I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1112

Eating is a big problem!

Especially Saber alter after alteration will never suppress his appetite.

Seeing her devouring eating posture, Shi Lang felt that his stomach was full without taking a few bites.

Saber Alter noticed Shi Lang staring at her, she stretched out her hand to protect the berries at her table, like a lioness guarding food, staring at Shi Lang with extreme vigilance.

Shi Lang smiled and shook his head, biting the blue berry in his hand.

This berry is like an apple, but the skin is blue, the juice is also blue, and it has a blueberry flavor, which is quite delicious.The locals call it blue fruit.

Saber Alter stared at Shiro warily, then hesitated for a moment, eagerly and dismayed, took out two blue fruits and placed them in front of Shiro.

Shirou looked at Saber alter with a little surprise. Is this the sun coming out from the west?When did this lioness, like Al, learn to give food to people?


Wait, this scene seems a bit familiar...

Shi Lang remembered that when he was in Aktor Manor in Britain, Al had given him food for the purpose of wanting him to be her knight...Of course, the end was reversed.

The thoughts of Saber Alter, Shi Lang knew in his heart, he probably wanted to get it from himself, why he could let the British survivors survive from the gods.

And this concession, probably the same as Al at the beginning, is Saber alter's special gesture of goodwill.

Shiro didn't mind what Saber alter got from him, or what he learned, so of course he didn't mind accepting two berries from Saber alter.


It's a tuition fee.

Shi Lang picked up a blue fruit and gnawed it again, splashing delicious blue juice.

Shi Lang is very efficient, and in just one day, he obtained some basic information he needed from this village No. 23.

First of all, this is indeed the Nordic world.

The Nordic world was born from a huge world view called the World Tree.Divided into three layers of world structure: upper, middle and lower.

The upper world consists of Asgard, Warnerheim, Alfheim where the light elves exist, and Niederwiar where the dark elves exist.

The middle world is the human world-Midgart, Jotunheim of the Frost Giants and Mountain Giants, and Swartalfheim of the Gnomes.

The lower world is Hell-Helheim, Niforheim, and Musbelheim of the Fire Giants.

And this is the framework of the world of Norse mythology.

At this moment, Shirou is located in the middle world of the Nordic World Tree, the village of Midgart 23, which belongs to humans.

Secondly, the background in Northern Europe made Shiro very strange.

In the Nordic world known to Shiro, before the dusk of the gods, the gods headed by Odin suppressed the giants and ruled the entire Nordic world.

This is not the case with this Nordic connection point.

According to the information searched by Shiro, the famous destruction of the gods at dusk did not occur in this Nordic connection point, but a bizarre event of "the hidden gods" occurred.

About 2000 years ago, the gods headed by Odin disappeared.

Without exception, all disappeared.

And with the disappearance of the gods, the giants who were suppressed by the gods soon raised the banner of rebellion, planning to ban the gods and seize the dominance of the world.

The world was in chaos at that time.

In just one year, the number of humans in Midgart was reduced to only 10,000.

The reason for not perishing is not that the giants didn't make cruel hands, but that a great god returned from disappearance a year after the disappearance of the gods.

That is now the only god in the Nordic world-Skadi.

Skadi rebuilt Asgard and covered the entire Midgard with his divine power. Through the Hall of Valor and the Valkyrie Legion, he drove the giant out of Midgard and restored Middle-earth. Order.

People thought that the dawn was coming and happiness was close at hand.

However, this is not the case.

When the Great Skady returned from the disappearance, another Great God returned from the disappearance, and that was the death goddess Hela who ruled the hell-Helheim!

Hela dominates the giants, always planning to invade Midgart and Asgard, but cannot defeat Skadi, and Skadi is also unable to defeat Hera.

The two great gods, the giants, the Valkyrie regiment and the Nordic Hall of Valor, formed a confrontation situation, and it remained a stalemate for more than two thousand years.

Over the past two thousand years, no one can overwhelm anyone, but border frictions have often occurred.

Villages near the border, like Village No. 23, are often attacked by giants, so in order to keep the village alive, this primitive life sacrifice was formed.

Yes, directly choose people from the village to sacrifice to the giant, thus winning the chance to survive.

If you insist on describing it, it's like the ancient primitive world, people sacrificed humans and animals to things like river gods and dragon gods for the sake of good weather.

It can also be said to be an extreme form of spending money to eliminate disasters.

And these are all the information Shi Lang can harvest from this village.

There is no doubt that this information can help Shiro to get to know this Nordic connection point as soon as possible.

Shirou is very interested in the historical event of the connection point [the disappearance of the gods]. According to him, this connection point will become this kind of confrontation between the two poles, which is caused by the event of the disappearance of the gods.

However, this incident occurred more than two thousand years ago at this junction. Obviously, the historical secrets of this Nordic junction can not be discovered from this small marginal village.

To obtain this kind of historically secret information, it must be obtained from the central location of this connection point, or from the hands of the main characters.

such as……


Another example, Hela!

In fact, Shirou could obtain the intelligence of this Nordic connection point faster and know his own position, that is, he was summoned by the [Parliament], but unfortunately, he was shot down midway.

This has to be said to be a pity.

Shi Lang quickly ate the berries in his hands. It was lunch.

He got up, went out and saw Gerda pruning the branches of the blue fruit tree in the garden.

Blue fruit tree, this kind of tree is very strange.

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