I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become Righteous Partner Chapter 1191

Shi Lang and others naturally cannot leave Valkyrie A-146, because this is Hella's monitoring eye, and it is also a living map, which will not let Shi Lang and others lose their way.Therefore, even Zigerud, who was very disdainful of Valkyrie clones, never thought of leaving Valkyrie A-146 alone.

Due to the stamina of Valkyrie A-146, several people found a snow cave as a temporary stop.

They set up a fire and reported to the group to keep warm.

Siegrud didn't adapt to this team atmosphere and walked outside alone.

Saber Alter sat next to Shiro, looked at the Valkyrie A-146 sitting stupidly in front of the fire, and whispered to Shiro, "So, are these Valkyrie goddesses tired?"

Shiro glanced at the Valkyrie spectacles, and whispered to Saber alter: "They are different from us. Our body is a pure magic weave, but consciousness is attached to it, but they are real. The body is naturally tired."

Saber Alter nodded.

At this time, Shirou turned his head, looked at the Valkyrie spectacles girl, and asked: "A-146, where are we now?"

"Report. Near the village of Midgart 46, 1757 ticks away from the Mousbelheim border gate, it will take about 14 more hours at the previous travel speed, which is 7 hours converted into Chaldean time." When reporting.

"How long will it take you to recover? Use Chaldean time to report." Shirou said.

"About thirty minutes, the body can be reactivated." The eyes mother reported.

Shiro nodded.

At this time, Saber Alt took out a blue fruit from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

Shi Lang saw it and asked in surprise: "Are you hungry now?"

Saber Alter nodded, and while gnawing blue fruit, he said, "I'm hungry only if I have food nearby."

Shirou had nothing to say.

Saber Alter took out a blue fruit and handed it to Shi Lang, and asked: "Are you going to have one?"

"No, you can eat slowly by yourself." Shi Lang waved his hand and refused.A joke, who knows, after devouring, can he break free from that strange dream?

Seeing Saber alter gnawing so happily, Shirou couldn't say anything, got up and left the cave.

Outside the cave, the mountain was covered by heavy snow, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness, symbolizing that Skarty's supernatural power still maintained this poor world.

Standing in the cave, looking at the scenery outside the cave, with a "tick", a drop of cold water fell on his head along the rock wall of the cave, very cold.Shi Lang raised his head and stared at the top of the hole. The thick snow layer seemed to melt a little, turning into drops of cold water falling on the ground.

Although small and slow, there is no doubt that the snow is melting.

Skadi's power of shelter is slowly fading.

Shi Lang walked out of the cave, and Siegrud was looking around.

Shilang walked over and asked him what he was looking for?

Siegrud glanced at him and said, "It's nothing, just look around. This false world is more sad than the real world."

"Really?" Shi Lang raised his eyebrows and asked, "What about Northern Europe in the history of humankind?"

"At least, there is still spring, and there are still beasts running." Sigrud said, and then he stopped.Obviously, his interest in talking is not high, especially when the topic of conversation is the Nordic, which is extremely sensitive to him.

Shi Lang smiled, not caring.

Although Skadi had been defeated by Hela, her supernatural power was also fading.However, the land of Midgart is still full of Skarty's supernatural power, the wind and snow are fluttering, and there is a vast white winter mist.

In this world, there is nothing but thick white snow.

This is the world of winter.

The hazy fog is enough to block everyone's vision.

Shi Lang didn't pay attention to Zigerud either, looking at the vast white ground, suddenly he frowned.

In the white fog ahead, there seemed to be a huge monster.He couldn't see clearly, only two huge eyes like the sun, hanging high in the air.

Shirou attached [Clairvoyance EX] to himself, and directly overlooked the area from the perspective of God, but he couldn't see anything.Seeing from the perspective of God from [Clairvoyance EX], I can see nothing, I can only see a vast expanse of snow, and nothing else.

However, after turning off the [Clairvoyance EX], Shirou saw those huge eyes like the sun again.

It's a little strange, Shilang pushed Siegrud next to him, pointed to those huge eyes like the sun, and asked, "Siegrud, do you see anything there?"

Hearing this, Zigerud was very strange. He looked around and said, "Except snow or snow, what are you asking, Eternal King?"

Shirou looked again, but those eyes had disappeared.

Shi Lang felt very strange, and he used [Clairvoyance EX] to watch, but he didn't see anything.Going to observe it again is nothing.

What kind of magic do I have hit Hella?

Shi Lang felt strange in his heart.

Shirou walked back to the cave and was about to ask if the Valkyrie Type A-146 had recovered.

At this time, there was a "chao" outside the cave, and it was suspected that Zigerud had drawn his sword.

Shilang noticed the movement and went out to take a look, and he really saw Zigerud drawing his sword.

"What's the matter, Siegrud?" Shi Lang asked aloud.

Zigerud pointed to the snowfield ahead.

In the thick layer of snow, snowflakes kept surging, as if something was moving forward.

At this moment, a steel fork rushed out of the snow, grabbing Zigrud's front door.




pS: That's it for today.A little more updated, sorry.Good night~!

Chapter 60 The mouth is fierce, but the body is honest

There was heavy snowfall, and something was walking in the snow.

Several steel forks emerged from the snow, and went straight to Siegrud's door.

Seeing this, Siegrud drew his sword and waved his clang, chopping off the steel forks one by one.

Saber·Alter heard the movement, ran out of the snow cave with the holy sword in a panic, and asked: "What happened, King Eternal?"

Shilang glanced at her, then raised his palm to point to the snow, and said, "Something surrounds us."

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