I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1150

At this moment, Skaha stopped.

Shiro was held by Skaha's hand. He turned his head, looked at Skaha, and asked strangely: "What's wrong, Master?"

Skaha squatted down, his burgundy bright eyes looked at Shilang's eyes, and asked: "Shilang, are you worried?"


Is it noticed?It really is Skaha.Shi Lang smiled and said, "No."

"Really." Skaha stretched out his palm, scraped Shiro's nose gently, and said with a smile: "If you have any concerns, you can tell Master. Master is a very reliable adult."

"Of course, after all, the master has lived a lot..."

Shirou's voice stopped abruptly, because even though Skaha in front of him was smiling, he exuded a murderous...particularly strong murderous aura.Shilang always felt that if he had said the word "for a long time", he would be killed by Skaha now, and his ashes would be raised.

After carefully considering that Skaha’s fist is indeed bigger than him now, Shiro swallowed the word "long", and then smiled: "Master is a young and intellectual beautiful girl who knows a lot. If I have trouble, I must I will find a master."

"Yeah." Skaha nodded, showing a gentle smile.

Skaha sent Shiro home.

Mrs. Fujimaru opened the door, and Sakura was doing homework at home.

"Oh. It's Teacher Skaha, I'm really sorry, my child wants you to send it back personally." Mrs. Fujimaru said with a smile.

"It's okay, madam. Shirou is a good boy, and I am tutoring him."

"I really trouble you."

After a long greeting, Skaha waved to Shirou, smiled and said, "See you tomorrow, Shirou."

"See you tomorrow, Master." Shi Lang nodded and agreed.

Scarha left, and Mrs. Fujimaru closed the door while boasting that Scarha was good.

Shirou looked at Mrs. Fujimaru's familiar face, wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.He can only tell himself in his heart that this is just a dream.

only one……


It’s strange to say that his time with Mrs. Fujimaru and Mr. Fujimaru has not been long, but there is no gap between Mrs. Fujimaru and Mr. Fujimaru. Instead, he treats each other sincerely. It is not easy to describe what kind of mentality it is. Let this reason be attributed to the body.


Kozakura came back one step ahead of Shiro, writing homework at the desk in the hallway.She looked at Shi Lang and called out sweetly.

Shiro nodded and agreed, and found that Sakura was doing math homework, and there were a few questions that he couldn't, Shiro helped him.

Kozakura showed a sweet smile and said, "Brother is awesome, I haven't thought about this question for a long time."

"This is nothing." Shi Lang smiled.

At this time, Mrs. Fujimaru asked, "Shirou, what do you want for your birthday?"


Shiro was taken aback.

He remembered that April 15th was the birthday of his body.However, he hasn't celebrated his birthday since he crossed.

Of course, he doesn't care about this.

However, his family cares very much.

"April 15 is my birthday, Sakura also prepared a great gift for my brother!" Sakura said with a sweet smile.

"That's it... Then I'll look forward to it slowly, full of curiosity." Shirou reached out and touched Sakura's head.

In reality, Sakura said so too, but before April 15th, on the day of April 10th, he crossed the [Root Cause] and went to Britain.

Before dinner, Shi Lang returned to his small room.

Strange familiarity is the feeling of nostalgia.

Sitting at the table, Shi Lang saw the small black pocket book again.

Shiro opened it and looked at it. The previous one was about the strategic policy of the Fourth Holy Grail War, and the next one was the recent trivial things, and the recorded text contained Chinese characters.

Seeing these trivial daily things, Shi Lang smiled, really wanting to experience such a growing environment.

However, it doesn't work.


"This word..."

Shi Lang frowned, reached out his hand and picked up a signature pen from the side, contrasted those words in this black pocket notebook, and wrote a few lines.

Exactly the same...

His frowning brows gradually loosened, Shirou laughed, "It's true that I wrote it, it's so beautiful."

Although there is a halo of narcissism, Shirou's characters are written in italics, and he has the same personality as his.

"By the way, this dream is set on April 5, 1994, so Zhu Yue should have entered my body. Okay, let me kill her first!" Shi Lang gritted his teeth.

He remembered very clearly that before he crossed the [Root Cause], he was possessed by Zhu Yue's fragments, and this was the source of all sorrow.

Therefore, even if it is illusory, Shi Lang wanted to take the lead and destroy Zhu Yue.



Shiro was taken aback.

He searched carefully several times, but still found nothing.

So far, Shirou has discovered the difference between this dream and reality, that is--

He was not possessed by Zhu Yue's fragments!




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