I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1169

On the snowy ground, the body of the unconscious goddess Valkyrie lay everywhere.

Asgard, on this sacred land favored by the gods, at this moment, a very hideous, terrifying and disgusting suture giant is appearing, ravaging the earth.

The gardens and temples left by the gods are no longer sacred, and they are ravaged and defiled by these disgusting suture giants.

"Boom, boom", the remains of temples collapsed under the ravages of these disgusting suture monsters.

Just like the faith and existence of God...being defiled, then...collapse and destruction!

The whole scene is like a demon in hell, occupying the gods of the sky.

The only Celestial Legion that could contend with these suture monsters-Valkyrie Valkyrie Legion, was paralyzed and fell to the ground.

Ignoring the suture trolls for the time being, Shirou moved the unconscious Valkyrie goddesses to a safe location nearby, and checked them.

The examination revealed that their symptoms were exactly the same as the Valkyrie goddess in Valhalla. They were obviously connected to the Valkyrie network, and then they were attacked from the network and lost consciousness.

There are unconscious and charming Valkyrie goddesses lying everywhere on the earth. For those hungry ghosts in the erotic, it must be a struggle between conscience and eroticism, but for Shilang, he just raised his eyebrows. Collect some useful information without changing his face.

Asgard has activated the gods' technique to suppress the invaders, and Shirou can feel the sense of being suppressed and restrained.However, there are still signs of destruction on the land of Asgard.

And it's not the ordinary destruction marks, but the huge ones. At a glance, you can see that it was the mark of a giant monster blasting.


A sharp cry cut through the sky.Shi Lang looked up slightly, and saw a huge golden eagle flying at low altitude with an extremely violent storm, directly smashing and killing many suture monsters raging on the ground.

"that is……"

Shilang raised his eyebrows and said, "That should be the famous Eye of God in Norse mythology-Hraswalgel."

Shi Lang did not take action to destroy those suture trolls, his current position is very ambiguous.

Of course, he stood firmly in Chaldea, because that was where he wanted to go back.

Shirou attached [Clairvoyance EX] to himself and saw the appearance of the Great Temple.

Countless hideous and terrifying suture monsters have surrounded the Great Temple and are ravaging the Great Temple.

Fortunately, there was a shining golden light around the Great Temple, and the mysterious runes attached to the golden light were the original Luen, which was obviously an enchantment technique of the gods.Blocked the stitching monster's attack.

Shirou touched his chin, then looked at Saber alter, and said, "Answer your previous question, Saber."

Upon hearing this, Saber Alter turned his head slightly and looked at Shirou with a puzzled look.

"I did say before that even if I helped Skardi, she might still be hostile afterwards. After all, crossing the river and breaking the bridge is a common thing. But, again, icing on the cake is better than giving charcoal in the snow." Shi Lang said.

"You mean, do we want to help Asgard?" Saber Alter asked.She felt that her own head, especially her altered head, was more suitable for more direct and rude answers.For example, to fight or not to fight.

"Of course we have to help, but not now. We have to make it messy, even more messy, or even break down directly, and then we help each other, so that it will appear how friendly and sincere we are. They pushed us far, yes What a big loss, this is called the'mending pot method'...Huh? What are you remembering?" Shi Lang looked at Saber alter who was crazy about recording quotations.

"Don't mind, just keep talking." Saber alter said.

Shi Lang is a bit disgusted... This guy feels that he is not evolving to Al, but to Guinevere...because Guinevere recorded his words at the beginning, it was recorded like this, even the rubbish that he said. Record it, isn't this black history?

Shi Lang shook his head, turned and walked in the other direction.

"Aren't you going to help Skadi?" Saber Alter asked.

"Don't go. Wait until she collapses." Shi Lang said.

Saber Alter asked again: "But, didn't you say that Skadi is very strong?"

"That kind of strong estimation is conditional. Otherwise, why doesn't Skarty take action? Besides, the invaders can destroy the Valkyrie Army. If there is no way to deal with Skarty, this is not logical. .and also……"

Shi Lang stretched out his hand and knocked on Saber Alter's head, and said: "Can you learn to use your own brain to analyze, and don't ask me everything. You will make me think that I am bringing children in Cornwall."

"But... my brain is not as good as you." Saber Alter rubbed the place where Shiro was hitting, and said muffledly.

Shiro: "..."

He admitted without hesitation, it is indeed Saber!

Shirou felt admired heartily.However, he was good-tempered, patient, and had the experience of being asked all the time. If he had a more grumpy temper, he might have turned his face long ago.

For example, Gilgamesh.

Well, the daily black wave.

What are spray friends for?Of course it is used to spray and black!

Turning around, Shi Lang walked with his back to the Great Temple.

"What are you going to do?" Saber Alter asked after catching up.

"Catch people. Have you forgotten? I used to'let go' Ziegrud." Shilang slightly raised his palm, and on top of his palm, a mass of [evil] mud kept changing its direction, obviously , Is tracking something.

"What did you do?" Saber Alter couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing," Shi Lang smiled, "just put a lump of mud under the soles of his feet."

Saber alter was stunned.

It turned out that Shilang had not shot before, and finally let Zigerud off, not because he didn't clean up Zigerud, but because he used Zigerud as bait to catch a bigger fish!

And this, Saber Alter never thought of it.

Not only did she not expect to use Ziegrud to fish, she did not realize that Shilang had already deployed everything!

Saber alter followed Shiro's side and looked at Shiro's profile.

This man, when he was hippie smiling, had actually deployed everything.The purpose and means are very skilled!

Saber Alter suddenly felt that Shi Lang was terrible.

This guy is a smiling tiger!




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter 49 You may not know, all members are two or five [5K, two in one]

Siegrud left Valhalla and came to a hidden tunnel.

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