I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1173

Especially Shi Lang, he wondered, do the sacred beasts of Northern Europe have the habit of cheating their corpses?

The same was true of Niederhogg before, and the same is true of Hraswalgel now.

The golden eagle-Hraswalgel screamed loudly, his body exuding golden light, and the huge wings shrunk and gathered, as if forming a golden ball, standing in the sky, exuding golden light.

"Buzzing", Hraswalgel, who turned into a golden ball, swayed in the sky twice and flew towards the Great Temple.

Saber Alter was about to stop, but Shi Lang quickly candled her breastplate from behind.

——Don't make trouble!

There was a sound in my heart, Saber Alter was taken aback, then turned his head and glanced at Shirou.

She understands, that black mud... is for contacting her!

When the golden eagle-Hraswalgel turned into a ball and flew towards the Great Temple, a magical aurora flashed on the ground of Asgard, and strange runes appeared one after another.

That is the original text created by Odin-Luen.

There is no doubt that this is someone who has activated Asgard's protective technique.

When this Asgard's protection technique was activated, the Rune in the technique either turned into thunder or turned into a fireball, bombarding the stitched monsters on the ground.

"The spells of the gods have started." Sigrud said.

Shilang and the others were also the targets of the magical attacks of the gods, and they ran into the tunnel.On the surface of Asgard, there are all the art of the gods, attacking all the invaders, but there is no art of the underground, and even the art of the surface will not fall to the ground.

This is a very strange point.

The first reason is that the gods who gave Asgard blessings did not pay enough attention to the underground; the second reason is that the gods did not know that the underground of Asgard was so dense that there were tunnels specially created for aggression!

The art on the surface destroys the invading stitched monsters.But that is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying is that the wall surrounding Asgard was activated.

The white, snow-white sacred wall is the strongest protective wall created by the homeland of the gods of the Mountain Giants. In the myths and legends of pan-human history, this sacred wall was not destroyed until the dawn of the gods. Break through.

At this moment, this sacred wall opened the war mode.The spells that exist on it have been activated one after another, densely packed, seemingly like starry spells emerging from the sacred wall, sweeping everything.



Even the remains of the gods were completely destroyed.

Seeing such a terrifying and intensive bombardment, Shi Lang couldn't help but be astounded, because he knew in his heart that if he was under these bombardments, ten percent would not survive.

Asgard, this divine realm of the god system, if it is a frontal attack, it is impossible to defeat it.

So, in the face of such a terrifying Asgard attack, what exactly are Hela doing?



"It's activated! They activated Asgard's protection technique!"

"Everything is exactly the same as expected! They are looking for a dead end!"

In a tunnel, the [Council] dignitaries smiled sarcastically.

Beside the important members of the [Council], on a virtual screen, a woman stretched out lazily and said, "They activated all Asgard's defense techniques?"

"Not yet. Some spells can only be activated by gods who possess Nordic divinity, but they activated [Ogelmir]!"

"Is that... the wall made for aggression? It is indeed seeking a dead end." The woman nodded and said, "After all, that wall was meant for giants to regain the power of the world. Specially built for the gods."

"No. Not just the wall, the whole Asgard, it is the death cage that the giants built for those stupid gods in order to regain the power of the world!" [Council] officials showed a hideous smile, that The smile looked like an avenger, "Unfortunately, the gods disappeared before the time came. Otherwise, the giants would tell them, who is the master of the world!"

"I don't want to care about your grievances. I was summoned by the original father and will only complete the original father's orders." The woman said, "I'm going to start. Control Asgard and don't let it interfere with me. Action."

"I understand. You just need to take care of yourself, goddess." The [Council] nodded, sneered and turned off the virtual screen.

"A pawn, dare to speak to me in such a disgusting tone, huh, you will feel better afterwards... But does the Eternal King still exist? Forget it, it doesn't make sense."

The woman stood up, with her beautiful eyes looking at the Great Temple, her eyes seemed to have crossed the barrier, and she saw Skadi sleeping on the seat of God, "take that thing first, let's talk about it!"




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Fanwai Altria and Mordred

Chaldeans, this is an institutional facility built by the inner world and the watch world since the beginning of 2004. It has only one purpose, which is to ensure the continued existence of mankind, and to observe all phenomena related to the extinction of mankind. The phenomenon disappeared.

From this perspective, there is no difference between the functions performed by the Chaldeans and the human restraint-[Alaya].

The Chaldeans used the holy grail system formed by the three imperial families in Fuyuki City as a benchmark, recruiting talents with the potential to become Masters and the ability to sneak into them, and cultivate them to become Masters who can summon and enlist Servant.

However, because Chaldea’s purpose is very ambitious, and currently as the main solution for the Chaldea [the connection point], which is extremely dangerous, ensuring medical capabilities is the top priority of the Chaldean work.

Morrigan, an ordinary physician in the Chaldean medical team.Like other doctors, he is proficient in various medical methods and medical procedures, and his healing power is even praised by Nightingale, the angel of Crimea.

She is seventeen years old, has long silver hair like snow, a pretty face like a fairy, and a pair of long and narrow burgundy eyes. She wears a special white medical coat made by Chaldea all the year round, and her face is always blooming like The sun-like smile brings physical and mental healing to the injured.Therefore, that smile is called Morrigan's smile.

Of course, whether this is suspected of plagiarizing the Mona Lisa's smile, I have to ask Leonardo, who is often involved in Chaldeans, to kiss.In fact, according to the grapevine, the nickname "Morrigan's Smile" was created by this troublemaker.

In this regard, no one disagrees with this nickname.Because Miss Morrigan is very gentle and affectionate, no matter who she treats, no matter how harsh or bad the other party is, Miss Morrigan never loses her gentle smile.According to an unknown iron fist saint, Miss Morrigan exactly matches the image of an angel in her mind.

But even this Miss Morrigan has very distressed things.

Like now--

"What are you doing, Mordred?" Holding the medical documents, Miss Morrigan looked at the twelve-year-old girl who was squatting in the corner like a mouse and peeking not far away. She couldn't help but ask aloud.

This girl is not someone else, it is Mordred.It is the daughter of the Eternal King and the Knight King. According to legend, Mordred, the son of destruction who destroyed the Eternal Dynasty.

However, this deed and the nickname are very scary Son of Destruction, after hearing someone called her behind.Her petite body shuddered like an electric shock. She turned her head in a panic, and then she was relieved, "So it's you."

Morrigan blinked and asked, "What are you doing, Mordred?"

Facing Morrigan's question, Mordred said impatiently: "It's none of your business!"

Hearing that, Morrigan was not angry, but shrank her head in fright, "Yes, sorry."

Mordred looked at Morrigan with a scrutiny gaze. It has been a week since he was tricked into becoming the Servant of Matthew Gillett by the Eternal King.In this week, Mordred has basically become familiar with Chaldea.

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