I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be A Righteous Partner Chapter 1196

This makes Saber alter unbearable, and she does not allow herself to impost others.She quickly clarified her identity and drew a clear line with that'she'.

"Is it another II?" The head of the army group darkened his eyes, but he didn't mind, and he greeted him warmly.

"Another II."

The soldiers also followed.

Saber alter has a headache.

Second generation, second generation, why do you always call the other one the second generation?

The commander of the group army said: "Because the second king is the king's heir and the second king of our eternal dynasty. If the king is not here, he can be called the king directly, but since the king is here, of course he will be called the second king. Otherwise. Confused, but it's not good."

The commander of the group army is an upright man, straightforward, not crooked, and straightforward.

And this made Saber alter even more stomachache.

She has no habit of replacing others.

However, she didn't care about it, but quickly mixed up with these sergeants.

She herself has experienced a ten-year military career, talking with sergeants without barriers.Furthermore, both are from the legend of King Arthur, and they are in similar situations.

Just as Saber alter is very interested in the Eternal Dynasty, the sergeants of the Eternal Dynasty are also very interested in another Camelot kingdom.

Listening to each other's Camelot's story, they also have a different flavor.

However, there is one point that the sergeants of the Eternal Dynasty cannot accept.

"Really? That Camelot eventually perished in Mordred's hands." The group army chief was a little depressed.

Not only him, but almost all the sergeants of the Eternal Dynasty heard that Saber alter’s Camelot was also perished in Mordred’s hands, all of them were very depressed, bowed their heads, and cast their faces in the shadows. , Looked a little angry.

Although Saber Alter said that his emotional intelligence was bad enough, he also understood that he stepped on a thunder spot, and quickly put aside the topic and led to another'her'.

"His Royal Highness II? The glorious deeds of His Royal Highness II are countless. He is the king of knights of our eternal dynasty and is also a legend. With the king, he destroyed Vottigung, pacified Zhuyue and Rome, and finally defeated the Huns -Attila! Victory in a hundred battles, without a single defeat in his life." When the other'she' was mentioned, the commander of the group army became emotional and full of praise for that'she'.

"And in our dynasty, the legend about His Royal Highness the Knight King, the most extensive, is the lily journey." said the commander of the group army.

The head of the group army and the sergeants of the Eternal Dynasty, like the old people in their hometown showing off their family members, talked about each other, saying all about the lily journey between Shirou and Altria.

Of course, the lily journey back then has been artistically processed and exaggerated infinitely. Anything about slaying dragons, slaying evil gods and so on, opened their mouths, and almost blew all the four Shilangs to the sky. The Saber Alter was stunned.

In fact, Saber Alter will ask about another'her' deeds and wonder what kind of person the other'she' is.

She knew how Mordred got here.She has a peaceful nature and doesn't judge others, but another'her' behavior really makes Saber alter feel ashamed.

But now listening to these eternal dynasty sergeants' blows, they are about to blow the Shirou four people into the only saints in the world, and use the words specially to say that Saber alter feels blushing.

She knew in her heart that these sergeants of the eternal dynasty were showing off to her. Perhaps it was true how good their king and second king were, but they were definitely processed by exaggerated art.

However, even this makes Saber alter very curious about what kind of person she is.

If she is loyal and holy, why should she do that?If she is as evil as Morgan Lefy, why would she follow the Eternal King to the end?

In this regard, Saber alter is very curious.



Shi Lang sat next to Siegrud, controlling him, and the means of external control helped him to restrain Hela's magic spell from being strong.

Although there are quite a few Servants that can resist the strong effects of Lingshu, it is clear that Zigrud is not among them.Not to mention Shi Lang, who can directly ignore the spell.

The Shilang possessing the [Evil of This World] is unique and special, and it is indeed impossible to make regular comparisons.

Shiro controlled Zigerud while staring down at his palm, thinking about things.

"There was no summon. As expected, something went wrong." Shi Lang Xin said.

In fact, when facing those sea monsters just now, Shirou used the first treasure to summon the army of the Eternal Dynasty.

The release of Treasure was successful, but it can also be said to be a failure.

The summoning of the 500-man Eternal Dynasty army was indeed successful, but there were fewer knights that should have appeared but did not appear.

Shirou used the first treasure to summon, in addition to the 500-man army, there was Skaha.

Unfortunately, the summoning failed.

Shirou also didn't know the reason for this. The First Treasure did not respond to Skaha's will not to be summoned. Instead, it seemed that he had not connected to Skaha's record at all, and he did not respond as if he had fallen into the sea.

Shiro didn't know what this meant, what happened to Skaha, or whether it was related to Skady.

But he knew now that it was better to fish out Skadi as soon as possible.


"Teacher, what are you doing?"

Shi Lang murmured.



In a dark prison.

Skadi opened his eyes.

"Master Skadi, are you awake?" When Skadi wakes up, Otlind hurries to greet her.

Skadi frowned, was silent for a moment, then looked at Outlind and asked: "Outlind, was someone calling me just now?"

"No, Lord Skadi." Outlind shook her head, looked at Skadi worriedly, and asked, "Master Skadi, are you okay?"

"It's nothing. Maybe I was confused." Skadi shook his head, and then said: "Hella took away my power, just enough to make me sober."

She moved her body, and the chains of ice crystals restrained on her body made a "clang-clang" steel sound.

Skadi sat up straight, reached out and took out a scroll of manuscripts from his arms.

That was the manuscript she got from Shi Lang, and she had already confirmed that it was her writing.

Skadi took a close look at the manuscript in his hand, and scanned the downward line of the only uncorrupted text. Although the downward text had been destroyed and contaminated, only a half of it was left, but because it was from her own. Hand, Skadi could still see clearly what the line was writing at a glance.

Outlind turned his head, looked at the vortex symbol drawn in front of him by Skadi, pointed his finger, and asked strangely, "Master Skadi, this is not a Rune text. Do you draw this, what does it mean? ?"

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