I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1135

Shiro escaped the [evil] on the road, and walked to the gate of Einzbern Castle where [evil] mud was flowing everywhere.

With a "crunch", he pushed the door open and stepped in.

The moment he walked in, the sky changed and the ground changed, and the space seemed to be replaced by an invisible force, changing into the interior of Einzbern Castle.

In the castle, [evil] mud is flowing everywhere, like a locust that swallows everything, [evil] mud is devouring the castle and eating everything.

Shi Lang glanced, his eyes finally fixed by the window.

Those were two Einzbern maids who had been swallowed by [evil]. At this moment, the German maid costumes on these two maids had been swallowed by [evil], revealing white and graceful carcasses.

But this is not something to be obsessed with, because the [evil] on them is like a locust, eating their carcasses.

With a sound of "Bang Dang", one arm fell to the ground, and was then covered and swallowed by [evil] on the ground.

Flesh, meridians...not even bones.

Abnormally scary.

And this is the essence of [all the evils in this world].

It was not the "evil" that was recognized by Shiro, which imprinted Shiro's spirit, but the "all evil in this world".

Destruction, curse, hatred... is enough to destroy everything, disaster!

Rather than saying that Shirou's "evil" is harmless, it is better to say that Shirou's "evil" is imprinted with Shirou's spirit, which is Shirou's clone.

[All the evils in this world] are not harmless, but Shiro is harmless.

"It's kind of interesting, it really surprised me that you would come here."

Some surprised female voices resounded in his ears, Shi Lang turned his head slightly and looked at the main hall of Einzbern.I don't know when there was already a throne formed by [evil] mud. With the help of Alice Phil's body, the present Angola Manuel sat on it, looking at Shi Lang like a king jokingly.

"I'm here, Angola Manuel. Where is Skaha?" Shi Lang asked directly.

Angola Manuel smiled and said, "Isn't it right under your feet?"

Hearing this, Shi Lang lowered his head slightly, only to realize that the marble floor was already covered with [evil] mud, dark lacquered, crystal clear, like obsidian.

And in the lower layer of [evil], there are souls and bodies wrapped in [evil] one after another.

Lancer-Dilumudo, Berserker-Spartacus, Saber-Altoria Pendragon...and Caster-Skaha.

Even Rider Iskandar and Archer Gilgamesh were trapped in it.

After taking a look, Shi Lang turned to Angola Manuel and asked, "Are you trying to alter them all?"

"Alterization? Ha ha ha..." Angola Manuel sat on the throne, laughing like a mockery, and said: "You actually know that mud has this function, you really deserve to be the winner of the Holy Grail War."

Shi Langxin said, of course I know, because I am also the holder of [evil], but my [evil] cannot alter Servants other than myself.

"I had this plan before, but there is a heroic spirit who has a strong self-awareness. If I did this, it might eat myself back, so I gave up." Angola Manuel said with a smile: "I'll talk about it again. Now that the world is already present, why use these things?"

Shirou knew who he was talking about, he was talking about Gilgamesh.

Taking another look at all the trapped heroes, Shirou realized that all the heroic spirits except Skaha were in the state of soul.

This is of course, after all, in this dream, all the heroic spirits were killed by Shilang and Skaha, so they were naturally in their soul conditions.

"It's just that I'm very surprised. According to what I know about you, you should be a person who is quite afraid of death. You will have the courage to come here. This surprised me a bit." Angola Manuel said with a smile.

"Of course I am afraid of death, but sometimes I have to do it even if I am afraid of death," Shi Lang said.

"Lie." Angola Manuel said.

Hearing this, Shi Lang spread his hands and said, "If you don't believe it, you can enter my mind and take a look."

"Why should I do so much to you?" Angola Manuel asked with interest.

Shirou laughed, and said, "I killed Eimiya Kirishu and tied Alice Phil here again, so Alice Phil is full of hatred for me. And you are using Alice Phil to me. Hate, thus occupying the realm of Alice Phil’s body. So of course, you also have Alice Phil’s killing intent and hatred for me. Even if I don’t say that, you will enter my heart and ravage me Soul. Isn't it?"

The smile on Angola Manuel’s face diminished, he squinted his eyes, looked at Shirou, and said, “I have to say, you can win this Holy Grail war for no reason. Yes, even if you don’t say it, I will. Destroy your soul. By the way, even if you don’t come here, I will kill you. Because this is me, Alice Phil’s hatred of you!"

As expected.Shirou smiled.

Although he inserted this bizarre dream midway through, from some information, he inferred the reason why Angola Manuel would appear in the world with the body of Alice Phil.

This is not [evil], nor is it the record of the King of Eternity, nor is it magic or any other special means, but Shiro's own sensitivity and analytical ability to information!

"I hate your smile." Angola Manuel said with a disgusted face, and then snapped his fingers. The countless [evil] mud around him overwhelmed Shi Lang like soldiers who had received orders.

Do not.

It was not submerged, but poured into Shirou's mind.

And Angola Manuel followed the black mud and entered Shilang's mind.

Shirou's consciousness entered his own mind. The limbs of his consciousness were clasped by the hands of [evil] and hung up high, like a prisoner about to be slaughtered.

"How should I ravage your soul?" Angola Manuel looked at Shi Lang and asked with interest.

"It's up to you to make the decision," Shi Lang smiled, and then said seriously: "It's just...can we get along well? Even in this dream?"

"Ah?" Angola Manuel laughed like he heard a big joke: "You actually want to get along with [evil]? How ridiculous! Dreamland...dreamland...Hahaha! You actually take reality as reality. Dreamland! You, what a ridiculous person!"

"This is not ridiculous, but what I said seriously and rigorously. Here, in my heart, you can feel it?" Shirou said seriously.

Angola Manuel laughed again, ridiculing Shi Lang's innocence and Shi Lang's stupidity.

But smiling, smiling, Angola Manuel couldn't laugh anymore.

Because Shi Lang kept looking at him, his sincere eyes, did not evade.

This guy...seriously!

Angola Manuel made this judgment.

This is beyond his imagination.

All evil is derogatory.All evil is negative...no one will be sure, no one will accept it.Even those saviors think that evil is bad, and garbage that needs to be purified.

But this person wants to get along well with [evil]!

In response to Shilang's gaze, Angola Manuel couldn't help taking a step back.

"Let go of me and let us get along, okay? Angola Manuel, all evil in this world. No, I won't call you by these names, because these names are imposed on you by others, not yourself Real name. I want to know your real name." Shilang said gently.

Angola Manuel couldn't help taking a step back again. He looked at Shi Lang with his eyes like someone who had been in the dark for a long time, fearing and cringing at the light.

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