I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1137


"This goodbye, Shirou. Because, I will not leave." Skaha said with a smile.


Skaha moved his body for a while, and said with some satisfaction: "It seems that my body was affected by the mud because of the mud."

"In other words..."

"That is to say, I can't be like a normal Servant. Once the Holy Grail War is over, the soul will leave the present world. If you want me to leave now, you have to kill me first." Skaha smiled and asked: "Why? Does Shilang want to kill the Master and let the Master leave?"

"No. I don't have that plan." Shi Lang shook his head and said.

"However, it doesn't matter if I can stay. I'm still worried about your body, Shirou. After all, you are my lovely disciple, and it just so happens that I can train you well." Skaha smiled.

In other words, this dream is not over yet?

Any follow-up?


Where did I spend so much time here?Can't sleep well?

Shilang had a headache, although it was a beautiful thing to dream about Skaha.

But the dream is illusory. In the real world, there are still people waiting for him to go back!

So where is the exit of this dream?

Shiro was troubled.

But Skaha thought Shirou's expression was very funny, and couldn't help but want to tease him, stretched out his hand and scratched his nose, smiled and said, "From now on, I will get along well in the real world, Shirou."

"Well, Master." Although he was very distressed, Shi Lang nodded and responded with a smile.

Shilang and Skaha stood in the scorched earth on the outskirts.

In the virgin forest outside Fuyuki City, the centuries-old Einzbern Castle was burned down along with the surrounding towering old trees.

Fortunately, the area of ​​virgin forest in the suburbs is very large, and only a small part of it has been burned. After a few years, new shoots and green trees will grow on this scorched soil.

Shilang took Skaha and left the scorched earth.

Shi Lang thought to himself that this strange dreamland should be his daily life with the fleshed Skaha.

So how can we get out of this dream?

Thinking like this in my heart, suddenly there was a cry in my ear:

"——Eternal King, Eternal King!"

Who is calling me?Shi Lang turned his head subconsciously and saw only a swirling vortex. After that, his consciousness and vision fell into the endless darkness.



"The Eternal King... The Eternal King...!"

Muddled, chaotic.Half-dreaming and half-waking, I don't know how long time has passed. When Shilang's consciousness was in chaos, and before he opened his eyes, there was a bit of biting calling in his ears.

Shiro opened his eyes and saw the heavy snow falling from the sky and the dark golden eyes of Saber alter.

Seeing the dark golden eyes of Saber alter, Shirou's consciousness became sober.

He wanted to stand up, only to realize that his body was still wrapped in [evil] as a sleeping bag.

He put [Evil] away, reached out and pressed Saber alter's slender shoulders, and stared at Saber alter's face.

Saber alter was frightened by him, his petite body trembled subconsciously, and asked: "What are you doing, King Eternal?"

"Don't move." Shi Lang said.

Saber alter doesn't move anymore, the Eternal King said so, she must be abnormal, right?

Shiro stared at himself in the dark golden eyes of Saber Alter, the body of a normal teenager, and there was a feeling of fire in his eyes.

Shi Lang checked his body again, it was full of magic power, and the treasures were also there, very powerful.

"I'm...waking up from that strange dream?" Shi Lang touched his chin.

So, what the hell is that dream?

Is it true that deep down in his heart, he is really greedy for Skaha's body, so Ye has a dream?

"Then, that, Eternal King, can I move it?" Saber Alter couldn't help asking.

"Sure." Shi Lang nodded.

"Huh—" Saber Alter breathed a sigh of relief, moved his body, and then asked, "Is there something strange on me just now, King Eternal?"


Saber alter asked strangely: "Then why do you want me to stay still?"

"Because I want to use your eyes as a mirror to see what I look like now." Shi Lang is a sincere person, so he is very honest.

Saber· alter: "..."

Why do you want to beat him suddenly?

"By the way, why did you come here suddenly at the gate of Jotunheim?" Shilang asked.

Saber·Alter said: "You didn't come back last night, so I will take a look and bring you some blue fruits by the way."

"Oh, that's it. It's hard work." Shi Lang said with a smile.

Saber·Alter said: "I've put them all in Slud, let's eat together!"

"Yeah. Of course." Shilang nodded and agreed, patted his body, and suddenly noticed that a scroll fell on the ground.

This was the hand scroll that he had picked up at the junction of Fuyuki City before, the hand scroll that was dropped by Kiara in the killing house.

This can't be lost, maybe it's a more important thing in the killing house.Shi Lang picked it up, glanced at it, and subconsciously saw the Chinese characters on the scroll.

He had read these Chinese characters before, but this time, he couldn't help being stunned.

These Chinese characters...look so familiar!

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