I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1116

The other six goddesses are no longer visible.

With a sound of "crash" in his ears, Shirou looked up subconsciously. A broken body fell from the sky and fell in front of him and Saber alter.

Is one of the six missing goddesses.

A goddess with a petite body and beautiful red hair.

At this moment, the body of this goddess has been ruined and the lower part of the body has been ruined, leaving only the upper body with dark blood lying on the wound.The upper body is also fragmented like glass.

Upon closer observation, Shi Lang discovered that the goddess's eyes were hollow and without color.

"Report, report. Valkyrie C-type 11757 was fundamentally damaged, fundamentally damaged. It was officially retired on July 4, 2012."

After the goddess said this sentence blankly in her eyes, the core was completely broken, and then her eyes completely lost their color.

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

The black dragon Nigelhold raised his head and screamed.




pS: The original assumption was that the fallen Valkyrie was a blue fruit tree for humans to eat... When I was about to write like this, I suddenly realized that I was writing a fan... Forget it, forget it, let's change the setting and write Some easy things are good.After all, I am a gentle author and I have to consider it for everyone.So, support me a lot~!(Implied vote)

Chapter 20 Because of him, it is power!

After shooting down the six goddesses, the black dragon Nidhog raised his head and roared.

The terrifying roaring sound wave, like a mountain torrent and tsunami, spread in all directions, and even the void shook slightly, and the steel forest beneath it was shattered by the terrifying roaring sound wave.

The blonde goddess was not frightened by the black dragon Nidhog, her face was calm, she was killed with her companion and never changed her face.She raised the gun of light in her hand and shouted loudly: "Get out of Niederhogg, defend Midgard--!"

"Defend Midgart!"

The other goddesses also held light guns and shouted loudly.

Facing the terrifying black dragon Nidhog, these Valkyrie goddesses were not afraid, but tightened the light gun in their hands.

The black dragon Nidhog saw that these Valkyrie goddesses had not been defeated, his eyes flashed with violent ferocity, his huge mouth resounded like a thunderous sound, and the black crystal scales under his body exuded. A round of black light, like the gaze of the extreme abyss.

next moment--

On the countless black crystal scales on the black dragon Niederhogg’s body, magic balls containing majestic magic power were brewed one after another, and then they separated from the body and swept across the square 30 indiscriminately. Kilometers.

"May Odin be equal to me!"

"May Odin be equal to me!"


These Valkyrie goddesses once again prayed to the great god who had long since disappeared, thus liberating the light gun in their hands.

One, another light guns lit up, like the morning star in the long dark night, so dazzling.

But Shirou clearly understood that it was useless.

Before the 15-body Valkyrie goddess could not break the black dragon Nidhogg's breath, this had already indicated that the goddesses were far from Nidhogg.

Of course, Niederhogg is one of the most famous beasts in the world of Norse mythology, no less than the giant wolf Fenrir and the world snake Yemengade who swallowed the god Odin.

The black dragon Nidhog is known as the exterminating black dragon in Norse mythology.

The cornerstone of the Nordic mythological world is the world tree. God's domain, giants, human world... all the worlds stand on a world tree.

The black dragon Nidhog, is the poisonous dragon living in the most basic part of the world tree, named after eating the roots of the world tree.

When the black dragon Nidhog hollowed out the roots of the world tree, it meant that the ruined gods would arrive at dusk.

Although it’s not clear how this black dragon Nidhog, who was supposed to be at the bottom of the World Tree, came to Midgart as the middle layer of the World Tree, there is no doubt that this black dragon Nidhogby is the last The god Votigung must be stronger, and it is definitely not something these Valkyrie goddesses can resist.

The black dragon Niederhoog carried out a carpet-like indiscriminate bombardment of 30 kilometers.

And this bombardment range obviously included Shirou and Saber alter who were 100 meters away from the battle circle.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!!

Looking at countless dark rays of light like an aurora sword, while cutting the earth apart, while advancing towards him, Shirou liberated the scabbard [Avalon] in his hand.

[Avalon] It was broken down into hundreds of fragments and fell around Shirou and Saber Alter, and then strange waves swept up and connected to each other, but they formed an indestructible barrier.

When the countless dark rays of light struck the barrier of [Avalon], even the slightest fluctuation was not set off, and it was resisted by the barrier of [Avalon].

Seeing the end of the bombardment, Shiro took the barrier of [Avalon], and at this time Saber alter gripped the black holy sword in his hand, about to be liberated, and wanted to help the Valkyrie goddess, Shiro stretched out his hand. Pressed her shoulders.

"What are you going to do, Saber?"

"Punch the black dragon!" Saber alter said with a calm face: "If the black dragon is allowed to wreak havoc, I am afraid it will affect Gerda's village, right? Moreover, the attack of this black dragon will bring us too. Counted in? Now that we have already shot at us, no matter what the reason is, we should also fight back!"

"It's true, but don't do it." Shi Lang said.

"Why?" Saber alter said with a puzzled look.

"In terms of the concept of dragon seed, you will be suppressed if you are inferior to Niederhogg." Shi Lang shook his head and said.

Saber·Alter frowned and asked: "I will be suppressed, don't you do it? This is not my creed."

"Of course this is not your creed. I mean, leave it to me." Shi Lang's face showed a faint smile, his tone flat and confident.The thin body is not weak, but it gives people a very safe feeling.

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

The black dragon Nidhogg raised his head and screamed, his roar was long and strong, and he seemed a little proud of his strength.

It bombed indiscriminately with a radius of 30 kilometers, not only bombing the area of ​​30 kilometers in a mess, it was like hell.

The most important thing is that it defeated Valkyrie's light gun and destroyed Valkyrie.

For this, it is truly proud and happy.

However, when the smoke of destruction dissipated, the black dragon Niederhogg no longer had such emotions.


A huge, smooth white shield stood in front of Goddess Valkyrie.

The blonde goddess was also very puzzled. Where did the shield in front of them come from?

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