I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1167

From the Valkyrie network of information sharing, Outlind also saw the destruction of Asgard.

Asgard covered in ice and snow was a vast expanse of whiteness, but there were big explosions in many places, and one after another terrifying suture monsters emerged from the ground.Monsters are stitched together from the remains of mountain giants, frost giants, fire giants, humans and Valkyrie.One after another, they were more than ten meters in size, and looked like a kind of terrible suture.

Two thousand years have passed since the [Gods Disappeared] incident, and Outlind, who has been confronting the giant and the goddess of death Hela for many years, of course knows what monster this is.

This is the death goddess Hela, using her own "death" power to create a pure stitched dead soul!

Because of the Valkyrie network, even though he was in the Great Temple, Outlind smelled the stench from these stitched dead bodies as if he was on the scene.

While nauseous in his heart, Otlind was also thinking about why these stitched undead suddenly appeared in Asgard?

"Could it be that the Eternal King brought it in? But what is the purpose? Wait a minute, if these things are brought in by the Eternal King, that is to say, this is a targeted action? And Thrud also mentioned before, Val The problem with the Kiri network... Is there a ghost in the network? Impossible, we have all sweared, it is impossible to betray Asgard... Wait! Will there be any other players? If so? If the Eternal King brought it in...then, the Eternal King deliberately stayed still, but was actually making a ghost in secret?"

Outlind bit her thumb and nail with her backhand, which was her usual movement when thinking.

"...Master Skadi can't leave the Great Temple, and there is not much divinity for Master Skadi to squander. Valkyrie must be relied on here!"

"Please! My sisters!"

Altlind uploaded his thoughts to the Valkyrie network.

On the one hand, she sent people to check the situation of the Eternal King in the Infinite Prison, and on the other hand, she sent additional personnel to smooth out the stitched dead souls.In addition, the fastest move she made was to activate Asgard's guardian enchantment.

Once the guardian enchantment is activated, it will seal and suppress the invaders who invade into Asgard. In addition, it can also resist external invasion.

"I must defend the Great Temple, and the rest is up to you, sisters! For our common vow!"



When Outlind activated Asgard's guardian barrier, Shirou who was in it subconsciously frowned.

This feeling……

He felt a very powerful suppressive effect, as if the world had repelled it, whether it was magical power or serving as the fundamental spiritual foundation of the Servant, it was operating very sluggishly.

However, this kind of abnormal feeling of suppression, for him who possesses the [Desperate Will], obviously can't make him discolored at all.

Glancing at Saber alter slightly, Shirou found that Saber alter was not at all abnormal.

Shi Lang felt strange. They are all anti-hero spirit foundations. Why is there such a big gap?

He was suppressed and restricted by the magical barriers of the Nordic gods, and Saber alter had nothing to do.

Is this magical enchantment still engaging in sexism?

Of course, this is a joke.

If there is anything different between Saber alter and him... Shirou's gaze caught the blue fruit that covered Saber alter's waist.

Is it the cause of that thing?

Shi Lang speculated in his heart while walking out toward the outside world.Those Valkyrie goddesses stared at him scorchingly and couldn't help but get out.

Under the gaze of the Valkyrie goddesses, Shirou walked out of the tunnel with his hands raised.

Saber Alter walked out behind Shirou and raised his hands in a similar manner.

Shirou and Saber Alter walked out of the tunnel and looked at the Valkyrie goddesses who surrounded them. Shirou finally fixed his eyes on the green double-pony-tailed Valkyrie, and smiled: "Oh, long time no see, Val Kiri C-type No. 11475."

"Error, error. Correction, correction. The time interval between us and the Eternal King is calculated according to the Chaldean hour and minute system. It is 4 hours, 17 minutes and 56 seconds. Correction, it is now 18 minutes and 12 seconds... Beep, Valkyrie C Type 11475 is correcting Eternal King's wording mistakes, and is entangled in how to report the accuracy of time." said Valkyrie with the green double ponytail.

"Hahaha, time is running out when talking. So, don't try to be precise." Shi Lang smiled and glanced at the silver stove without any trace.

I thought this silver stove was like an oven from an authentic perspective before, but now I walk out and take a look...

It's really an oven... the style of this Nordic mythology world is really a bit surprising.

Shi Lang looked around without a trace. This is the Nordic Hall of Valor, Valhalla. I thought there was something unique, but in fact, it was an empty end. There was nothing else but the stove. It's just like……

It is like a factory workshop assembled and stored.

For some reason, Shirou's mind came out of this thoughtful judgment.

"So, do you want to catch us and hand over to Slud, or Skarty?" Shirou asked with a smile, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared carefully at the green double-ponytailed Valkyrie.

"If you see the Eternal King and Altria, you must grab it, but we didn't see anything. Beep, Valkyrie C-type 11475 pretended not to see anyone." The green double-ponytailed Valkyrie stared. Said hollowly.

"But sister, they are..."

The other Valkyrie wanted to speak. The green double-pony-tailed Valkyrie turned his head and looked at the others and said: "I didn't see it, we didn't see anything. Beep, Valkyrie C-type 11475 reiterated this to my sister."

"Although I don't know what Valkyrie C-type 11475 is doing, we really haven't seen anything. Beep, Valkyrie B-type 224 does not understand what my sister is doing, but chooses to believe in supporting her sister's actions." Red single ponytail Said Valkyrie.

The other Valkyries looked at each other one after another, then nodded and repeated their words.

The Valkyrie with the green double ponytail said: "We saw nothing, heard nothing, and turned off the network sharing. Beep, Valkyrie C-type 11475 carefully revealed information to prevent himself and his sisters from being caught by the Eternal King. Kill with Altria."

Sure enough... Shi Lang raised his eyebrows.

"The Eternal King..." Saber Alter couldn't help but uttered.

"Ah...you found it too." Shirou nodded, "I thought they were artificial lifeforms created for war, just like Adam and others. But now it doesn't seem like this... They have their own complete personality and thinking!"

Valkyrie with the green double ponytail said: "We found nothing, and turned off network sharing, and now Valkyrie is going to help other sisters, so if the Eternal King and Altria hide here , You can go out without being noticed. Beep, Valkyrie Type C 11475 carefully revealed the news so as not to be killed."

"Yeah. That's it. Beep, Valkyrie Type B 224 finally understands what my sister's intentions." The red single-ponytailed Valkyrie nodded hollowly and responded.

"Really, that's the case. If you can't do it, it's naturally great." Shirou nodded with a smile, then turned to look at Saber alter, and said, "I'm leaving, Saber."

Saber Alter nodded, and followed Shirou.

Shiro and Saber Alter passed through the Valkyrie, and when they were about to leave here, the Valkyrie Type A 199 suddenly pressed behind him on his temple and muttered in a low voice: "Reconnected to the Valkyrie network, now upload information , Have found..."

bad!Saber Alter screamed in his heart, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that this Valkyrie A-199 is about to upload her and Shiro information to the Valkyrie network for sharing.

Once she succeeds, the whereabouts of her and Shirou will be exposed!

Saber Alter took Morgan, the sword of oath of victory, and rushed towards Valkyrie Type A-199, preparing to stop her.

However, Saber Alter just rushed over, and there was no time to stop the Valkyrie A-199. As a result, the Valkyrie A-199, which was very normal just now, fell directly, and his body fell quickly and changed its actions. Saber alter's arms.


This strange phenomenon stunned everyone present.

Saber alter turned the Valkyrie Type A-199 over and took a look. Those hollow eyes lost their highlights, like a corpse whose brain had stopped working.

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