I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1193

After passing through the white snow, the time has not known how long it has passed, but there is a distant shadow of a village in the distance.

"Next, this is Village No.46 in Midgart. Master Hela didn't give any disturbing orders. It would be fine to go straight through." Valkyrie Type A-146 said with hollow eyes.

Shi Lang nodded.

Not to mention Shiro and Saber alter, these two twenty-five sons.Even Zigrud has no objection.

Of course, although altering will make the heroic spirits become tyrannical and bloodthirsty anti-heroes, the essence of the heroic spirits will not change.

Valkyrie A-146 is a map guide, here is a fast route to the gate of Mousbelheim, it will inevitably pass through the village of Midgart 46.

The speed of the few people on the road was very fast, and the shadow of the hazy village was getting closer and closer and more real.

Suddenly, Saber Alter stretched out his hand and said, "The King of Eternity, look at--!"

Shi Lang looked around and saw that there were bright red blood stains on the snow-packed ground. Carefully looking forward along the blood stain, he saw a mound of minced meat wrapped in broken clothes.

And beside the minced meat, there are some small white reptiles gnawing on the minced meat.

Moving on, I found severed fingers and minced meat from time to time.Finally, a bloody head was found.

The village ahead is getting closer and closer and more real, but Shi Lang's eye is a pick.

"Something happened," Saber Alter asserted.

However, before a few people moved, Siegrud took the lead, rushing towards the village No. 46 in Midgart at a very fast speed, as if flying at low altitude.

Saber alter was taken aback when he saw this, and asked strangely: "Is he not reversed?"

"He is the great hero of Northern Europe," Shiro said.

The two also left the Valkyrie A-146 and rushed towards the village No. 46 in Midgart.

When they rushed into the village, they happened to see Siegrud who was silent.

The general buildings of the village are still intact, but the details are in a mess. The blue fruit trees that are regarded as the source of life in this world fell one by one, the blue fruit fell on the ground, and many were crushed. A fragrant and faint blue sap was splashed, shining with a strange rainbow light.

There is no one in the whole village.

The surroundings are quiet and terrible.

"this is……"

"Attacked!" Siegrud asserted: "Attacked by a small Kraken! This is their usual way!"

Shiro noticed that Zigerud, who was full of tyrannical aura, clenched his fists.

Presumably, I feel very upset.

And at this moment--


In the hazy mist in the distance, screams of howling and crying resounded.

Siegrud got up and rushed over without hesitation.

Chapter 61 Coming by the King’s Order!

The howling screams were very unusual in the vast snow.

Siegrud took the lead, followed by Shiro and Saber alter.

Although Zigrud's speed is fast, it is not as fast as Shilang who uses [evil] to form a magic thruster.

Shiro came to the place where the screams rang out first, and the scene he saw made Teshiro unbearable.

On the snowy ground, there were dead bodies everywhere. Those dead bodies were surrounded by dozens of murloc monsters that looked like fish, and the whole area of ​​snow was stained with blood.

A woman who has died, her abdomen has been eaten by the murloc monster, her organs are shattered, and a bloody breath permeates the earth.

Suddenly, the murloc monster leaping on the woman's belly seemed to feel something, sniffed his nose, and suddenly turned the woman under her body away.Suddenly saw a little boy hiding under the woman's body, covering his mouth and crying.

Looking at the murloc monster close at hand, the little boy was so terrified that he couldn't stop his howling, and only shouted "Mom".

However, his mother had already left.

The Murloc was very happy.Just coming back from the ice of Skatie, he got another delicious food.

It rushed at the little boy.

The boy had the courage to go straight from the other end of his mother's corpse, and his mother gave him the last protection-the corpse temporarily blocked the path of the murloc monster.

The little boy ran away in panic, but he attracted the attention of more monsters.

The monsters saw the living, as if they had seen fresh food, they abandoned the dead bodies in their hands, and chased the little boy like a hungry wolf.

Shilang stands tall in the sky, ready to help.

And those murloc monsters seemed to feel Shi Lang's gaze, turned their heads and raised them, looking up at Shi Lang, their eyes were both tyrannical and greedy, and howled.The mouth of the fish split like eight petals, exposing hundreds of barb fangs, glowing in the sun, even the sun is much colder.

They treated Shilang as food, bent their feet slightly, and immediately shot up like a projectile, rushing towards Shilang.

Shirou saw this, his face grim, and the Holy Spear Lungominiad slowly appeared around him, holding it in his hand, and then stabbing it, only to hear the sound of a "chap", Holy Spear Lungominiad The flames of the stars surrounded by Germany directly stirred the murloc monster that had to be touched into flesh.

Shiro condensed the Lungominiad, who was riding a gun, into a slender, endless spear, and then dived down, like a falcon, rushing into the group of monsters.

He did not release the treasure.According to the Valkyrie Type A-146, this icy sea is being unsealed following the defeat of Skadi.If he releases the treasure, the formed light and heat will make the ice thaw faster, and will make more monsters in the sea awaken from the ice.

Shi Lang rushed into these monsters, and the endless spear in his hand stabbed out frequently, killing them to pieces.

Shi Lang at this time is no longer a spearman rookie.Under Skaha's training, although his spear skills cannot be said to be invincible in the world, it is also quintessential.

And the endless spear in his hand is even more terrifying.

The Spear of Endless Radiance, this is the energy condensed form of the Star Anchor, and is the advanced skill of the Holy Spear Lungominiad.Twisting the star energy of the star anchor into a ball, just a bump is equivalent to a bombardment of the Tower of Radiance.

This is a form that even Votigung and Altria can't grasp, it belongs to Shirou alone.

Shi Lang stabbed with a single shot, like a hundred flowers killing each other, coupled with the power of the endless spear, it hurts when it touches it, and it will die if it hits it.

"Boom, boom..."

The sound of blasting was continuous.

A large pile of broken corpses on the ground, blood stained the ground, and organs contaminated the snow.


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