I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1144

Skadi didn't answer anything, but put away the black cup. Those burgundy bright eyes looked at Shirou and said, "Slud, grab him!"

"Ah...Yes!" After a brief stupefaction, Slude hesitated for a moment, and then Lianbu stepped slightly to catch Shilang.

Shirou naturally wouldn't sit and wait for death. He turned back, braving a dazzling silver light, stretched out his hand and held the Holy Spear Lungominiad in his hand, exuding a magical breath like sunlight. , Even thick and scary.

"His Eternal King..."

Seeing Shi Lang entering the state of combat readiness, Slude was a little panicked and did not dare to step forward.She knew how strong Shilang was, and she was definitely not a match.

"Is this king too polite, so you think this king is very bullying?"

Glancing at Slude, who dared not move forward, Shiro turned his head slightly, and then his gaze fell on Skardi, holding the holy gun Lungominiad, strode forward, towards Skar Di walked over, "Want to catch me? You may not be able to do it with your words. But since the black cup is in your hand, then give it to me, Skarty."

Shi Lang is not welcome anymore, since the black cup is on Skadi's body, he decided to take the black cup back first.

Because of this thing, it can really do things.In Romania, the Black Cup almost brought Cthulhu over and must be recycled in advance.


"Don't be rude to Lord Skadi!"


Seeing Shiro walking towards Skady, Otlind and others scolded Shiro.

However, Shirou didn't stop, on the contrary, Shirou's terrifying magical aura made the Valkyries afraid to do it easily.

Shi Lang walked to Skardi, his slender body made Skardi a head higher and lowered his head slightly. Those bright eyes like open flames stared at Skardi's beautiful burgundy eyes.

Shirou was close at hand, and he was holding the holy gun Lungominiad, but Skadi's face was very calm, as calm as snow and frost.

She looked at Shi Lang, pondered for a moment, and said, "I know you, King Eternal."

"Oh?" Shi Lang raised his eyebrows.

Skadi sat back on the god seat, she looked at Shirou who was close at hand, and said, "Although I don't know why, the moment I saw you, I had a cognition of you in my mind."

Hearing this, Shi Lang frowned and asked, "What does this mean, Skati? After realizing that I am not easy to provoke, is it a close-up now? Shouldn't you, shouldn't you be such a cowardly goddess? If If yes, you are ashamed of your appearance."

"A ridiculous joke." Skati snorted softly, and the slender legs wrapped in purple stockings rose up, looking at Shirou like a queen, and said: "I will say that, I want to tell you. King of Northern Europe There is only one, and that is me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Skatie's eyes flashed with divine light, and the slender and charming figure exuded extremely terrifying magical flames, and wind and snow blew around.

That is supernatural power!

Really, the power of the main god level.

Moreover, the concentration of this magic power is not like a person or a god can have, it is like facing a world's spiritual veins, it is terrifying!

There is heavy snow in the holy temple, which is the manifestation of Skady's magic.

An inconspicuous gun placed in the corner of the Great Temple suddenly vibrated, buzzed, and emitted immeasurable light like a comet of light. It fell on Skati’s hand, exuding a terrifying god. Sex.

——The Great God Declaration!

Shirou almost immediately recognized the essence of the gun that exudes immeasurable light. It was the prototype of the gun of light held by all Valkyrie goddesses. The declaration of the great god held by the god Odin can also be said. It's the Gun of Eternity-Gunganir!

The creation mural behind Skatie showed strange runes, and the entire temple...no, the whole Asgard seemed to be activated, and even the blue fruit in Shilang’s arms was faint. The faint blue light like ice crystals.

Layers of restraint fell on Shirou's body.

That is the blessing given by the gods to Asgard, as well as the curse and weakening of Asgard's enemies.

Not good!

Shirou noticed the abnormal situation, and the whole Asgard seemed to have become a prison, trapping him, making him extremely restricted.

Seeing Skady close at hand, Shiro quietly used the second treasure to try to see if he could control Skaty, but disappointingly, Skaty did not perform any abnormality.Obviously, Skaha is Skaha and Skadi is Skadi. The second treasure can control Skaha but cannot control Skady.

Shi Lang knew very well that the current situation was very unfavorable to him.Skadi is determined to catch him, and Asgard is the home of Skadi. If he fights with Skadi here, with his current magic power, it may not be impossible to fight, but both lose and lose, but it is not Shilang who wants to fight. pursued.

After thinking about it, Shirou smiled and said: "This is Northern Europe, of course, Skady is the only king. I will not be the master. However, Skady, I am from Chaldea. We have the same interests, so we don’t have to use swords and guns. Let’s talk about it."

"You are not from the Chaldeans at all." Skadi directly refused, then glanced at Slude and said, "Slud, grab him!"

"If you catch me, you will be in disaster! You don't even know, Hela's side..."

Before Shi Lang finished speaking, Skatie interrupted nonchalantly: "Needless to say, I know you, King Eternal. My memory tells me that your mouth is a lie. King Ban, Skaha... …And so many people in your dynasty, who were deceived by you, and eventually commanded and controlled by you. I will not be fooled by you."

Shiro: "..."

Why is this guy so familiar with my experience?

Could it be...

Shi Lang Mingwu came over. He looked at Skady and asked: "In your form of existence, there is the nature of Skaha, right? Your knowledge of me also comes from Skaha, right? "

Upon hearing this, Skadi snorted and said, "Yes, there is indeed the nature of Skah in my form of existence."

"Then you want to arrest me, isn't this treason?" Shi Lang asked back.

"Shut up! I'm not Skaha, I'm Skaty!" Skaty stared at Shirou coldly, and squeezed Gangneil in his hand, and said, "If you want to escape, you can Try to get rid of the suppression of the Primordial God Realm, and the Gungnir in my hand! Altlind, Slud, catch him! Put him in prison with that evil thing!"

After Slude and Otlind got the order, they walked towards Shilang.

"I'm offended, Lord Eternal King." Slud said cautiously.

Shirou didn't respond or resisted. He just looked at Skadi, who was as cold as an ice queen, squinted his eyes, and said, "It's easy for you to shut me out now. If you want to let me out later, it will be difficult, Silk Lord Katie."

Skadi didn't answer, but stretched out her slender fingers, drew a few controlling runes of the original Rune, and suppressed them on Shilang's body, and then said: "Go to jail."

Shi Lang was taken by Thrud.

Seeing Shirou disappearing from the Great Temple, Skatie flattened her feet, her previous domineering appearance had disappeared, leaving only her tired face.

"Master Skadi..." Outlind called out, looking at her with concern.

"It's okay, Outlind." Skadi shook his head.

Outlind glanced at Skadi worriedly, and then asked: "Master Skadi, is that Eternal King really the evil thing you shot down before? If we catch it wrong, we might have trouble with Chaldea. flipped."

"That spirit-based reaction can't be wrong, Otlind. And, don't be afraid, I'm still there," Skady said.

"But, your divinity is already..."

Otlind couldn't say anymore, but Skatie knew what she was going to say. She shook her head, and then pointed at the blue fruits that Shilang had dropped, and said, "Throw those seeds to Midgart. Right."

Looking at Skadi's haggard and pretty face, Outlind didn't say much, but just nodded and said promise, then walked down and collected the blue fruits on the ground.

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