I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1189

"You are my sister, I want to save you."

"stupid stupid stupid……"


Shiro transferred them to the three-person action den.

Adam and Saber Alter were both surprised. Shi Lang unexpectedly abducted two Valkyrie goddesses. Is this preparing for acting or preparing for exposure?

Shiro explained the situation of the two Valkyries to the two by using his own chat group [Evil].

Adam and Saber alter then suddenly.

It turned out that Shiro told these two Valkyrie goddesses not to connect to the Valkyrie network when the conflict broke out in Valhalla, so that these two Valkyrie goddesses survived and belonged to Asgar. German side.

Shirou explained the situation to the two of them, and at the same time untied the [evil] that bound the two Valkyrie goddesses.

As soon as this was untied, the green-haired Valkyrie tore open his swan feather coat expressionlessly, revealing the white cloth strips wrapped around his chest, and said expressionlessly: "Don't hurt my sister, I come."

Speaking, he straightened his chest.

Looking at the milky white gully under the long jade neck, Shi Lang was stunned at the time: "???"




pS: That's it for today~!Good night~!

Chapter 58: Is all this in your calculations, Eternal King?

"Actually, I am a good person."

"I understand, Lord Eternal King."

Seeing the well-behaved red-billed ponytail Valkyrie in front of him, Shiro nodded in satisfaction.

He turned his head slightly, the previous mischievous green double-ponytail Valkyrie, like a hostage in a police movie, was tied up by the three and three layers in [Evil].

Her mouth and eyes have been covered with a layer of black mud gauze formed by "evil", and from time to time she uttered an unyielding howl of war, twitching restlessly on the ground like a silkworm chrysalis.

The red single-pony-tailed Valkyrie walked over and sat on the back of the green double-ponytail Valkyrie. With a "click", the green double-ponytail Valkyrie couldn't get up again, and wailed with a "Woo".

"Please don't care about this fool." The Valkyrie with the red single ponytail said expressionlessly.

It's hard not to let people care like this.Shilang sighed inwardly, then looked at Valkyrie with the red single ponytail, and said, "I have something to do with you."

Valkyrie with a red single ponytail turned his head slightly and looked at Shirou calmly.

Now the situation is very clear. Skarty is controlled by Hela, and Hela has mastered three discs defined as the Primordial Wheel, and his combat power continues to expand in the direction of Skarty.

Although I don't know what Hela's ultimate goal is, or what the definition of the role of [father] is, Shirou knows that he needs to fish out Skadi first and then leave Asgard.

"If our purpose is to help Skadi, why didn't we let us do it before, Mr. Assassin?" Adam asked strangely.

Hearing this, Shi Lang explained patiently: "Under that situation, HELLA already has control of the overall situation. At that time, it was not assistance, but death. I would take risks for things with a probability of more than 30%. But things with a probability of less than 30%. , I won't do it."

Adam nodded and understood.Sure enough, he still lacks experience compared to the veteran Shirou.Shilang had already calculated the success rate of the action, but he was still clinging to the gains and losses at that moment.

"But now Hela has control of Asgard. And, according to your words, she doesn't trust us." Saber Alter frowned and said.

"She does have control of Asgard, but her distrust of us happens to be a breakthrough." Shi Lang said.

Upon hearing this, Saber Alter and Adam looked at each other with a puzzled look.

After a pause, Shi Lang said patiently: "Comparing distrust to a flame, we are dazzling lights. When we leave Asgard to perform Hela's mission, she will definitely stare at us, staring at us. The action. The brighter the light, the easier it is to hide the sparks hidden in the light."

"You mean..." Saber Alter understood, and turned to look at the two Valkyries.

Adam also understood, and said in surprise: "Mr. Assassin, what do you mean is that we are attracting Hela’s attention either inside or outside. Because Hela’s attention is mostly attracted by us, she will easily Ignore them?"

Shirou nodded, "That's what it means."

Saber alter and Adam made a calculation and found it reasonable and feasible.

and many more!

Saber Alter and Adam made such a calculation and found out the difficulty of the matter.

Why did Shiro just prepare to leave Asgard when these two Valkyries that were not polluted by the Internet appeared?

Moreover, why are all Valkyries contaminated by the Internet, but they are not?And according to Saber Alter, before the incident, Shilang specifically asked them not to connect to the Valkyrie network and waited in Valhalla.

This is simply...

It's like it was arranged in advance...!

It's impossible!

Saber Alter and Adam looked at Shirou in surprise. Is everything happening now in the calculations of the Eternal King?

Shiro talked about the two Valkyrie and asked them to perform the task, but turned around and found that Saber alter and Adam were looking at themselves in amazement. Shiro was puzzled and asked: "You look at them with this kind of eyes. What am I doing? It's disgusting!"

"No, no, nothing!" Saber alter and Adam shook their heads quickly.

They were determined in their hearts that all this was within Shirou's calculations.Otherwise, why is Shi Lang so calm?And a step-by-step layout strategy?This is obviously calculating everything in advance!

Really deserves to be the eternal king.Saber·Alter was amazed.

It really is Mr. Assassin.Adam admired at the same time.

Shi Lang couldn't even think of it in his dreams, and two other guys with pitfalls gave him a wave of operations.

Where would he calculate this in advance?They are all tricks, but there are tricks.

Shiro arranged for two Valkyrie to break into Asgard, preparing to let them replace the guards guarding the Infernal Prison and guard the Infernal Prison.

Of course, this is very difficult under the premise that the opponent has the superb ability of the Valkyrie network, and it is easy to expose them.

However, this is not difficult for Shirou.

Shi Lang gave them a large group of [evil], and let [evil] adjust their god core, turning it into a cursed aura like other Valkyrie goddesses, reversing the aura, and relics in the garden of Asgard Li threw out the black mud violently, right to squint, and used the connection between [evil] to share the vision in the connection of internal members.

In this way, the vision is completed, and the two-body Valkyrie has the basic guarantee of movement.

It's just that this kind of vision is made, and the magic consumption is relatively large.

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