I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1139

Shirou shrugged off, but Gerda smiled and said, "Come on, Lord God Envoy. The journey is far away. These blue fruits have the function of refreshing and enhancing physical fitness. Take it with you on the road."

Shi Lang couldn't get rid of it, but he accepted it after all.

This gift, in the eyes of a normal 21st century person, is nothing, but it is quite precious.

The entire Nordic world is enveloped in a thick layer of white snow, and the cold north wind whizzes past like a sharp blade.There is not even a piece of land that can be used for basic production on this land.The only means of survival is the blue fruit trees that grow against each other.

That's it, they lived for more than two thousand years.

According to Shilang Harvest's information, the production of blue fruit trees has declined in recent years.In other words, this gift is not as simple as a fruit, but a support for survival.

Gifts are quite precious.

"My lord, my mother said that Asgard is a realm where gods live, and the seasons are like spring. If you still have the chance to pass by here, please tell me about spring again, okay?" Ge Erda asked with bright eyes.

Shi Lang nodded and said, "Of course."

Gerda smiled, and he could see that this girl was looking forward to spring.

This is also normal, just like people who are used to being in the sun will never realize the beauty of light.

"One day, you will see Chun with your own eyes." Shi Lang said with a smile.

"Really?" Gerda blinked.

Shiro nodded.

Gerda doesn't know what spring looks like, but she once heard her mother say that in spring, there are flowers, trees, grass, and butterflies...what does it look like?

She was expecting and incomprehensible in her heart.

Shi Lang waved to them, bid farewell to the people in Village 23, and set foot on the road to Asgard.

The wind and snow filled the white ground, leaving footprints after another.




pS: That's it for today.By the way, ask for a ticket, especially a monthly pass QWQ

I just came back from outside and I’m in very bad condition. Don’t wait today, ask for a day off

I just came back from the hospital. It wasn't a big deal, it was the lumbar muscle strain that I mentioned before. I went to check it again.But my home is in the development zone, and it took a lot of time to go to the city.

I just came back now, and my status is a bit wrong, so I asked for a day off.The rest of the time, I will go to sort out the outline, don't ruin my layout again.

Hope you all understand, thank you~!

Chapter 33 It’s not that I can’t do it, it’s the King of Eternity, which is so strange!

Northern Europe is in the region of Iceland, Sweden, and Norway, and the actual area is not large.

However, this is the continuation of the Nordic gods that still existed in Skadi, Giants, and Valkyrie. Judging this world based on normal modern geographic cognition is obviously a stupid decision.

However, as the world of the Nordic gods-"Midgart", it is really not that big.

Shi Lang and his group set off from Village 23 on the border of Midgard. Because they were not gods or mighty heroes, they were extremely fast. After a long journey, they soon approached the area of ​​Asgard.

Midgart is not big, but Asgard's form of existence has surprised De Shilang.

I saw a snow-covered withered forest ahead, and in the center of that withered forest, there was a huge, snow-covered thick tree like a mountain, straight into the sky.

Shiro was shocked looking at the huge rough tree.

Adam's body, which has swelled to a kilometer, is shocking enough, but if he stands in front of this rough wood, he can only be called a child.

Standing in front of this magnificent spectacle, human beings can only feel their own smallness once again.

After returning to his senses, Shilang turned his head to look at Slude, and asked aloud, "Is this... the World Tree?"

Slude nodded and said: "This is the middle backbone of the World Tree, and Asgard is built on the upper level of the World Tree."

She stretched out her hand and pointed at the top of the trunk of the World Tree.

Shi Lang looked at the sky, and there was heavy snow with goose feathers. Except for the special ring of lacquered darkness, it was just a vast expanse of whiteness. No Asgard or other colors could be seen.

Thrud saw Shiro and Saber alter looking at the sky and looking for Asgard, and couldn't help but explain: "When the gods decided to build Asgard at the top of the world tree, they had already set up the invisible A large enchantment, so it won't stop the creatures in the lower layers from looking up at the sky and the sun, and of course Asgard can't be seen."

Shi Lang nodded clearly.

It turned out that as early as when Asgard was established, the Nordic gods considered that Asgard would prevent the lower creatures from looking up at the sky and the sun, so they established an invisible great barrier.

However, although this decision is quite humane, it is just that the gods decided to establish Asgard on the upper level of the World Tree from the very beginning, which does not mean to monitor sentient beings.

However, this kind of thing has nothing to do with Shirou, he only needs to go through this connection point, then take the main body back naturally and return to Chaldea.

It's just that Shirou now has doubts about the definition of the connection point that Romani and Matthew told him.

Romani and Matthew told him that the point of connection is the point of intersection between the world and the world.However, Shiro's transfer between the two connecting points, from the perspective of the dimensional gap, should change the position, but Adam said that his position has not changed.

In addition, except for the emergence of his eternal king who changed pan-human history in his world, the historical processes of other parallel worlds are almost the same.

In other words, this world tree has existed in all parallel worlds, so what is the existence form of the world tree?How can such a huge tree exist on the earth?And it's Northern Europe, which is extremely close to Britain?

You know, he didn't see such huge trees and the remains of trees in the world of the end of the gods more than 1,500 years ago!

Besides, what is outside the world tree of this Nordic connection point?

Shilang had a strong hunch in his heart. If he can resolve these doubts, if he is not sure, he can perceive the truth of the connection point and the true purpose of the council.

And these questions, some can only collect clues, judge and think by themselves, and some can be asked.

For example, if you have questions about the world of Norse mythology, you can ask Skadi and Slud.As the "Servants of the Chaldeans", they should know everything about these issues.

In fact, Shirou had already beaten Slude side by side, but Slude asked three questions.

She is like a true primitive ancient person. She knows the world as Northern Europe, and believes that Northern Europe is the world.

Of course, this is not shameful, but these questions can only be left to ask Skadi.

Entering this withered forest covered with ice and snow, Shirou felt a little uncomfortable, as if there was a layer of invisible force covering his body and suppressing him.

Shirou kept on moving forward, but secretly used [evil] to test his physical condition.

"This feeling..." Saber alter moved his body uncomfortably.

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