I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1147

The Infinite Prison is the same as the normal prison, which is a square, and the diagonal of the square is the farthest.

The Demon Bodhisattva wanted to touch Shilang, but fortunately, the ice crystal steel could still control her. She could only watch Shilang moving away from her step by step.

Of course, there was no distance, but the original limit distance from Shirou was three feet, but now it has become more than five feet.

It was this short distance increase that made De Shilang feel much safer in his heart.

It's terrible, this kind of humanoid walks 18 forbidden!

Shiro took out the scabbard again-[Avalon] added a guardian barrier to himself, and then used King Galahad's shield-[Eternal Shining Ideal King Capital] before the barrier and made it for himself. A safe fort border.

"Don't do that, Mr. Assassin? I'm just a normal young girl, don't you need to be so guarded against me?" Demon Bodhisattva asked bitterly.

Hearing this, Shi Lang snorted and said: "You may have a slight misunderstanding of the word'normal'. In short, I don't think you are normal. Then again, we are all imprisoned fellow travelers here. , Don’t ask for friendly coexistence, just ask for well water and not offend the river. Such a large site has been given to you, and my small corner, you should not come over and violate it."

"But, I'm really lonely and unbearable. Besides, aren't you interested in why I am here, Mr. Assassin? Sit here for a while, I'll tell you." The Devilish Bodhisattva smiled. Sheep are as harmless.

Shi Lang smiled and said, "I am no longer interested."

Don't overdo it, Shi Lang stopped paying attention to the Demon Bodhisattva.

The Demon Bodhisattva looked at Shi Lang with a grudge, his eyes were very similar to those in a deep palace.Shi Lang couldn't beat her, but she couldn't help Shi Lang, so she could only stare at Shi Lang resentfully, and then stretched out her graceful body in an attempt to seduce Shi Lang.

But it is a pity that Shi Lang is a serious person, he just looked at the devil bodhisattva who was scratching his head and posing.

At this time, there was a wave of information from [Evil].

Adam?Shi Lang raised his eyebrows, and the only person who could use [evil] to send him a wave of information was Adam who held his ontology.

Shi Lang glanced at the Demon Bodhisattva vigilantly, and then connected to the wave of [evil] information.

"Ah...finally connected." As soon as the message of [evil] was connected, Adam's voice sounded in Shirou's heart.

"What's the matter, Adam?" Shi Lang asked aloud.

"Mr. Assassin, I have been summoned successfully according to your instructions," Adam said.

"Really? Where are you?" Shi Lang asked.

"I don't know, it's dark all around, and flames spit out from time to time, like the hell described in the mythological stories that Miss Matthew showed us before." Adam's tone was a little troubled, obviously he was concerned about describing the surrounding environment. The situation is quite tricky.

Shirou asked again, "Is there no snow around?"

"No," Adam said again.

Shirou lowered his head to ponder. He was first summoned to the Fuyuki City Junction, and then to the Nordic Junction.But according to Adam, his position has not changed. At this time, the surrounding scene described by Adam is different from the snow scene of Midgart. Could it be the other connecting points of this position?

After thinking about it, Shirou asked, "Are there any other characteristics?"

"In terms of characteristics...Oh. By the way, there are other Servants who were summoned with me. Mr. Saber-Zigruder, Mr. Berserker-Bloodaxe Eric, Mr. Caster-Hans Christian Andersen. "Adam said.

"There is only four-body Servant including you?" Shirou was a little surprised, and then asked, "Are there no other Servants?"

"Nothing," Adam said.

"I see. Adam, you continue to act normally, don't expose yourself, figure out where you are first." Shi Lang nodded.

"Yeah. I know, Mr. Assassin. They were just about to start an action with me. I didn't refuse, but wanted to figure out where I was first. Ah... Ah... let's not say. Someone came over. Afterwards. Contact again, Mr. Assassin..."

Following Adam's flustered words, the fluctuation of the message of [evil] stopped abruptly.

Putting away [evil], Shi Lang still felt that Adam was very reliable.Now that the key information is no longer in hand, and there is still a deviation in the perception of the world, it is better to take one step at a time.

Of course, Shirou is now trapped in this jail, and he is indeed unable to start his actions, and he can just take a rest.

Glancing at the Demon Bodhisattva, Shi Lang added silently in his heart, of course, it would be better if this great perversion is not here.

"Ah, Mr. Assassin, are you admiring my body?" The Demon Bodhisattva licked his lips, rubbed his slender legs wrapped in pink stockings slightly, and asked with wet eyes, "Would you like to touch it?"

Shi Lang looked at her as if looking abnormal, and said with disgust, "Please love yourself."

The body of the Demon Bodhisattva is indeed beautiful and charming, which makes people burst into blood.But Shirou is not a man dominated by the lower body, he is very clean and self-love.

"Self-love? Of course I love myself very much." Demon Bodhisattva said with a smile.

Well, this guy really couldn't communicate normally.

Shi Lang sighed.

Demon-natured Bodhisattva looked at the fully armed Shilang, very regretful in his heart.

She is a woman who can't control her desires. In fact, she has controlled her desires for a long time since the Romanian departure. After all, she is being true to the other one.

Originally as the Devil, Suixi Freedom Third Foreign Law Happy Heaven, she would not have emotions other than happiness, but facing the half-body of innocent goodness she separated from her, the Demon Bodhisattva rarely developed a more true mind.

The content of the actual test is also quite strange, that is, to observe when the killing house Kiara will voluntarily return to her body.

As a bet, she will work hard to restrain her desires.

Of course, Kiara, who is the half-body of the good, didn't know that the Demon Bodhisattva secretly compared her with her.

As for why she did this, maybe she just wanted to laugh at the highest point and love her innocent.

After all, in the cognitive view of the Demon Bodhisattva, she is the only human in the world.

Although she regards eros and animal desires as the source of happiness, they are only a means of satisfying desires, and only herself is what she really loves.

It's just that she endured so hard that when she saw Shi Lang this man, she was hungry and thirsty like a hungry wolf who had been hungry for a long time, a little impatient.

Fortunately, Shirou was also strong enough to not be forced to push him down.

The Demon Bodhisattva sat on the cold floor and said harassing words to Shi Lang, but Shi Lang ignored her at all, which made her very resentful.

A faint light radiated from the body of the Demon Bodhisattva, which made De Shilang a little vigilant.

But the Demon Bodhisattva did not launch an attack on Shirou, but used the sluggishness of all colors to form a light screen in front of him.

"Master Mordred, Miss Xiao Mo, what are you doing?"

"Didn't you see it? This is a new war!"

From the light screen, Shiro's ears heard the sounds of Kiara and Mordred.

He looked at the Demon Bodhisattva, who was staring at the screen intently, making oozing laughter from time to time, and couldn't help but ask in surprise: "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, of course, I'm observing how stupid that stupid I will do. Puff puff... I was taught again, really stupid. Don't you know that I gave her more power than them? Are all strong?" The Demon Bodhisattva stared at the screen and laughed.

Hearing this, Shi Lang frowned and asked, "Can you observe the killing courtyard and pray for waste?"

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