I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 1118

"What... is that?" someone asked.

Someone stared at the black light tower and muttered to himself: "Different...colors."

In front of the Tower of Black Light, Shi Lang wearing a black armor folded his hands on his chest, and looked at the black dragon Niederhogg, who was holding his neck and roaring in pain from time to time.

While Shirou was staring at the black dragon Nidhogg, the Valkyrie goddesses who stood in the sky were also watching Shirou.

"This kind of spiritual reaction, although there is a bad feeling, it should be a heroic spirit... Is this a Chaldean heroic spirit? If it is a Chaldean heroic spirit, how could it appear here?" The blonde goddess stared at it. Shirou frowned, thinking.

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

The furious dragon roar resounded from around the Black Light Tower, full of anger, deafening!

The black dragon Nidhogg lowered his head slightly, those huge beast pupils with a furious color, staring at the Shirou with his arms folded in front of the Black Light Tower.

It knows that it was this human who injured itself before!


The wings behind it suddenly unfolded, and a huge black storm, between its wings unfolded, carrying the sound of violent wind and howling, swept in all directions.

Where the storm passed, the iron forest below, the steel trees were all torn apart, the thick snow layer was also torn apart, torn into a crack in the loess, various creatures inhabiting it rushed out of it. .

The storm was too violent, it was almost like a tenth typhoon. Saber alter and Valkyrie goddesses released magic power, which stabilized their bodies.

Oops, this black dragon found us, and was also angered by the Eternal King!

Saber alter's heart jumped, ten times her magical power fluctuations, coupled with the suppression of higher dragon species, Saber alter did not intend to face Niederhogg, but now, Hodnigg was angered by Shiro. Stared at them directly!

Saber·Alter turned his head, those dark golden eyes looked at Shi Lang's profile, and he was taken aback.

I saw Shi Lang's delicate face, without the slightest panic, but with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which seemed extremely easy.

Saber alter knows that Shi Lang is powerful, and he also understands that Shi Lang was born in the British legend, crowned as a hero.

However, Hodnigg is not weak, with a wave of magic power ten times that of her, plus the body of the highest fantasy species of the higher dragon species... it can be described as a superb beast, disaster.Without a first-class heroic army to crusade, I am afraid it is not an opponent at all.

And even so, he is still smiling?

Shirou did not take the violent storm that swept into his eyes. Instead, he stood on top of the towering ancient trees, watching with interest the scenes of the various creatures escaping from the storm. "It turns out that this layer Under the heavy snow, there are still creatures living. I thought there were none."

Seeing that Shi Lang ignored the violent storm coming from him, Saber alter hurriedly shouted: "Eternal King, pay attention to the attack of the black dragon!"

"Don't worry, Saber." Shirou turned his head, smiled at her, and said, "This attack is not a climate."

He stretched out his hand to use [Altriya]'s record, took out the sword of oath of victory, and liberated.The enchantment of the Wind King protecting the sword body was then broken, and the starlight gleaming with the sword of oath of victory became even more dazzling in this vast white world.

With a "bang", the starlight of the Sword of Oath of Victory directly broke through the storm of Niederhogg.

Not only that, after the Starlight of the Sword of Oath of Victory broke through the storm of Niederhog, it cast off unabated, and then rushed towards Niederhog!

Saber Alter looked at the Sword of Oath of Victory in Shi Lang's hand, and subconsciously clenched the sword of Oath of Victory Morgan in his hand.

Saber alter knows that Shirou can use her power.

Do not.

To be precise, it uses Altria's recording power that exists in the Heroic Seat.


Why is the power so much worse?

Saber·Alter felt depressed.

She could understand that Shi Lang took out the Sword of Oath of Victory and liberated the Sword of Oath of Victory, but this power... is about three times that of her normal liberation!

For example, in the storm that Hodnigg has released, she knows that her sword of liberating the oath of forces has not been broken, but Shilang has done it!

what is this?

The person who uses the record, the result is stronger than the real holder?

Is this a joke too big?

Saber·Alter felt depressed.

This kind of depression is not caused by the influence of alteration, but by herself, really!

At this time, the blonde goddess shouted loudly: "Don't be careless, the nameless hero!"

"Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho——!!!"

Niederhogg's wings spread, relying on the strength of his body, forcibly against the starlight of Shiro's sword of victory, like a huge meteorite that fell in prehistoric times, swooped toward Shiro.The huge mouth opened, and the sharp teeth like blades were exposed to the winter sun, shining with a frightening cold light.


The blonde goddess frowned, squeezed the light gun in her hand, and shouted, "Prepare to help the nameless hero!"

"Yes, sister!"

The other Valkyrie goddesses nodded their heads and clenched the light guns in their hands.

The blonde goddess volleyed a little, ready to lead the team to cover the nurse.

Because of Shirou's previous assistance, the blonde goddess has divided Shirou into the Chaldean spirit in her heart.Since it was recognized by Lord Skadi, the heroic spirits of Chaldea, who were allies, were naturally their allies.

As the most famous Valkyrie in Northern Europe, Valkyrie will naturally not leave allies behind and flee on its own, even in the face of the most terrifying enemy.

Because, in Valkyrie's dictionary, there is no escape word.

The blonde goddess confirms that Shirou cannot resist Nidhogg.

Isn't this a matter of course?

This is the Black Dragon Nidhog!

According to the blonde goddess, if they don't help, Shirou will be killed by the furious black dragon Nidhog in the next moment.

However, in the next scene, the blonde goddess was stunned.

Looking at the swooping black dragon Hodnig, Shiro's expression remained as usual, without the slightest change, but with a move of mind, he connected to the Black Light Tower.

The next moment, the tower of the Black Light Tower exudes a faint black light, and all the [True Ether] drawn from the inner sea of ​​the stars floods into the top of the Black Light Tower, gathering and brewing, a terrifying dark thunder accompanied by infinite The storm, bombarded, rushed towards the black dragon Nidhog like a comet.

"Roar!" The black dragon Nidhog noticed the attack of the Tower of Black Light. There was a roar from his huge mouth, his wings shook, and the black crystal scales on his body shone with black light, and the black light gathered like water drops. Formed into a ball, a huge black beam of light measuring thirty to forty feet long was formed, which also emerged from the body, and then hit the thunder black light.

The two giants collided with lightning in the air, and at the moment of the collision, time stopped.

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