I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1186

That is to use [evil], with him as the host, to make network connection calls.

Originally Shirou didn't have this idea, but after contacting the Valkyrie network, this idea popped out of his mind.If the network of the Valkyrie goddesses is called the Valkyrie network, and his network should be called the [evil] network, or the Shiro network.

Using the network application of "Evil", Shiro successfully framed Adam and Saber alter into the chat room.

Because the outside world has the wandering surveillance of the Valkyrie goddesses, Shiro used the [evil] network application to inform Adam and Saber alter of the previous command of Hela.

"You mean... Is Hela going to take action on Chaldea, King Eternal?" Saber alter asked.

"Not bad," Shiro replied.

Adam: "Then Mr. Assassin, we can meet the Chaldeans. I do miss my companions and Miss Matthew a little. I don't know how they are living and whether they have been abused."

"No. Not yet." Shirou said, "We can't join Chaldeans yet."

Adam asked strangely: "Why?"

"Someone is asking for help, I can't leave here yet." Shilang said.

Adam, Saber alter: "?"

"However, we do have to start acting. Although it's just a feeling, but I don't know what's going on. After Hela defeated Skatie, I have a very uneasy feeling." Shirou said uncertainly.

"Speaking of it, I also have this feeling... like something is pressing on my head and I can't breathe." Saber Alter said: "When I confronted Vottigung, the kingdom collapsed even in the late period of my rule. At that time, there was no such feeling."

Shi Lang glanced at Saber alter, and replied in [Evil]: "If you feel this way, then Hela must be doing something."

After thinking about it for a moment, Shiro Saber Alter added: "By the way, Saber, you will come with me this time. I have something to tell you."

"It can be, but in this case, will Hela's suspicion?" Saber Alter asked.

"That woman is the master of widowhood and snakes and scorpions, and her attitude towards others is useful when it's useful, and throw it away when it's useless. She doesn't trust anyone herself, but we are useful to her temporarily, so she didn't do it. Once we are useless If it is done, it will be like dealing with Swadir Fali, crossing the river to tear down the bridge." Shirou commented.

Swadir Fali is mentioned, Adam and Saber alter are silent.

How Hela dealt with the Swadir Fali who helped her suppress the Asgardian technique, everyone saw it in their hearts.However, they did not see through Hela like Shilang.

"I see. I'll go with you." Saber Alter said.

Shi Lang nodded, "I'll go to Ziegrud, you prepare."

After speaking, Shirou got up and left the room.

Saber Alter also got up, but instead of leaving the room, she asked the goddess Valkyrie for a big sack.

"What are you doing, Miss Altria?" Adam asked strangely.

"Pretend to eat, lest you get hungry again on the road." Saber Alt said, while swiftly loading blue fruit.



Shiro left the room, looking for Zigerud who was also performing the task.

He searched for a long time, and finally found Zigrud not far from Valhalla, the Nordic Hall of Valor.

When Shilang found Siegrud, he was holding the magic sword and staring at Valhalla, the Nordic Hall of Valor, braving murderously but with doubts.

Shilang walked over and called him.

Siegrud turned his head and nodded in greeting, "Eternal King."

Shi Lang walked up to him, chatted with him for a while, and then asked, "What are you doing in Valhalla?"

As soon as this was mentioned, the smile on Zigrud's face disappeared.He turned his head, stared at Valhalla, clenched the magic sword in his hand, and said: "I want to destroy Valhalla!"

"I advise you not to do this. If you do, Hela will not let you go. Moreover, you may not be able to destroy Valhalla in such a situation." Shiro said.

Siegrud nodded and said, "I understand. And Hela may have promised me. In the end, she will let me destroy Valhalla."

Hearing this, Shi Lang nodded and was silent for a moment before he asked: "Actually, I don't understand why you who were born in Northern Europe are so obsessed with destroying Valhalla? Not all of you Northern European heroes are toward the Hall of Valor. -Was Valhalla looking forward to it?"

As soon as he mentioned this, Zigerud lost his smile, turned his head and looked at Valhalla, the Hall of Valor, his eyes flashed with hatred and anger, and said, "That's because they don't know what Valhalla is! Honestly ...I will descend into this illusory world as an alter, just to destroy Valhalla! Even Valhalla in the false world!"

Shi Lang frowned and asked, "Why do you call this world a false world?"

"Don't you know?" Siegrud asked strangely.

Shi Lang shook his head and said, "I don't know. I don't even understand what you are talking about."

Hearing this, Zigerud frowned and looked at Shirou for a while, then nodded and suddenly said, "That's right. You are not the heroic spirits born in Northern Europe, so it may not be obvious and you didn't recognize it. But it's just that. I come from Northern Europe, but I can clearly recognize that this is a false world."

Zigerud said: "This is not the real world. It is just a world that has lost its future. It is a waste of resources abandoned by the planet. It should be swept into the waste pile and destroyed. But I don't know because of the interference of any force. It's established again."

This kind of rhetoric... Shirou frowned and asked: "Can I understand that pan-human history and events are cut?"

"Yes. Because that kind of statement is the standard answer."

Hearing this, Shi Lang asked with a look of surprise: "You mean, is this the world cut by the matter?"

"Yes," Siegrud nodded and said, "Because I was born in Northern Europe, I can feel that this is the world cut by things."

The matter cut... Shi Lang was surprised, could it be that this is an anomaly?

Shirou is very familiar with such things.This is the basis of the story of "FGO" 2.0. In addition, Shiro was very worried about being cut by the matter when he created the Eternal Dynasty.

Matter cut, this is one of the most powerful forces in the Moon World. It is a kind of correction force, specifically cutting the world line and correcting the mighty power of the world line.Basically, no one is able to get rid of the'item cut' except for people at the level of Enlightenment.

And the world line cut by the matter will be drawn into the garbage heap of the planet like garbage.In "FGO" 2.0, Alien God re-established the world line cut by the matter through the fantasy tree, and thus established the [Unfavorable News Zone], and this is the main plot of "FGO" 2.0.

But it shouldn't.There is no fantasy tree of "FGO" 2.0, and no alien gods. All that exists is the dark ring of [Council]. Where does the alien zone come from?

"I can't forgive. Even in the false world, there is such a disgusting thing as Valhalla! Before this thing hurts the person in this false world, I must destroy it!" De clenched his fists, his whole body exuding a terrifying murderous look.

Hearing this, Shi Lang returned to God and asked strangely: "Is the Hall of Heroes disgusting?"

"Isn't this of course? Eternal King, you also hid in Valhalla before, haven't you noticed the essence of that thing?" Siegrud's tone was a little out of control.

He was altered, his emotions were negative, and now the brief communication seemed to arouse his negative emotions.He stared at Shirou, his eyes were red, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot, and he said frantically: "That thing is just a whirlpool! Once wrapped, you can't get rid of it!"

"Odin and the gods deceived the soldiers with sweet words, framed their hearts with honor, defrauded their trust with promises, and let them sell their souls for the gods. The gods put them into Valhalla, time and time again. Fight for Odin once and fight for the gods. Even if you die, you will be reborn in Valhalla. Once, again, and again! Forever, never peace! Like a tool, like a weapon Used by Odin, it is not over, used forever and eternity. Even begging for mercy is useless. It's just death again and again, resurrection again and again, and task execution again and again. The soul becomes fragmented, and I don’t even know myself. , I forgot about myself. I became a tool man..."

Siegrud's demeanor was a little crazy.

Seeing Siegrud who was in a daze, Shirou frowned and reminded: "Siegrud!"

Only then did Siegrud come back to his senses, put away his crazy appearance, and said apologetically: "Sorry."

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