I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1180

Saber alter looked at Shirou in surprise.




pS: Today’s update is late, and there is another chapter. You can go to bed first. You can see it when you wake up tomorrow morning. Don’t go to bed too late.

Chapter 53 The Prisoner of the Lower Order, Skatie!

Altlind, Slud, Hilud.

The three-body Valkyrie Valkyrie is the only remaining Asgard, the true Valkyrie Valkyrie.The others are just consumables with models A, B, and C.

Therefore, the three-body Valkyrie Valkyrie is the most trusted subordinate of Skadi.

But I don't know when they started, Slude and Hilud betrayed Skadi.

The most deadly of these is the betrayal of Hilud.

Skadi, who was originally invincible, seemed to have been done something by Hillud. He lost his power directly, and he didn't even have the power to stand up, and was easily subdued by Hela.

And as Skady was subdued, all the ice she had released was lifted.

Although Skadi seemed to have lost her power, Hela was not relieved. She took out the ice crystal chain that Skadi used to bind the Demon Bodhisattva, and then she slapped Skadi heavily, and then sat where Skadi had been sitting. Above the seat of God.

She gently stroked the golden handrail of the god seat, a little obsessed, and a little proud, and with the joy of disintegration, she sat on this god seat.

This golden god seat finally fell on Hela after going through the great god Odin and Skadi.

In the past, Skatie, who was like an ice queen, was sitting under the stairs with her only loyal subordinate, Otlind, with chains of ice crystals all over her body.

"Now, I am the only great god!" Hela said loudly, sitting high on the god seat.

Skadi was weak, as weak as a soft-footed shrimp, but her bright red eyes still looked at Hela very coldly and said, "No. You are not."

"I've lost, how hard is it?" Hela languidly slumped on the seat of God, looked at Skardi, licked her lips, and said: "Don't worry, it will fall into my hand, and you will suffer from it later. "

"I haven't lost yet." Skadi said flatly.

"I haven't lost yet?" Hela stood up, stared at Skadi coldly, and asked: "Are you talking about the Chaldean guy at the Mosbelheim gate? Or Brunhild? ... I really didn't expect that you would actually start to rely on others! Fall! This is a complete fall!"

Skadi stared at Hela indifferently. Although he was a prisoner at the moment, the show of tolerance was not like a loser, but like a noble queen.

Hela felt provoked.

Looking at Skadi like a queen, Hela got angry in her heart, gritted her teeth and walked off the god seat, reached out and pressed her on Skadi's shoulders, and pushed her to the ground.

Shi Lang stood by, watching this scene calmly.

——We are on the opposite side of [Parliament], right?So... don't we care, Mr. Assassin?

Adam looked at Shirou subconsciously and asked.

——Doing nothing at this time is the best action.

Shiro answered.

——I see, Mr. Assassin.I will follow your instructions.

Adam responded to Shirou in his heart.

Shiro looked at the field without squinting, and watched Hela press Skadi to the ground.

Otlind, who was next to him, gritted his teeth and yelled: "What is coming for me, Hela!"

"Nothing to do with you!" Hela replied coldly.

Outlind wanted to step forward to protect Skadi, but a black gun was placed on her neck.

Outlind turned his head and looked around, and saw Slud with his head buried in sight.

Slude buried his head and whispered: "Lose... Sister. It's time to give up."

Hearing that, Outlind was like a deflated balloon and couldn't get up again.

Hela pressed Skadi, staring at Skadi’s pretty face, and said coldly: "I hate you. From the time I was born, I hated you. I hate everything about you, and in these two thousand years , I hate you even more, Scarha!"

"You have admitted the wrong person, Hela." Skadi said flatly.

"Hela..." Hela gritted her teeth, she was irritated, she was irritated by the name.

She grabbed Skady's shoulder and gave Skady a sharp nose with a "boom".

Skadi had lost her strength, she was dizzy and stared from being hit by Hela.

Hela stared at Skaha coldly and said: "I am not Hela, my real name is, your mortal enemy-Uyf!"

Uif?Shi Lang raised his eyebrows.

He is very familiar with this name, because this is Skaha's mortal enemy!

Once in the Camelot dynasty, Skaha did not miss Tiuif, saying that she was her lifelong enemy and friend.Moreover, it seems that Skaha was able to walk out of the dead because he asked Uif to take care of the dead.

And this look, after six years, there is no complaint.

But why?

Why does Hela call herself Uyf, and Skadi as Skaha?

Shi Lang frowned, and thought of the moment Skatie was fighting again just now, and the three words he said to him made his brows even deeper.

Finally, he thought of the charming dream about Skaha that he had eaten Languo before.

He instinctively perceives that this connection point is probably inextricably linked to him!

Skadi did not answer Hela's words, Hela stared at Skadi angrily, but finally let go of Skadi's collar and stood up, without doing anything to Skadi.

Perhaps, for her, it would be a shame to attack someone who has no fighting capacity.

"Has been solved?"

A hoarse voice suddenly sounded in his ears, Shi Lang turned his head to look, his eyes narrowed subconsciously.I saw a man in a black cloak walking in slowly from the door.

Saber alter Weiwei Asashiro got closer, and whispered, "That person is..."

"Yeah. It should be the one who called us, the one from [Council]." Shilang responded in a low voice.

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