I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1120

"Hello, Heroic Spirit." The blonde goddess came to Shirou, and solemnly introduced herself: "I am the Valkyrie Legion under the seat of Lord Skadi, and the commander of the Third Army-Valkyrie Sruder. . Heroic, may I ask your name?"

Looking at the blonde goddess up close, Shi Lang did not answer immediately, but stared at Slude's face in a daze.

This, this is...





pS: Ahhhhhhh...it's too late today!There is one more, 8K daily, I will not give up.Umm!

Chapter 22 Actually, it is better if you continue to play dead!5K, two in one

"Ah... what a rude, Miss Slude."

"Please don't say that, Lord Eternal King. Because I look a lot like a friend of yours, I have lost your mind. This is not something worth apology."

Seeing the blonde goddess in front of him, Shi Lang smiled and said, "Miss Slude, it's really understanding."

Looking at this delicate and pretty face of Slude again, Shirou still sighed incomparably.

Slud and Gilgamesh look so much alike, it's like Gilgamesh was born after Gilgamesh, Mother Shining.

It was precisely because of this that Shirou, as Gilgamesh's friend, was stunned.

However, again, what kind of expression would Gilgamesh's crap see Slud?

Is it angry?Or is it fragrant?

Thinking of this, Shirou's heart couldn't help but itchy.

"Thank you very much, Lord Eternal King and Lord Altria, crusade against the black dragon that broke into Midgart." Thrud said to Shirou and Saber alter, thanking him.

Upon hearing this, Saber Alter waved his hand quickly and said: "I didn't contribute, I don't touch this glory. It is the Eternal King who defeated this black dragon with one hand."

"Thank you very much again." Slude thanked.

"It's okay," Shi Lang shook his head and said, "Since we met, there is no reason not to crusade."

"Really worthy of being the heroic spirit who entered the pan-human history!" Slude exclaimed, and then the delicate and pretty face showed a puzzled look, and asked: "It's just... Your Lord Eternal King, His Excellency Altria, you Is it a cursed anti-hero?"

Hearing this, Shi Lang moved his heart and said with a smile: "Yes. Because our Master summoned wrongly, so we were summoned in the form of anti-heroes. Of course, don’t worry, we will not cause disasters. After all, if we do this, we The Master won't let us go."

"Master? Lord Eternal King and Lord Altria, are the Servant of Chaldeans?" Thrud asked.

"Otherwise, what do you think, Miss Slude?" Shirou asked with a smile.


This guy is starting to lie again!

Saber·Alter lowered his head, trying to make his presence thinner so as not to be asked.

Although altered, Saber is still Saber after all. Gao Jie’s essence has not changed. She does not like to deceive, but as a king, she also understands the meaning of strategic fraud, so she didn’t say anything, just let her own sense of existence Become thinner.

"Sure enough, it was the Servant summoned by the Chaldean allies!"

Slude patted his chest, breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Right, Lord Eternal King, where is your Master?"

"We are separated." Shi Lang shook his head and said with a gloomy expression on his face: "When he was summoned by the Master before, because of the interference of a powerful source of magic power, the summoning ritual went wrong, causing us to be separated from the Master."

"Interference from a powerful source of magic power?"

"Yes." Shi Lang nodded, raised his hand slightly, pointed to the sky, and said solemnly: "Yesterday, wasn't there any powerful treasure that was liberated and shot at the thing summoned from the dark ring? It's that powerful force. The huge source of magic power from the treasure interfered with the Master's summoning ritual, causing us to be separated..."

This, this guy... Saber alter raised his head slightly, watching Shi Lang's cheating that his cheeks were not red and his heart beat, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Adapt our experience casually and turn it into background information on which we are called?

The tone is still so smooth and coherent...

The lie is easy to come by!

How can this guy lie?

"Yes, that's it..." Slude's expression became a little unnatural.

No, not good!What interfered with the separation of this crowned heroic spirit from its Master... is the declaration of the great god of Lord Skadi!

If this, this is known...will it provoke another enemy?

At the thought of this, Slude's face became even more unnatural.

"What's the matter, Miss Slude. Your face looks bad?" Shi Lang looked at Slude and asked.

"No, no... it's nothing." Slude hurriedly waved his hands and said unnaturally: "It's just that it hasn't been adjusted out of the fighting state... nothing, it will be well soon, please don't care One point, Lord Eternal King."

"Is that so?" Shi Lang asked suspiciously.

Slude nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

Can no longer make enemies.

No more enemies can be made, if you make another... and if you are still the crowning hero of pan-human history... Lord Skadi will collapse!

At this time, the green double-pony-tailed Valkyrie standing behind Slud looked at Slud and said stiffly: "Sister Slud is actually worried that the Lord Eternal King knew that the powerful treasure was launched yesterday. It's Sir Skatie. Beep, Valkyrie C Type 11475 smiled."

Slude was petrified at that time, and turned his head abruptly, staring blankly at Valkyrie Type C 11475: "..."

Shi Lang raised his eyebrows.

Was it Skadi who shot him down?

The Valkyrie Goddess with a red single ponytail looked at Type C 11475, and said with hollow eyes: "You have broken the mind of Sister Slude, Valkyrie C Type 11475. Sister Slude will kill you. Beep, Valkyrie Type B 224 warned in a low voice while worrying about causing trouble to the upper body."

The Valkyrie goddess with the green double ponytail said: "Sister Slude, I won't...oooooooooo..."

The goddess Valkyrie with the green double ponytail was speechless because she was covered by Slude's hand.

While clutching the green double ponytail, Slude said with a strong smile to Shi Lang: "I...my sister is more jokes, please don't mind, don't take it to your heart, Lord Eternal King. Chaldea is ours. Allies, Lord Skadi values ​​the chaldean spirits very seriously, absolutely! Absolutely! Will not interfere with your Master calling you. Hahaha..."

Slude smiled awkwardly at Shi Lang, and then dragged Lumao, the Valkyrie goddess, to a distant place, and began the education of love.

The red-haired Valkyrie goddess looked at the dragged green hair with a dull and hollow face, and said: "Will the Valkyrie C-type 11475 be killed by the angry sister Slude? Beep, Val Kiri B Type 224 is very worried."

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