I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1178

——Don't act rashly, see what your Master will do.

Shiro responded to Adam in his heart.

He didn't believe that Shilang was killed. Hela didn't prepare anything, so he dared to provoke Skadi.

Hela kept backing as he watched Skatie come down from the seat of God.

She had to retreat, Skardi's divinity was too terrifying, even if it was God King Odin, it couldn't be better.

Or, in other words, Skadi, holding the Gun of Eternity Gungnir, may not be another form of God King at this moment.

Skady's eyes flashed with divine light, and his mind moved slightly, and the [Great God Declaration (False)] in Slude's hand burst open with a "click".

Slude was taken aback for a while, and was caught by Altlind.I saw her quickly violent, took out the [Great God Declaration (pseudo)] and stab at Slude straightly.

However, Slude is not a rookie either. She stretched out her hand, and another black gun similar to Hela appeared in her hand, and then she swept it.

Two cold rays of light passed through the air, and they fought in the air. With a clanging sound, a metal turbulence erupted.

"Do you even have Hela's gun..."

Otlind was sad to himself, but he stabs Slud slowly in his hand.

Slude put the black spear on his neck with both hands, and whirled it with a clanging sound, knocking out Otlind's stabbing.

Obviously, compared to Slude, who often rushes to the front line, Outlind, who guards the center, is obviously not an opponent, not to mention that Outlind is slightly injured.

Seemingly aware of this situation, Skadi glanced at Slude.

With just such a glance, Slude's feet were frozen with a "click", and then just a blink of an eye, Slude was completely frozen and turned into an ice sculpture.

Shi Lang raised his eyebrows.

——Mr. Assassin, do you feel the wave of magic power?

Adam felt a tingling scalp.Logically speaking, no matter whether it is a god, a human, or a heroic spirit, even if it is an illusion beast, the magical power will fluctuate in whatever technique is performed. This is the basic cognitive view.However, Slude was frozen by Skarty's glance... he didn't notice any fluctuations in magic power.

It is as if Slude itself is an ice sculpture.

This broke the cognitive view!

Not the cognitive view of the surface world, but the cognitive view of the inner world and the world of God!

Shirou didn't reply, because he didn't notice the fluctuation of magical power either.This is a combat skill that transcends the perception of the world in the world. He has no experience and no knowledge of this aspect.

However, if you make a comparison... he feels that it is a bit like Zhu Yue and El Quette's [Moonfall], and the previous method by Mustako to curse him, is a method out of nothing.

"This is a bit too much, Skaha." Looking at the frozen Slud, Hela smiled, pointed at the frozen Slud, and said: "Anyway, Slud is here. He has been loyal to you for these two thousand years."

Skadi looked at Hela indifferently, and asked, "When did you abet Slude?"

"Instigate? Do you need to instigate this kind of thing? Humans, giants, Sutert, Valkyrie, I... even yourself, in my heart, are actually looking forward to the end of this world, don’t you? Hope? Now, someone will give you a knife and give you a happy one, isn't it?" Hela questioned.

Skadi's palm subconsciously clenched Gangneil.

"This world is like a patient with terminal cancer. It's already dead, but you have to hang it for your life. Do you know how painful this is? I have been dragged by you in this world for two thousand years. Suicide will be reborn, and death will be reborn, and giving up thinking will not help. My soul, because of you, has been sealed in this dead world for two thousand years! For two thousand years!"

Hela stared at Skadi, her eyes gleaming with hatred, and gritted her teeth and said: "You may still be able to hold it, but I can't stand it! People around you can't stand it either! The one called by the [Council] is You, not me! Why should I suffer this sin with you? Free my soul! Free me and return me to the Heroic Seat!"

——Why, what's going on, Eternal King?

——This feels a bit wrong, Mr. Assassin?

Hela's words caused Adam and Saber alter to use [evil] crazy @.

But Shiro frowned and replied.

——Don't guess or expose.We just waited.

"Needless to say, these are useless, Hela." After the initial mental shock, Skatie quickly calmed down and looked at the hysterical Hela coldly, and said: "See the truth under your hand."

Hearing that, Hela clenched her fists, her eyes twinkled with hatred, and she looked at Skadi with an annoyance, and said with an annoyance: "It's really you, do you actually maintain a normal mentality? Or is it because it absorbed three thirds of his father The divinity of the second has caused the self to be completely destroyed? Oh, I remember, you are now a god, Skaha. No, sister Skaha."

Skadi looked at Hela indifferently, her body exuding a terrifying divinity, and her beautiful wine-red eyes exuded dazzling golden light.



The long howling of the alien beast resounded from behind Skadi, and two discs ejected from the creation mural, hovering beside Skadi.

The two discs radiated golden light, surrounding Skarty like small suns. The two small suns gradually appeared visions, forming the phantoms of two different animals.One was the golden eagle-Hraswalgel, which was shot down by Shiro and others, and the other was a golden squirrel-like beast.

Hela was unwilling to show weakness. At this time, she also burst out of an extremely powerful divinity, but compared to Skatie, who was like the sun, she was far behind.

However, behind Hela also appeared a vision like Skatie.A dark disc, slowly rising like a full moon from behind her, exuded a faint ray of magical light, like the halo behind the head of a bodhisattva.


As the round black disc rose to the back of Hela's head, a three-headed dog-like alien animal illusion appeared.

At this instant, in Musbelheim, Sutert's residence, there was also an illusion of a different animal.

Followed by.

In a huge lake, there was a big explosion with a "bang", and the lake water was blown up to an infinite height, straight into the sky like a water arrow.A giant snake the size of the world soared into the sky, a pair of vertical pupils staring at the sky, dangerously vomiting snake letters.

In the Great Temple.

Shirou carefully stared at the three round wheels beside Hela and Skatie, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Because, sharp-eyed, he discovered that the three round wheels were almost the same as the round wheels that he had fallen from killing Niederhogg before, except for the patterns carved on them!

——Eternal King!

[Evil] There was a shocking message. Shi Lang looked back and found that Saber Alter was pointing at his abdomen, with a look of astonishment, and said in [Evil].

-You, you are shining!

Shi Lang looked down slightly, and couldn't help but was taken aback. He saw that his abdomen was exuding a round of light, with a very familiar dragon-shaped pattern on it, it was the black dragon-Nidhogg!

Shi Lang's mind was moved, and he quickly covered his light with [evil] and went into hiding.Fortunately, everyone was attracted by Skadi and Hela's vision, and did not find him.

Shilang didn’t know what happened to him, but he instinctively realized that it was related to Niederhogg, and it was very likely to be related to the ultimate secret of this connection point, so he hid his light for the first time, and in the [ In Evil], tell Saber alter urgently to tell her not to speak out and not to look at him.

Saber Alter nodded quickly in agreement.

Skadi looked around, glanced over Shilang, Saber Alter, Adam, and Ziegrud, and finally fell on Hela, and said coldly: "You guys go together."

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