saw a small, desolate village sitting alone in the snow and ice.

And there is no doubt that it is the village of Gerda, the village of Midgart 23.

Following the lead of Gerda and others, Shiro and Saber Alter came to this village No. 23 in Midgart.

The people in village 23, seeing Gerda and others come back, were not happy or cheered, some were just panic and scream.

The village chief is a young youth. He looked at Gerda and the others with fear on his face and said, "You, why are you back? Could it be that the giants didn't accept you?"

"Oh my God! Is the village going to be destroyed?"

"Is the day of destruction in the prophecy coming?"


The villagers panicked, and there was no smile or joy on their faces, but only fear.

Of course, this is the sight of Saber alter.

In Shirou's eyes, what he saw was not fear, but numbness.

Saber Alter frowned. She was not a stupid fool. Although her mind was tyrannical because of alteration, she understood the truth that Gerda and others were caught by giants for the first time.

Then... I guess it was not accidentally caught by giants, but directly sacrificed by these villagers, right?

In the former British Isles, there was also such a primitive and unbearable custom that in order to pray for the harvest in the coming year, a girl or a young man was sacrificed to the gods who served as a priest.

Such primitive and unbearable customs were especially serious when the gods faded away mysteriously and the harvest of the land became extremely scarce in the later period of Saber alter's rule in Britain.

She once wanted to control, but couldn't do it.

Now, seeing this scene again, Saber alter certainly couldn't bear it. Her righteous knight heart couldn't bear such an unsightly custom. When she stood up and was about to say something, Shi Lang suddenly stretched out her hand and caught her. Hair on the back of the head.



Saber alter turned his head, those dark golden bright eyes, like a lion whose tail was caught, stared at Shirou in shame, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

"Don't mess around." Shilang whispered.

Saber Alter doesn't understand. Even if you can't do anything in this scene, you should at least say something, right?

However, Shi Lang told her not to mess around.

Although Saber Alter did not understand, she always understood one thing. Starting from the great cause of "King Arthur", she was a loser and Shilang was a winner.

So, Saber alter endured it.Although there was doubt in her heart, she did not ask at this time, just to see what Shirou wanted to do.

The village chief, including the villagers, was terrified of the return of Gerda and others. The expression was just like when Shilang asked the villagers to come out of the cage.

Gerda and others began to explain their experience to the villagers, and introduced Shiro and Saber alter to the village chief and the villagers.

Although they were chatting and talking about their own things, the scene was extremely chaotic, but at any rate they were able to make things clear.

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